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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. 1 minute ago, Bad Morty said:

    I know very little about what it is Guerrero is peddling right now and I don't outright dismiss alternative medicine as quackery. But we DO know that Guerrero has a suspect past in terms of making unsubstantiated claims regarding the curative abilities of products he was selling. I also can't wrap my brain around the notion that drinking a liquified plant is going to prevent a concussion if some safety comes free on a blitz and decides to go for a kill shot on Brady's head. I don't disagree that he is in much better shape the past 2 years and is moving in the pocket better than he had been the prior several years. I'm sure his diet is healthy and has played a major role in that, but there's a lot more to it.

    The stuff Guerro was selling 13 years ago was to help cancer patients. Brady is not using those products and Brady has said that he talked to Geurro extensively about his past. I have never gotten the feeling that Brady is haphazard with those he goes into business with especially when it comes to his body and performance on the field.


    Sports medicine is all about prevention. It is not that the liquefied plant is going to stop a concussion but if the head is impacted the recovery will be quicker. Everything is designed to help the body to respond and heal faster from impact and also to train the body to be able to absorb punishment. This is why Brady said he only works out 2-3 times a week as he wants his muscles pliable and soft and not hard to where they can break given he plays the QB position. From what Brady has said and from reading about the company, the diet, the sleep, the work outs -  all work in unison  to help the body absorb impact and recover from impact quicker. I have never heard Brady said he is unable to be injured as he understands he plays football but he is big into injury prevention believing that the more you get your body fine tuned, the less risk of injury or quicker recovery from injury. His diet is based on keeping inflammation in the body down by eating less surgars and more alkaline based foods like kale for example instead of an apple. It is a highly tuned diet specifically designed for Brady and for his position as a QB.


    Of course there is more to it than just Guerro as Brady is a professional athlete, was already a person who worked hard at his body and craft and has been an elite player in the league for a long time. That has a lot more to do with his success than anything else. That being said, as he has gotten older Geurro has provided additional support to him to keep him performing at an optimal level. Like I said, I see no down side. So many athletes are into alternative medicine and practices but Brady has the name cache so you get these types of articles.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Bad Morty said:

    My belief, from having heard him interviewed on the topic, is that he actually believes on an almost religious cult level in this nonsense that Guerrero is peddling. I think that explains 100% why he is involved in this business. I think it's absolutely crazy...but the guy believes he can drink liquid greens and prevent concussions (among other claims that seem ludicrous to me). I made the comparison to Scientology earlier in the thread. But the bottom line for me is that it makes zero sense that a guy with Brady's money and fame sees the financial need to get involved in a scam "side business" in order to grab an incremental income stream that is completely inconsequential compared to his existing wealth.

    As someone who has practiced alternative medicine for the last 20 years of my life, it still amazes me the lack of knowledge on this subject and how those who practice it are still considered crazy or quacks.


    One's diet and health practices have far more to do with one's health than anything else, not to mention one's mindset and mental health which are often ignored by western medicine or treated with drugs. I can tell just from looking at Brady the last few years how much Alex has helped him. His body looks lean and his movements are spry. I have also noticed how he speaks differently especially when talking about himself. He is much more in touch with his emotions and feelings and has figured out how to put things that don't serve him well to the side and focus on the positive things that will help him perform on the football field. Of course the media and hacks out there chalk up his MVP caliber season to deflategate revenge as a simpleton answer without looking deeper into his life practices. As Brady has said himself, he has always had a thirst for knowledge and been open to learning about sports nutrition and practices that will serve him. Alex has obviously served him well but Brady is the one that has put the work in and ordered his life around certain disciplines that make him the champion he is and playing great football at age 38. 


    And I agree about the scam business to grab incremental income. Brady has never been about the money his entire career even before he married his super model wife. If he really needed more money, he could just ink another endorsement from the dozens and dozens of offers I am sure he gets every season and turns down so he can focus on football. Given how much Alex has helped him, he wants to share that with his team and obviously the Patriots were on board with that. Honestly, I don't see anything negative here at all other than the media trying to drum something up. The author even admits that the NFL is aware of the partnership and has no issue with it. So, there you go. 

