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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. I LOVE the balance on offense right now.  18 passes vs 13 rushes.  Defense is showing up again.  Allowed one score and that was off of a turnover.  

    I would like to see us keep hitting them with a balanced attack but let’s start testing them deep.  Other than that, we’re playing winning football.  Balanced offense, good defense.  Just can’t turn it over.


    and say what you want, this team looks ready to go.  Scored 10 points in the first quarter through 9 games.  Jeff gets us on the board in the first qtr in his first game.  

  2. Liking what I'm seeing so far:


    - Sam E sense for the pocket is very good!  He's making good throws and decisions.  Like that Frank is keeping him settled with good playcalling also

    - Playcalling has been good.  Setting up 3rd and shorts, just have to execute

    - Would like to see us test sam's arm.  Defense is selling out for the run.  Might have to stick with the short passing game until the commanders back off on the pressure.  Would like to see our TE's get more involved.

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  3. - Frank Reich as usual is getting outcoached.  3 weeks in a row where Reich has been coached circles around.  He needs to really give up the playcalling and focus on being a HC.


    - Ryan and these fumbles!  Where did they come from?!  Was this a problem in ATL?  Like what is going on?


    - Defense looks good.  Despite our offense, they have held the Chiefs to under 200 yards in the first half.  Can't complain about that.


    - ST also playing well. 


    - OL STINKS! 

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  4. 11 minutes ago, UKColt13 said:

    No excuses can be made for this. Maybe this will show people that Carson wasn’t the biggest issue


    Carson wasn't THE problem.  But he was apart of it.  I was apart of the "Fire Frank and Release Carson" train.  Now, I'm apart of the rebuild train.  Frank is a good coach but he refuses to let go of playcall duties.  Ballard has built a solid foundation but refuses to spend money in FA on important positions.  If anything I'd give him one year to prove he can get it right.  But Frank has to go.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, coming on strong said:

    that is ballards problem paying huge contracts to non premium positions and ignoring the premium spots .  ignore left tackle and just start a career backup tackle  , ignore wrs and stick in young guys .


    This is my ONE gripe with Ballard I have.  It's good to build through the draft but you have to solidify the foundation you've built with FA because no GM can hit on every pick.  We continue to get outbidded on players because he doesn't want to overpay but he needs to wake up.  We don't have a premium QB and Indy isn't an attractive destination as a market and city.  We have to overpay, especially for the important positions like WR, LT, and pass rushers (which are the positions we lack at).  He has built a great foundation.  That's just the way the NFL is.  He has drafted well.  But he has been HORRIBLE when it comes to FA. 

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