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Everything posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. I don’t think we can use the sample size of Sam to adequately judge. That’s my opinion on Sam. I have a feeling Ballard probably thinks the same, as he sees what the offense that was changed very little from last season has done under Shane’s leadership. It all depends on what they are willing to spend and how much they want to pay a backup. Recency bias says it’s worth a lot. But I could see Minshew’s value going up a lot due to the amount of injuries at the qb position this season. I don’t see us surviving another year with our starting qb out all but a few games. That’s the old Tom Moore saying “if #18 goes down, we are **… we don’t do **.” At some point, this organization is going to have to throw their full weight behind AR, and guys like Gardner Minshew are not going to be cheap like he is this year…
  2. I’d like to see the numbers before I questioned the overall integrity of the league. Do I think it’s possible that an occasional game is influenced by gambling? Absolutely. But I don’t think Vegas nails as often as it seems or that people make it out to.
  3. no- I said I didn’t think they would care if it was unpopular with any of us. Only one of us said it would be… I doubt very seriously that Sam hasn’t improved and will not be a backup, or have the potential to be one once his contract is up here. …and they don’t care what any of us think. I responded to the original poster of the unpopular opinion that it wasn’t necessarily to me. It’s obviously going to be unpopular to most of this board. But that isn’t going to change the mind of anyone that is actually in the building watching how Sam works as a professional. I’d prefer to have him than some random vet that isn’t named Gardner minshew.
  4. I doubt Ballard or Steichen cares if it’s unpopular with any of us… I think Ballard will likely have Shane’s input on if Sam is a worthy backup. Sam might not have worked out as we hoped, but that was under the previous coaching regime and really poor performing offensive line. He’s been worthy enough to the current coaching regime and Ballard to stay on the roster. If he’s a significantly cheaper option as backup, and they deem him a better option than others, then it won’t be unpopular with me. I think we can all agree, we would all be pretty upset if we found ourselves in the same situation with Richardson as we have this year… i don’t think a rookie option is going to cost a 2 or 3, not if they deem Sam worthy of the backup spot. Sam was a 6th round pick, and they could easily look to find a scheme player to fit that mold and groom from within. Sam is under contract, regardless. It all depends on Minshew. But there is little chance we bring him back on a double digit salary, unless they are unsure of #5’s readiness, which I doubt very seriously is the case. also- Minshew’s qb rating is quite a bit less than what it was when he was in Jacksonville. So it’s hard for me, and I know it would be hard for Shane and Ballard, to credit Minshew entirely with the offensive success this year. I think it’s a lot more of Shane’s work and the o-line improvement/ utilizing weapons better. I don’t see them thinking that Sam couldn’t be a viable backup, especially if it meant bringing a rookie scheme fit in behind him and at a much cheaper rate than going with a vet/minshew again. However, Ballard does have a history of rewarding players that perform and are leaders. Minshew has proven to be a winner and a leader.
  5. There is a real possibility that we never find out. lol. Steichen slammed the door shut on getting any information from the organization. I doubt that would change if things went public from either the union or the players side, because I don’t think it would go public, at least at first. Especially if it’s a justifiable suspension.
  6. I don’t think he’s wrong in assuming minshew could get a double digit offer. Especially depending on how the next few weeks go. And I think you are correct with Ballard’s reaction to that. Minshew might not want to go anywhere and be willing to settle for less to continue his career here, in a system that he is comfortable in, and with a team that he’s built relationships and has made fans with. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
  7. It’s not unpopular to me. I think it would make a lot of sense to find someone in the draft that is a similar style player so that Steichen’s offense isn’t disrupted by someone limited like Minshew is. Veteran or not, it would make sense to me. The money is a whole different element.
  8. lol, they don’t know anything other than what information comes in, which is usually an uninformed and gambling addicted public placing bets. Roster moves can swing a line, but the majority of line swinging is simply equalizing bets that have poured in.