  3. Manning will have an extensive work out today with Kubiak present. Manning has not practiced all week but has been doing morning workouts. The belief is this work out is an evaluation to see where Manning is at for the end of the regular season/post season and if the team will have him active at some point or potentially put him on IR to open up a roster spot.



  4. 5 hours ago, BloodyChamp said:

    I like how people make excuses for players who are always hurt then rip Favre for playing hurt.

    Favre was one of those QBs who played well hurt. Same with Big Ben. Some guys can do it, some guys can't. But I don't ever remember Favre getting ripped for playing hurt. Just the opposite actually and that was because he played well despite injury.

  5. On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2015 at 3:37 PM, DalTXColtsFan said:

    Anyone else find it funny that he said that but his record AGAINST the Colts is a paltry 1-3 including playoffs?

    He said that back when he was drafted but for sure his losses to the Colts these few years have been brutal and will be part of his legacy. Twice he lost them to them when the Broncos were undefeated in the regular season and then the playoff loss at home and favorite last year.

  6. 41 minutes ago, 19colt said:


    Agree with everything you have said except any coach that goes into a season with Brian Hoyer as the QB plan deserves to get fired. Have friends down in Houston and apparently radio down there has no belief in him and talks constantly about needing a QB to complete the team. 

    Yeah, I don't know about Hoyer long term but right now with what he has shown this season, I would want him over a declining/injured Manning for next season. That really is the rub. Even if you believed a fully healthy Manning could still play reasonable well, how sure are you that he will stay healthy for 16 games?

  7. Just now, jvan1973 said:

    That's what happens when you throw the ball almost 600 times in 14 games 

    Yes and complete 64 percent of those passes. And those stats take into account all of Cam's rushing yards and still Brady is accounting for more of the Pats yards than Cam is for the Panthers or Palmer for the Cards.

  8. 2 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Norman had 2 personal fouls, Beckham 3.  We all know that the helmet to helmet hit is the reason they gave him a suspension, but they will not admit it, nor define it. There have been two other players in the last 15 that had 3 personal fouls in the same game.  Were they suspended a game as well? In any event, this can be applied to other players in the future, so a new precedent has been established.



    Ryan Clark says reading intent is leading to a slippery slope.  He admitted that he hit to hurt and injure all the time he played.  So if it is in between the whistles and not in flagrant violation of the rules, it is ok to knock a guy out for the year.  His intent was to take guys out.  But if he slips and does it just outside the whistle, it is no longer a penalty, it is more because of perceived intent?  Now Cody Wallace, launches head first into the helmet of another players after the whistle, knocks player out of the game.  That is also OK? No suspension?  Then yet another player launches head first into another player, just before the runner is down, does not knock player out of the game, but this one is deemed worse than the others, so Suspension.  I think Wallace, Norman needed 1 game as well, I stand by that forever.  Actually Norman and OBJ need to be sent to the showers during the game.


    Never said he did, he deserves to pay every cent of that.  Needs to lose a game check too, IMO.  Same with Wallace.


    Here's a podcast of someone who (after lambasting Coughlin, Beckham, and anything in Giants Blue) investigated further why Odell went off, why Eli has his back, why Coughlin says it was wrong, but he supports his receiver, etc...  Essentially he comes to the conclusion the Giants are saying 'we can't say it out loud, but Odell had reasons'  s if there is alot under the surface.  Eli even came out after the game with this-




    Reserved Eli said-  “He just cried a little bit so I didn’t think that was really necessary,” Manning said of Norman on Monday. “I think both those guys were going at it. I don’t think either one was in the right, but I didn’t think one was worse than the other.”


    Here was a Norman tweet after the game-




    This isn't the last of it, methinks.


    Sure it was the helmet-to-helmet that ultimately drew the suspension and I think that is a good precedent to set as the league has been intent on stopping hits the head during the game much less targeting someone's head from the blind side.


    I agree about intent. It is hard to determine it but that is the league's job to a certain extent. Does not mean they will always get it right but I think everyone was/is in agreement that what Odell did was egregious and worthy of a suspension. So in that regard, I don't have an issue with it. I would have also been fine if they suspended Wallace as well.

