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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. 1 hour ago, NFLfan said:


    Sounds like a good plan. Build through the draft until you need just a few more reinforcements to make it a championship team.


    If the Colts win too many games this year, there may not be the draft capital to grab Marvin Harrison Jr. Are you guys willing to lose (or tank) for Marvin?

    From a team building need, I’d want us to tank lol


    but from a fan POV, I’d want us to play our best football.

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  2. 30 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    One of the things that bugs me with a pocket passer is execution has to be perfect or the play fails. With a playmaker like Richardson that isn’t the case. The play is never dead.


    I am pleasantly surprised how good his pocket awareness and pocket movement is. I know everyone said it was all over his college tape and they were right.


    I think the shortcomings of AR were overblown.  The realest one is his accuracy but it isn’t terrible, it just needs work.  In college, AR always had good pocket presence and made the right throws on a consistent basis.  I’m happy because it allowed us to get him.  Their loss.

  3. 44 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Richardson scoring on 3-4 drives and only going 6-17 shows how valuable a play making QB can be. If a pocket passer went 6/17 it would have been bad.

    And this is why he’s the best starting option for this team.  He has that big play talent even if it’s not refined yet.  Minshew is a check down artist, we know where that is going to take us.  Stacked boxes, blitzes, etc.  but AR, he can get yards with his arm or legs and can throw the ball deep.  AR makes our offense more dynamic while minshew makes it pedestrian.  with AR, it won’t look pretty, but when/if he starts creeping up on his ceiling, it’s going to be something the NFL hasn’t seen.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, NFLfan said:

    Many here have mentioned upgrading or improving the WR corp. Is there a player that you expect to become available that you hope the Colts will sign?

    I’m hoping we snag someone in the draft.  Want to avoid signing a big name wide receiver.  Need a couple more pieces in place before we start spending big money.  I think down the line when/if we have that foundation we can spend the money in FA.  Best case scenario for me is get either MHJ or Egbuka in the draft and then sign someone in about 2 years.  That probably means MPJ won’t be here but honestly, he’s not a number one to me.  Great number two but not a game breaking number one.

    • Like 1
  5. Good:


    - AR looked good.  Some throws were off, but we know that’s going to happen.  As long as his accuracy improves through the year, I’m ok.  But I loved the decisions he made.  If the WRs didn’t play like crap last night his stats would look better


    - Granson looks good.  Got open and had strong hands.  Good to see him healthy.  Hopefully Woods can get healthy.  I want to see what him and Granson looks like on the same field.


    - Stuard is a DOG!  Hopefully we can develop him into something because his pursuit ability is off the charts.  He got caught on some plays but he definitely has the hustle and toughness to be a stout linebacker


    - Liked the playcalling from Steichen.  Just in the preseason, the difference between Shane and Reich is evident.  Don’t know what he was going for in the 2nd quarter.  Maybe he wanted to try out some deep stuff but other than that, no complaints from me.



    -  what was going on with our wide receivers.  Drops and fall downs.  Reggie need to get on them in the upcoming film session.  Pierce does not look a second year receiver ready for that second year jump.  Last year, we could put it on the qbs, but this year no excuse.  AR is getting the ball there.  In order for this receiver group to pop off, AP has to be a vital part of it.


    - offensive line:  I know we didn’t have our starting line out there at some spots but it was a lot of pressure last night and the eagles didn’t even have their 1s on the field.  Glad we have a qb who has good pocket awareness and can use his legs because if we had a statue back there again, they were going to get hurt.  I’ll reserve my judgment for opening day but our depth isn’t looking too good.  And we probably just lost a lineman last night

    • Like 2
  6. Honestly liked what I saw from the offense today, granted it was against backups, but at least we’re making the right play calls and AR is making the right decisions.   Some throws could’ve been better but we all know that.  AR wasn’t going to step in here and look like Andrew luck but at least he looks like someone who can get the job done and be developed.


    but those wide receivers.  The drops.  I get it, AR throws a hard ball, but you get paid a lot of money to catch them.  Not liking what I’m seeing from the receivers.  Hopefully with chemistry the drops will decrease but that is very concerning.  We finally get a qb who can get the ball there but now we have receivers that can’t complete the catch.

    • Like 3
  7. 4 hours ago, bsteves said:

    Seeing how little compensation some of you would accept for Taylor blows my mind...


