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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. Shane:  I’d say the right choice.  Developed a “raw” QB who only had 13 starts in college into a serviceable QB, so far.  Team looks prepared, energetic.


    Ryans:  Right choice.  Came into a crap show.   Limited talent.  But had a good draft and got Stroud looking really good


    Reich:  Wrong choice.  Same ol same ol.  Situation wasn’t the best, but his QB doesn’t look like he’s had the best support.


    Payton:  TBD, came into a crap situation.  GM is really the problem IMO.  Can’t really say what this is until he gets his guys in there.  Let’s not forget, the broncos wanted to give the DC (a black coach) the HC position.  He turned it down lol


    Gannon:  Right choice.  So far so good.  Doesn’t have his starting QB but the team looks better than what Kliff had it at. 

    • Like 1
  2. I was definitely high on stroud and was ok with AR if we got him.  I would’ve been ok with young also but he was number three.  Worst case scenario for me was getting Levis, especially after the combine.  

    In hindsight, I think we would’ve been ok with stroud, AR, or Young.  All 3 have shown they belong.  Unfortunately, young plays for a coach who can’t get out of his own way.  

  3. 10 hours ago, Solid84 said:

    I like Pittman, but there's just somethings about him that sticks out like a sore thumb. TDs is one of them.


    I don't know if it's down to playcalling, but for a guy whose strength is supposed to be "going up to get it" he's not been a redzone threat so far.

    TD and YPC is what sticks out to me.  The last game against the ravens he showed WR1 abilities.  Not eye popping stat wise but he made plays when needed.  I’m hoping as Shane let the Reigns off of AR, we get to see more deep throws.


    my worry is his speed.  He doesn’t have that speed to separate down the field.  

    • Like 1
  4. Here to say today was a GREAT game for MPJ.  These are the games I want to see from him that prove me wrong.  He impacted the game on numerous levels of the field, short medium and deep.  

    That game wasn’t eye popping when it comes to stats but his play on the field was definitely WR1 worthy.  Need to see this more consistently.  I’d take this performance over any of his previous two performances.  

    • Like 1
  5. Took a quick lurk trip over at the panthers forums and they’re already tired of him. Lol


    i still think Frank can be a successful coach, but his unwillingness to give up playcall duties is what I hated about him here.  Some head coaches can do it and some can’t, doesn’t make them a bad coach.  Just by the play design I can tell Shane is better at playcalling than Reich.  

    Do I think the panthers have enough talent to realistically compete?  No, but young looks LOST while AR and Stroud look to be getting the hang of it.  Who does that fall on, Bryce if he isn’t putting in the work but we all know who’s definitely playing a part in it.

  6. 1 hour ago, iuswingman said:


    I'm not sure I follow how it would be a big lawsuit pay day for JT if he proves that he is injured.    Who has done anything illegal?  NFL didn't even mention anyone by name or even an exact injury if thinking HIPAA violation.


    Taylor should have proven he was injured to begin with when the Colts requested him to get a physical.    Declining to take a physical looks just as guilty as pleading the fifth.

    I’d assume what the nfl said was sort of a warning.  But behind closed doors they probably have enough info to make that claim.  You can’t just say someone is lying when it comes to contractual obligations without proof or good knowledge.  The most notable running back who hasn’t played because he’s “injured” and also in a contract dispute is JT.  Yes, there hasn’t been any definite filings based upon what the NFL said, I’m just inferring.

  7. 10 hours ago, JediXMan said:

    Colts offense and defense looks nothing like some of these AFC teams offenses and defenses. Also there’s only 2 AFC teams that are undefeated after two weeks. Watch the media still rank the Colts 30th this week though lmao


    Also bigger disappointment Chargers or Bengals?


    yeah, we’re honestly a well coached team.  The defense I had confidence in but the offense is farther than what it should be, and that’s with a rookie hc and qb.


    bigger disappointment, chargers.  Bengals get a pass because burrow was hurt and missed the offseason.  So he couldn’t really get his chemistry with his team.


    but the chargers, I predicted them to be a disappointment.  Their coach sucks and I never been a herbert believer.  He can put up the stats but he hasn’t won anything.  I’ll reserve my final judgment on him when they get a better coach but right now, he’s Phillip rivers 2.0

  8. 6 hours ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    I do t know if this was posted with the original above. This sounds like they are naming Taylor without saying his name. Steichen had been asked if the nfl contacted them and he said no comment.




    Ooof.  NFL wouldn’t make a claim like that if they didn’t have proof because if JT can prove he’s indeed injured that is a big lawsuit payday for him.  

