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Everything posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. Can’t believe they went that fast. Thought they’d attempt to draw them off
  2. only because of what he’s going to be able to command in FA. I’ll be happy for him to get paid. I just don’t see it here.
  3. we lost a lot of games at the mercy of the kicking game st the end of Vinny’s career and with hot rod. Stability is huge there.
  4. Matt gay isn’t happy with that, I’m sure. Having to go out and boot another ball through the back of the endzone. Stupid
  5. exactly. Not great time management. Going to get someone hurt on an unnecessary play or put someone in a position to make a really bad mistake
  6. I don’t like the timeout. Let the clock burn, and end the half with a timeout. I don’t like putting the ball in Minshew’s hands for no reason
  7. Good defense. Momentum into half on that side of the ball. Minshew’s gotta get the mo with the offense
  8. that 2nd down run stuffed up the gut is frustrating for sure.
  9. a coach can only do so much. Players have to execute. A lot on the qb to do that. Minshew isn’t having a bad day.
  10. A drive and any kind of score here is big. To be within a score or tied getting the ball out of half would be very nice with the way this game has gone.
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