    I think I saw a 2nd and a rookie 3rd round RB, a 3rd and a good player, a 2nd and a late rounder?!?!? Lol what is wrong with you people?

    most likely we’re looking to trade that pick to move up and grab an impact player.  This team will most likely pick top 10.  If we can switch spots in the first and give up the second we traded for, we could possibly move up and get a Marvin Harrison Jr for AR.  Whatever high pick we get from the trade will most likely be shopped.  At least that’s how I’m seeing it.

  8. 20 hours ago, w87r said:

    Thought I saw something that said he didn't call plays, let the OC call them.


    Could be mistaken but thought I saw it somewhere.


    Here, he definitely called the plays.  At one point, the OC he had didn’t have experience calling plays at a NFL level. Lol

  9. 10 hours ago, John Waylon said:


    I watched some of the Panthers game yesterday afternoon and the play calling was that same old tired frank crap I’ve seen ten billion times before. Watching ours felt so much more refreshing last night. 


    that was really my only gripe with Reich was his playcalling…and later his lack of accountability regarding the players.  But the playcalling was my biggest one.  I feel like if he’d just handed over playcalling duties then he’d be ok.  I know it’s the preaseason and everything is vanilla but we’ve watched him long enough to know that’s him.  He won’t last in NC if he does the same thing he did here.

  10. On 8/15/2023 at 8:35 AM, Jackie Daytona said:

    Listening to Kravitz on The Fan this morning....  and I don't know if I completely agree with their argument.  Yeah, I don't EXPECT a winning record this year.  Almost solely due to having a rookie QB and rookie CBs.....  


    Outside of that, where's the "talentless tear down" narrative coming from?  This isn't an old team....  and it's not a team without talent, witness, they won four games and almost 6 or 7 last year in the NFL WITHOUT a QB?! 


    I'm just not going to be surprised with 7 or 8 wins either, and who knows, maybe 9 or more, weirder things have happened.  I expect 5-6 wins though.  I just don't get the "jettison everyone, all 53 need to be rookies just like AR" media narrative.


    agreed, I said previously I think talent we were one of the best teams to ever pick top 5 in NFL history.  Were we a SB bound team that was a QB away, no.  Were we a playoff bound team that was a QB away, yes.  Last year we showed what we can be when the QB position was playing good and the previous year we were literally one game away from making the playoffs.  I would not be surprised if the Colts are making a playoff push later this season but I also would not be surprised if we’re picking in the top 10 next year.


    Usually, teams who pick that high are going through full rebuilds where they need talent at almost every position group.  Example, the Texans.  That’s not us.  But of course, the media pundits are going to say otherwise because we don’t get much attention unless it’s negative and last year was atrocious.

  11. 16 hours ago, tikyle said:





    We all know how this works.  The next guy to get paid, gets more than the last guy that got paid, especially when the cap keeps increasing.  No QB is better than Mahomes but several make more than him.  JT doesn't have to be better than Henry to make more than him.  I agree he shouldn't get the CMC/Kamara premium of being a RB/WR but he should surely be the highest paid pure RB in the NFL if you think he can stay healthy.  


    JT is by far the best offensive player on our team who touches the ball and probably the 2nd best offensive player on the team period behind Nelson.  Pay the man.  5 years, $65M with a modest signing bonus and hope we keep him that entire contract because that would mean he's out performing it.


    I’m all for it if that’s what the current market dictates that’s where running back salaries are going.  But you can’t just make someone the highest at their position ESPECIALLY if they aren’t the BEST at their position.  That happens with quarterbacks because that position is a PREMIUM position, running back is not (unless you’re the jags and overpay for Christian Kirk).  If what you are saying is the case, then the NFL would be more like the NBA where everyone sign short contracts and play the increasing market rather than take long term deals.  

    usually the way the price for a position increase is when the elite players sign because then other players and agents say to themselves “ok, that’s what I’m going to be measured off of”. Pat Mahomes should and very well can be the highest paid qb by far, but HE chose not to in order to help his team.  And let’s be honest, that contract is designed to be renegotiated through the years so he’ll get an increase in the future.  But just because a player is up for a contract doesn’t mean HE will be the one to reset the market.  Either Henry, CMC, or Kamara will, not JT.  Sorry, love JT but he’s morseo in the 5-10 range when it comes to ranking running backs, not 1-5.  He’s not a player who resets the market.  When said players reset the market, then I’m pretty sure whatever contract he signs will get revisited and he’ll get what he’s paid according to the new running back market, but right now he’s worth $10-$12 million.  

    or he can play the waiting game like Lamar did.  Had Lamar signed when the ravens were trying to sign him originally, he would be getting paid less than what he is now. 