  9. 13 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Well, a new precedent was still set, just not the one I spelled out.  The new precedent is if the league 'feels' a player is accruing too many roughing personal fouls, they can suspend him for it in retrospect because the Refs didn't do their job and eject the player mid game.  It's a make up call.  LOL


    It's genius as now they don't have to define the actions that the player committed, nor do they have to answer questions about Cody Wallace and his safety violating endangering act (concussions / CTE).  Brilliant.


    I stand by my feelings OBJ and Norman should have both been ejected during the game.  Since they were not, they both should be suspended one game (as should Cody Wallace).  If the NFL is serious about reducing concussions and cleaning up the game, it is the right thing. But the NFL still chooses selective enforcement on one hand and say they are doing everything they can on the other.


    Ryan Clark feels OBJ didn't do anything that doesn't happen in most ever game. (I'm not fully on board, but it is a defensive players perspective) He has a take, on First Take-



    Every disciplinary action is subjective and made on a case by case basis. I don't see a new precedent at all. Beckham violated several safety violations. Him not being ejected by the refs is a separate issue as is Coughlin's handling of him as well. That really is of no concern to the league. They reviewed the game, the offenses that Beckham committed and came up with a one game suspension.


    In terms of Cody Wallace, they did not deem his intent to be the same as Beckham as his hit took place right after the whistle and was not as pre-calculated as Beckham lining up Norman from his blind side (again, subjective) AND he did not commit anymore violations in the game like Beckham.


    And Norman did not get off scott free. He got a hefty fine for his actions.

  10. 14 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

    Poking eyes is never part of the game, ever.  Helmet to helmet hits happen all of the time during games.  That's a huge difference.


    OBJ is the first player ever to get a suspension on a helmet to helmet hit on his first offense.  Now, any player can get a suspension. Precednt has been set. All the league has to do is mention there was hint of malicious intent (even if there was none, just playing hard football and got outside of the lines) if players/teams/media question it.


    On one day, they may rule this (Cody Wallace hit) just playing hard football, on a different day decide to suspend the player.  Where is the line drawn, the is identifiable if not quantifiable, and will it be consistent across all referee crews?




    Speaking, of Talib, he is quite upset Wallace only gets a fine for that late helmet to helmet hit-



    I feel Wallace's hit is just as much deserving of a suspension as OBJ's.  They meet the same criteria, flagrant and malicious launching of their body as a helmet led missile into an another unsuspecting players head.  How does one get a fine only, and the other a suspension?


    (I have a suspicion we will end up using a version of Potter Stewart's famous phrase- 'They can't define it but know it when they see it.' )

    He was not suspended just for the helmet-to-helmet hit but for multiple safety violations during the game, http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/12/21/nfl-statement-odell-beckham-jr-suspended-for-multiple-violations-of-player-safety-rules/

  11. On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2015 at 4:48 PM, NFLfan said:


    haha Who says we need help? ;)


    Seriously the Vikes are almost guaranteed a playoff spot. The only way they miss the playoffs is if they and the Seahawks lose their remaining games and Atlanta wins out. 


    I will be rooting big time for you to knock the Giants out. Although I think they get officially eliminated if the Redskins beat the Eagles on Saturday night as the Skins will win the division. But still, the Giants can't lose enough games for me so go Vikes. lol.


    Also, it would seem you will match up with GB in the post-season assuming GB is 3 which is likely and you are 6 which also seems likely. That means you will play at Lambeau in back to back weeks given you play GB at GB last game of season. I wonder if the seedings are set after this week if both teams just rest their guys and don't show anything that final game in preparation for the playoff game a week later.

  12. 8 hours ago, Girlzarefanstoo said:

    I lived with plantar faciatis for 5 years off and on.  It's awful, and I'm not doing anything that requires quick footwork or planting hard off of the foot.  Antonio Gates playd with a torn one for more than a season.  He had pain numbing shots and then lived through absolutle he** for the rest of the week.  I don't think someone should be allowed to do that frankly... they should just actually work at healing up, but they haven't asked for my opionion :-).  

    Most players attempt to play through it. The key is playing well. Some are able, some are not. I think for Brees, he is going to try to give it a go. Only 2 games left though and Saints are out of it so it might be good to sit him but Sean Payton may have a tough time convincing him to sit. lol.

  13. 6 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

    Unless the NFLPA takes it to Federal court on Odell's behalf, a new precedent has been set.

