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Everything posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. Caserio might go down as an all-time great. Right now, he’s surpassing expectations by all because of CJ stroud’s success. He could very well end up on the Ryan Grigson path.
  2. I wouldn’t be saying anything about him, because he would be losing games… CJ Stroud has led how many game winning drives? I didn’t say he was a bad gm. All I said was that CJ Stroud is winning football games, and he got him with the 2nd pick, which wasn’t guaranteed. I’m well aware of the players he’s brought in. Anderson was a big move and will pay off going forward. Tank Dell was brought in because of CJ stroud, let’s not confuse that. “he is Ballard’s equal.” It’s wild to try and compare these GM’s. One that was the 2nd pick in the draft just a year ago. Now has a competitive team with an MVP candidate rookie qb. The other, had his franchise qb retire and his hands tied with drafting one until his 7th year as gm. Chris Ballard in year 2 was doing the same thing he’s doing in year 7 after years of qb changes. You can’t compare the two. Nor can you compare Caserio with many because he selected a qb that is looking like a superstar his rookie year.
  3. it largely squares on what happens with Minshew. If he leaves in the offseason (most likely for a much bigger offer than we can afford), then there is no question we will be looking to add a qb. while I wouldn’t be looking to spend a top pick, i would be looking for the mobility you refer to, whether in draft or FA. Minshew is clearly limited in the playbook, even with the knowledge and experience he has with Steichen’s offense.
  4. This is maybe the most reasonable post I’ve seen on Ballard. Teams can justify anything. But if you can’t replace him with someone you are confident will be better, then why wouldn’t you just stay patient and assist him in getting better? Just like you would expect a head coach to get better at his job with experience, you would have to do the same with a gm. I think Ballard has learned from both the good and bad, which will hopefully guide him moving forward. Contrary to the previous gm, who was a complete * to players and coaches he didn’t care for (see Pat mcafee’s first encounter with Grigson) Ballard is reasonable and largely looks to create win-win situations (see Shaq Leonard’s release- now on a Super Bowl contender, as well as many other cases). He might not bring a championship here, but I doubt very seriously Jim Irsay can bring a more professional GM in.
  5. especially after you play the kicker roulette game and lost quite a few games due to the kicking game the last several seasons…
  6. LOL. not at all. He lucked into CJ stroud at #2 thanks to the Panthers. If he was so convicted with Stroud, they would have moved up a spot. They were willing to take either young or Richardson at 2 if the panthers picked stroud. The only reason- ONLY. reason. They are winning football games is because of CJ Stroud right now. Propping him on a pedestal right now is similar to propping Ryan Grigson up early on. Stroud just like Luck is altering football games.
  7. I don’t think Ballard takes it in 2017 without thinking Luck was committed longterm. There were a lot of rumors during that time that he wanted out. I don’t believe he was transparent with the team about his off field injuries just as Peyton wasn’t about his treatment and neck surgeries. I doubt it’s uncommon, but it does alter opinions, especially for new hires like Ballard. There’s a lot of hindsight in this opinion regarding Ballard. regarding McDaniels- I don’t think he was comfortable with what he was getting on Luck’s shoulder. He said that wasn’t the factor, but I cannot buy that. I’m saying there is no way he doesn’t take the job if there wasn’t serious insecurity about Luck’s future. He would have been dancing his way into the building. There were people calling him a “genius” after luck retired for what he clearly saw coming in the foreseeable future. Just fyi- he is NOT a genius. But I do believe he saw the handwriting on the wall with Luck.
  8. this should have been mayflower- lol. Mobile won’t let me edit.
  9. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sports/profootballdoc/sd-sp-pfd-josh-mcdaniels-colts-andrew-luck-shoulder-0207-story.html And before anyone disputes this statement. This article was just one of many that were popping up after he backed out. A lot of questions about Luck's health back then after he bolted.