  12. 16 hours ago, Old Colt said:

    10mm for 2 years; 15mm guaranteed with up to another 4mm/2mm per year in incentives

    that’s what I believe the nfl should do to get running backs their money.  I believe that all players should be paid what they’re worth but you can’t refute the drop off of the running back position.  So as a middle ground, make it incentive based.  You think you’re a $20mill guy, then take this $10mill contract with $10mill worth of incentives and get it.  If the player can beat the drop off then he’ll get his money.  

  13. Honestly, I like what I hear coming from camp.  Bears are going to give you that underneath and that is something AR has to improve on.  I’m pretty sure in a real game Shane will dial up some runs with AR and whoever is the RB to eat away at the Cover 2.

    sad to hear about the almost picks.  How did they come about?  Bad reads, bad throws, or the defender just making a play?




  14. Cook just signed for $8.6


    Top 3 highest paid running backs are CMC (16$), Kamara ($15), and Henry ($12).  I would not mind giving JT $12mill/year for what he does as I feel CMC and Kamara command that money because they also can play as WR threats.  JT style is more in line with Henry and Chubb who both make $12million per year.


    If JT is shooting for anything higher than $12mill per year then he can go.

    • Like 2
  15. 23 minutes ago, Myles said:

    This bums me out a bit.   It is giving up on the season.   

    if you thought this team was going to compete for anything, you were setting yourself up for disappointment.  The minute we traded Stephen Gilmore away, that should’ve showed what direction this team was going.

  16. Figured.  My guess is if AR looked lost and horrible then they wouldn’t make a decision.  But since the opposite happened, they went ahead with this decision.  

    This us the right decision.  AR has shown he can learn and adapt.  Minshew will not get us a SB and if anything screw up our draft position.  So let AR go out there, build timing with his teammates and learn.  

    • Like 1
  17. What do we gain from him starting?  We are in a building phase.  ARs biggest knock is he doesn’t have experience.  Yes he’s only 20 years old but taking away any snaps from him while we have him is counterproductive.  This team needs work and probably will not compete for anything and minshew at the helm that won’t change anything.  Maybe we get an extra couple of wins, but we’re not doing anything.


    Is minshew a better option than AR right now?  Perhaps.  Will he be a better option?  No.  Get AR out there and let him learn.  

    • Thanks 1
  18. On 8/12/2023 at 5:57 PM, Kemisk said:

    Richardson: 7/12 for 67 yards, 1 INT 

    Levis: 5/7 for 50 yards, 2 sacks + 6 rush yds

    CJ Stroud: 2/4 passing for 13 yards, 1 INT, 1 sack + 6 rush yds

    Bryce Young: 4/6 passing for 21 yards.


    It’s almost like they are all rookies and need some time before we claim anything.


    agreed, and remember, our qb is the most inexperienced.  So what does say about his stats in comparison with the other qbs?  He has the most upside.  He will improve as long as he has the work ethic. 

    • Thanks 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


    I wrote that after that series when the Colts went for it on 4th down. I thought they should have utilized AR to run or pass. I think they ran the RB all 4 downs, if I am not mistaken. But I liked the playcalling afterwards. AR looks good. He seemed poised. 

    real season, that’s definitely a QB sneak.  I’m not worried.  And hopefully we’ll have JT.

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  20. I like what we saw out of AR today.  I feel that INT was his fault.  Got happy feet, didn’t set his feet which led to an off target ball.  CORRECT read however so I’ll give him that.


    after that, he looked good.  Nice throws, nice reads, and if AP had hauled in that PERFECT deep ball he probably would have a touchdown.  

    I would like to see him use his legs more but that’s probably Shane’s doing as he wants to keep him fresh for the season and also not give away what we’re doing in the preseason.


    ARs going to be fine.  Just give it time.  We got the right QB.  Happy I can finally say that after so many years.

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