    What new precedent? Players have always been subjected to suspension for that type of behavior. Talib was suspended one game for the eye poke earlier this year.

  14. 4 hours ago, 19colt said:


    One of the most reliable reporters in Denver (Vic Lombardi) has been saying for weeks that the only reason Manning isn't on IR is in case Brock has a major injury. He also says Elway never wanted Manning back and the decision to keep him on this year came from above Elway. Today (Brock being named starter and Kubiak saying Peyton will only practice on his own in the mornings, inactive on MNF) has really started to solidify this story. He has gone on to say that some of the leaks from the Manning camp are being put out there so Manning appears "injured" and not "old" because Manning wants to play in 2016. 

    I think Houston makes sense for everyone and they reportedly already tried to get him once before. Weak division, good defense, indoor stadium, need a QB desperately and won't get a sure thing in the draft. They may even let him run his own system as IMO Elway driven change around week 13 last season (and his health) has been his downfall in Denver. I really can't see Manning going out with the worst game in his career as his last. 

    Yeah, those stories have been going on for some time now. I am not sure what to believe. But bringing in Kubiak and having Manning take the pay cut were signs IMO that they were moving in a different direction. I think they were hoping he could run Kubiak's system better than he has and are probably happy with Brock at this point. I am not sure if it makes much difference to say Manning is injured vs old as injuries are part of the decline of an aging QB and something he has been dealing with now for the past season and a half. It does appear that Denver will ride out this season with Brock which is probably the right move if he is going to be their future QB so he can get the experience.


    In terms of next year, Brian Hoyer has been playing well for the Texans so I don't see O'Brien upsetting that to go with Manning for a year. Outside of that or him possibly going to the Saints if Brees moves on to keep that org afloat for ticket sales for a season, I don't know if a true contending team will want him. I also wonder if he wants to give it a go again with another team and learn a new system and continue to have to rehab his body. I think he may retire. He was thinking about it last year but I also agree that he does not want that KC game to be his last either.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Superman said:


    Analytics is just as valuable in football as it is in any other sport. Good coaches figure out what information is useful and they use it.

    I am not denying its value but a sport like baseball lends itself better or perhaps what I mean to say it is easier to find the useful info than football.

  16. 1 minute ago, Dustin said:


    That's literally the exact opposite of Chip Kelly's offense. The exact reason why Chip got rid of McCoy and went after Gore (and then Demarco when Gore backed out) is because he ran a power run offense and McCoy was leaving too many yards on the field with his outside runs.


    Murray's not doing well because Dallas ran him into the ground last season.


    I have not seen any evidence of a decline in Murray. I have seen him running out of a shotgun and getting met right at the line. That being said, I never though Murray was this elite RB but more a product of the Dallas great Oline and play calling. Did not hurt to have Romo as your QB either. But to suggest he is done at age 27 from one season where he had a ton of carries is just silly IMO. Typical Shannon non-sense.

  17. 1 minute ago, Dustin said:


    what about the system is bad for him?

    Murray is a north/south, great read-and-cut runner which made him powerful in Dallas, along with a great Oline. Kelly runs a power spread which forces Murray to take hand-offs from the shotgun and run outside-the-tackles as opposed to between the guards and center where he is more comfortable. Kelly really should have just kept McCoy as his slasher style and ability to run well in space is more of a fit for his offense than Murray. As a result Murray's carries are down. He had just 14 vs the Pats.

  18. Around The NFLVerified account @AroundTheNFL 4m4 minutes ago

    Brock Osweiler to start for Broncos versus Bengals on Monday; Peyton Manning will not be active this week, team announces.


    According to the Broncos, coach Gary Kubiak notified the team Wednesday morning of the situation. Manning will not practice Wednesday as he's been unable to move forward with the torn plantar fascia. He had hoped to practice this week but clearly his body did not cooperate. http://www.denverpost.com/broncos/ci_29303188/brock-osweiler-start-vs-bengals-peyton-manning-expected-be-inactive



    I wonder if his foot hurting on Friday was a bigger issue then Kubiak let on.



  19. Was the most pleased to see Malcolm Butler make it. If all that guy ever did was intercept Wilson to win the Super Bowl that would have been enough but to see him emerge as a legit corner, now pro bowler is truly awesome and one of the best stories of the Pats season this year IMO.

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