  9. “a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.” Attitude can certainly be considered detrimental on a number of levels, especially if it borders threatening others safety, especially if it is repeated instances. Even a simple blowup in the locker room, training room, etc, that doesn’t actually affect anyone physically can be considered threatening and subject to suspension. All I referred to is that that kind of action might not constitute a suspension if just a single instance, but certainly would if it was a consistent pattern of behavior. “It is not enough simply to avoid being found guilty of a crime. Instead, as an employee of the NFL or a member club, you are held to a higher standard and expected to conduct yourself in a way that is responsible, promotes the values upon which the League is based, and is lawful. Persons who fail to live up to this standard of conduct are guilty of conduct detrimental and subject to discipline, even where the conduct itself does not result in conviction of a crime. Discipline may be imposed in any of the following circumstances: -Criminal offenses including, but not limited to, those involving: the use or threat of violence; domestic violence and other forms of partner abuse; theft and other property crimes; sex offenses; obstruction or resisting arrest; disorderly conduct; fraud; racketeering; and money laundering; -Criminal offenses relating to steroids and prohibited substances, or substances of abuse; -Violent or threatening behavior among employees, whether in or outside the workplace; -Possession of a gun or other weapon in any workplace setting, including but not limited to stadiums, team facilities, training camp, locker rooms, team planes, buses, parking lots, etc., or unlawful possession of a weapon outside of the workplace; -Conduct that imposes inherent danger to the safety and well being of another person; and -Conduct that undermines or puts at risk the integrity and reputation of the NFL, NFL clubs, or NFL players.” That list could include just about anything. Conduct that imposes danger to another person and undermines the reputation of the franchise and other players is such a broad painted picture that it could be a simple as a patterned history of tantrums within the four walls of the facility.
  10. Love the guy. The video of him at Riley was fantastic. Want to see him succeed and win here very much. But this is Gardner Minshew’s team and chance this year. Opportunity of a lifetime for Minshew. Sometimes that isn’t thought about or discussed much on here. If Minshew can lead this team to a playoff and even a division title, the momentum for #5’s return in 2024 will be massive.
  11. Could be. If they have a season long list of things that justify it though, it would be impossible to argue against. And bringing more attention to it wouldn’t help them find a new team in the offseason.
  12. It’s a toxic attitude. Seems like it may have been a season accumulation issue perhaps. If it continued getting worse throughout the year, then it makes sense that it might not have been something serious, as much as Steichen and co. viewing them as detrimental and a wasted spot during the peak of a playoff/division title push.
  13. I think you are correct. No noticeable difference on ST, which means McKenzie was wasting a roster spot, as he did nothing on offense this season.
  14. Comparing the last two weeks, it is far from a wash. perhaps they put downs there to create opportunities for him to make plays (which he’s good at) and to get him out of a funk, which it seems he was in. TY Hilton returned punts his rookie year. It’s not a longterm move. Might not even be more than a move for a few games.
  15. the replacement for Leonard forcing twice the amount of turnovers that #53 made this season in a fraction of the time probably opened some eyes in the locker room too.
  16. Losing changes a lot. Last year was obvious that Frank lost the locker room. He was also fired and Ballard wasn’t. He was also fired mid season this year, although the Panthers are a total disaster so no one can really use that as a reason to believe he had already showed signs of dysfunction. Ballard never shied away from accepting responsibility for last year’s results. He also is solely responsible for the hiring of the current front runner of COTY and things have obviously changed from an accountability standpoint… and a winning one. and to expand on that point, maybe it’s a sign that Ballard learned what was necessary for the growth of the team, which is all we can hope for regarding Ballard. Learning and growing from prior mistakes.
  17. and to touch on this a tad further… Tom says “QBs should not be throwing the ball in areas where they are exposing their own teammates to these types of hits.” also, Tom Brady in the afc championship forcing his 6 foot 7 tight end (with a history of concussions) to high point the ball with a safety closing in… https://youtu.be/-7fBWVh_R9I
  18. Brady has been creating this narrative that the league is poorly coached and has poor play as opposed to his career, for obvious propping himself up reasons. I don’t necessarily disagree, but he consistently uses the rules being soft as a reason for his point. As if he wasn’t a huge reason for the league making some of those rules… Yes Tom, you played against some hard hitting dudes in a different era… and in the modern era, you also cried for a blow to the head penalty every time someone slapped your shoulder in the pocket.
  19. Every week is the Super Bowl from here out. if that’s not the mindset, we aren’t going anywhere…
  20. with the precedent of accountability that Steichen has held throughout his rookie season, he won’t be for much longer…
  21. ouch. a sit down is in order. keep your thoughts off the internet during the season man. Why is that such a problem and a hard concept to grasp. Distracting at a time where the team needs to be unified and peaking.
  22. Here’s hoping the Chargers give us a Christmas present and act like the Raiders following McDaniels ousting. Bills, Texans, jags losses, and a big, colts win would be a beautiful Christmas.
  23. I personally think Ebukam deserves to be in this discussion. The guy has performed at a high rate all year, has made game sealing plays, and will no doubt have double digit sacks. Zaire as well.
  24. what defense and coaching staff are they going to face? A chargers team that quit or a Colts defense that will likely be the franchise setting sack record in Indy, winners of 6 of 7 games and two wins away from potentially a division title?
  25. He may drive me crazy at times, but man the guy is perfect for this team this season. He embodies the dawg you want your entire team to follow and watching this team win through adversity is fun. Wouldn’t be possible without Gardner Minshew.
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