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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. 7 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


      Whaaaaa!  Who cares. TD was very well blocked with Q and Fries sealing a walk in TD.


    not sure if you know the context of my reply lol.  I wasnt dogging the play.  Moosejaw basically compared this year to frank Reich and his slow starts.  

    my reply was frank had more experienced teams and our best offensive player.  

    gotta read dude.  I actually think colts look better this year so far early than majority of Frank Reich led colts teams.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, BProland85 said:

    Not able to watch the game live unfortunately but it sounds like Richardson is still taking unnecessary hits again? Steichen has to be teaching him how to protect himself. 

    Let up on the end of a touchdown run.  Defensive player came beaming at him and hit him high.  Honestly should’ve been a H2H, but AR could’ve done a better job of running through the play.  Probably would’ve took the hit a lot better.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Moosejawcolt said:

    Funny jow people blamed Frank for all these slow starts. Do u see anything different in the 1st 2 games? No skills players stepping up. The Oline can't get out of its way. The D allowing easy drives.

    Frank had more experienced teams.  Oh yeah, he had OUR BEST OFFENSIVE PLAYER on the field.  This team probably wouldn’t be struggling with JT.  I don’t think people realize JT is the only dynamic offensive player we have lol

  4. 12 hours ago, rayski said:

    Some of the negativity around this team here is truly baffling, people out here are talking about the team tanking after Week 1

    If this is what you expect from your team, front office and coaching groups, why even follow 





    I think it’s because some people saw this year as being a competitive year.  I knew coming into this season we are probably going to be a top 10 pick team next year.  Does that mean the team need to tank?  No, I think we’re more well off than the other teams we are picking around.  I think our problem is we lack the dynamic talent at impactful positions.  I think we finally filled one of them (QB) but the other ones are going to bring this team down (WR, DE, and another defensive player besides buck and Leonard).  

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  5. On 9/14/2023 at 10:12 AM, coming on strong said:

    if we can get taylor back and woods we will be okay .    next year we 100 percent need to replace fries and draft another wr

    they were speaking on espn radio about the Vikings possibly thinking about trading Kirk.  If he’s traded and JJ becomes available, would you trade for him?


    me personally, I’d trade the Vikings whatever they wanted and back up the brinks truck for his new contract. 

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