  10. My consistent belief has been that Ballard wasn't given much a chance to draft qb with Frank Reich on staff. Irsay was the one that recommended interviewing Frank after the fiasco with McDaniels. I don't think Andrew Luck was very honest about his intentions or else Ballard likely doesn't take this job. It was well known that McDaniels thought there was a possibility of his retirement happening. No way he doesn't take this job with a healthy and committed Andrew Luck. No way. It's well known that Frank influenced the Carson Wentz trade. I think Rivers not committing to a second year threw them off a little, especially after a good year in 2020. Wentz was chaotic, especially with his hardline stance on Covid. I don't care what your belief is on the matter, and I'm the first to say the rules in 2020 were like the majority of industries in America 2020. Fly by the seat of your pants and adjust. But as the qb and leader of the team, he knew that the majority of the team was vaccinated and looking to win football games. I don't care that he refused (Nelson and others did as well.) He just turned into a giant distraction, especially with erratic play. Ended up getting Covid during the most crucial week of the season which left him as a gametime decision practically. If you watched the HBO in season Hard Knocks that year, you could sense the locker room wasn't digging him. It was awkward, and with a team that had pro-bowlers all over the field, Wentz was the odd-ball out. His relationship with Frank was just weird to me. There was one scene of them watching film and it couldn't have been a more awkward conversation. I think Frank was feeling it throughout the season that it wasn't what he was hoping for, and it was a direct reflection of him. The fact that he went to the "emergency meeting" after the season at Irsay's house and apologized for bringing Wentz in said it all to me. I agree that Matt Ryan was Irsay's move. I just don't think there were a ton of options those years, and Ballard was growing tired of constant moves instead of attempting to draft one. How many times can you say "it's not an exact science?" That was just media talk, I don't think he necessarily bought it. It's not an exact science, nor is bringing in random veteran qbs that were being forced out of their respective franchises. They were scouting like crazy. Ed Dodds scouted Justin Herbert himself. I don't think they had the greenlight from Irsay. To me that makes the most sense why Frank was fired abruptly like he was. Irsay finally understood that it wasn't going to work and was going to set Ballard up for a major offseason as a second chance. The jury is still out, but with the way the offensive line has recovered to solid form and the emergence of what is looking like a decent receiver core, the offense is winning football games with a backup that was never supposed to be out there this season. I've broken film down each week, and try to envision Anthony Richardson out there with the playcalling Steichen's running. He would be altering defenses that are already breaking down and leaving guys open downfield. He would be having running lanes that the Mayweather trucks could drive down. His health is the biggest question going forward, but I'm confident that Ballard isn't going anywhere for a while. The defensive line is playing at the level he envisioned. Team has to keep growing together/finding ways to win. And the front office has to keep identifying talent, building onto what is looking like a pretty good young core of players.
  11. https://www.cbssports.com/fantasy/football/news/titans-ryan-stonehouse-done-for-season/ I feel real bad for this guy. Unfortunate reality to special teams that you don't see happen very often. Feel great for the win with those blocks being crucial, but man, to come at a cost of a major injury to a punter and the firing of the special teams coach. I'm sure Titans fans are stunned with those series of events. My thoughts go out to Stonehouse. I just now saw this article, so I apologize if anyone else has shared anything, please merge if so. There is no indication of the injury outside of it being severe and requiring surgery, which I can't imagine anyone didn't already know that.
  12. imagine posting this and then finding out two days later we’re now 2nd in the league in sacks and 6 sacks higher than the 8th ranked 49ers… while Kwity Paye added 2 more to the season total. also imagine that front office’s have crystal balls that work as well as hindsight. Lol
  13. Not good. they lose this game and the entire picture looks different in not only the south and afc playoffs.
  14. agreed. One game at a time is what it will take. someone always gets hot at the end. Right now, we have that head start with a favorable schedule. Keep it rolling.
  15. its not uncommon. I think the eagles miss Steichen too. Sometimes a change takes more than an offseason to get comfortable. I’ll reserve judgment on Nagy until I see what they look like next season. They could easily win the whole thing again, I’ll never count out #15 and Andy Reid. Especially with the defense they have this year. But they seem like a team that could be an early exit by upset too…
  16. Just not as impressed with the AFC as I thought I would be. Injuries obviously have a lot to do with that, but that’s football. Miami probably the scariest to me, but that’s probably more coming from a Colts matchup perspective. There’s no one that really looks to be hands down better than this Colts team to me. So many log jammed in the playoff race on the AFC side. Chiefs looked bad tonight, imo. They haven’t looked as good as years past. Defense is tough and they have played (and won) quite a few tough games on their schedule. But it isn’t the same feel this year. The 49ers, on the other hand. Looked like a dominant football team against what everyone thought was the best team in football. Feels like the nfc’s year and a perfect situation for some upsets on the afc side come January.
  17. still a lot of ball left. Guaranteed neither of them give two hoots about the award right now. one has the rookie of the year and mvp candidate under center. One has a journeyman. the one with the journeyman is 1-0 against the other. hell, it may come down to whoever wins that final game if the playoffs are on the line. But regardless of what happens, im pretty dang pleased with our coach and the future under his leadership.
  18. At this rate of Colts games, some of us may be gone from heart attacks come next season. Just enjoy every minute of the cardiac colts while we are blessed to have them.
  19. samson ebukam, you dawg. 4 in two weeks. $8 mil a year.
  20. not in the moment we wouldn’t have been. So it’s all a moot point which is what my point was. .
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