    Welp, the clock is ticking.  JT better prove he’s injured (which hurts his stock and also chance for bigger payday) or play.

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, OLD FAN MAN said:

    i said before stroud was the best passer in the draft and a quick release

    agreed, I was on the stroud train until we made Shane our coach.  Then I was fine with whoever we got because I trust Shane to bring them along.  But stroud is definitely the best passer in that class.  His mobility is in question but his arm is not

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, hoosierhawk said:

    He seems to be a lost ball in tall weeds out there. Just seems lost and no factor at all the first two games. Seems to be lighter than prior years. Express my concern if he would ever be the same after watching him last year and found myself well in the minority. Hope I am wrong and he starts to come around . Franklin and Speed are doing well but would never be able to replace Leonard's playmaking ability. Miss his TOs and his occasional ability to get some occasional pressure and sacks. 


    I think it’s a mix between him getting his conditioning/routine back and getting used to his “new” body post-surgery.


    will he be the maniaq Shaq we knew of?  Who knows, but I wouldn’t say he’s lost.  He’s just lost a step that he’ll hopefully get back.

  11. 47 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    I don’t know if it’s attitude.  I think two things happened:


    1.  The Texans started throwing more which is the Colts weakness on defense.  When the Texans still tried to run in the fourth they couldn’t at all. 

    2.  The Colts started playing bend don’t break on defense which worked outside of one drive that I agree was just too easy.  The other three drives resulted in field goal attempts and the end of the game.  

    This.  The cover 2 honestly worked.  It did what it had to do.  It’s just unfortunate our DB group as a whole is so bad they can’t even do it.  Cover 2 focuses on keeping things in front of you and solid tackling.  On that drive where stroud ate us up, guess what baker didn’t do. Lol

  12. Good


    - AR looked good until he was out.  He is going to be an absolute problem when he puts it all together.


    - liked what I saw from downs, Granson, and Mallory.  Strong catches and finishes.  Not eye popping stats but played well within their respective roles.  

    - thank you ZACK MOSS!  If we had him last week, we might be 2-0.  But he had a solid game and makes me feel better without having JT out there.  Still wish we had JT due to his dynamic abilities, but zack will do for now.


    - run blocking was much better this week.  

    - playcalling was good and decision making was MUCH better this week.  Kudos to Shane showing growth and maturity in his second game.  Also did some things that were strategic and gave us an upper hand.  Just like AR, he’s going to be good, just give him the time and talent.



    - when the game was close, the front 7 was getting after it.  It is a hurt Texans team but you play who’s in from of you.  

    - linebacker core looks good again.  They do need to get better in pass defense if we’re going to be running the cover 2, but solid performance this game


    - defensive line with another good week.  Need more consistency, especially against a weak Texans line, but once again, you play who’s in front you.




    - not a bad game by MPJ but still not WR1-esque.  12 targets, 8 recs, 56yds, 7yd avg.  not bad, but also not good.  Im Only hard on MPJ because of the money he’s going to command and if he’s going to get it then we need to see more.  

    - I’ve given up on Pierce.  He just disappears.  Idk, maybe this is another week where we had the shots but didn’t take them.  But disappointed with his production.  

    - AR hopefully learned 2 more lessons today.  Finish your runs and give 100% effort to the whistle and line.  Was it a H2H, yeah it was but the concussion at the end was preventable.  AR let up and was running high becoming an easy target.  He needs to get lower and run stronger.  





    - get baker out of there!  He was getting picked on second half.  How bad was rush that he got cut for him? Lol


    - defensive backs:  minus Moore, our defensive backs are not good as expected.  Bad tackling, bad coverage.  I mean the point of the cover 2 is to keep everything in front and prevent YAC and our corners couldn’t even do that lol.  We need juju Brents bad because Odell and zay flowers are going to eat us for lunch next week


    - Gus Bradley:  he went to the cover 2 too early.  I understand why he did and at the time I agreed with it, but good thing is im a fan and not a coach because I have hindsight and a coach doesn’t lol.  Probably should’ve stayed aggressive for another quarter and then went to the cover 2, but when we needed to get back aggressive on that last drive by Houston, we did.  

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  13. 1 minute ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    They have like 3rd string backups playing on the Oline.

    They do, but we’re not an elite defense either.  Just because they’re 3rd string, doesn’t mean we have the talent to get 10 sacks.  Also, we don’t have the corners to match up with them whether we play zone or man.  But with all that, it’s not like stroud was launching it down the field, he averaged 8yds per catch.    Checkdown Charlie ain’t gonna cut it when you’re trying to win. 

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