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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. 1 minute ago, csmopar said:



    The point you fell to understand is it doesn't matter what his wife did or didn't take, as long as he didn't take it.  Besides, disclosing her medical history is illegal as heck too.  Just because they are married, doesn't give him the right to disclose her medical history, matter of fact, she can forbid it and bam, nobody can do squat about it.   His wife isn't in the NFL and not subject to the NFL's policies what so ever

    It is private but given the nature of the story and the accusation, either he or she will have to come clean about what she received at or from the clinic.

  2. 5 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    you do realize that they'd been testing for this drug off and on since the 2000s...right?  There was even players suspended for it, one was a Patriot if I recall right,

    HGH formal testing was part of the 2011 CBA. It took a few years for it to get passed with the red tape that is inherent in any formalized drug program. But you are right, HGH has been illegal in the NFL for quite some time and players in the past have been suspended for taking it which is why Manning needs to be careful here. If it gets proven that he did in fact take it then he will be subject to league discipline. He talked of a defamation suit but until he flat denies that his wife received HGH then I doubt it happens as all that will come to light ...

  3. 6 minutes ago, Narcosys said:

    What facts?  That a qb dropped off after his best season?  Drew Brees must have been taking hgh,  Joe Flacco must have been, and countless others who had disappointing seasons after.  Come on,  this is getting to be a real stretch to believe if you know anything about hgh, and what it does and how its used.  

    None of their drop-offs coincided with drug testing nor were as precipitous as Manning's fall off.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Restored said:


    It's easy to ignore facts when they don't fit your narrative.

    Some things to consider.


    Manning was frequenting a "anti-aging" clinic well known for dispensing HGH (see kravitz column).
    Manning's wife is alleged to have taken a drug off-label, which is illegal.


    Whenever you see anyone who is doing something that historically is unprecedented, no matter if its seven consecutive tours, or the baseball home run race, you have to assume that PEDs are involved. Manning's extraordinary recovery and Star Wars records can certainly fall into that camp.

    The documentary laid out that there are only three approved uses for HGH, and off-label uses are explicitly illegal (primarily to keep it from being used as a PED I suspect). None of the three uses would apply to Manning's wife. In addition, we have concrete evidence of him being a client of this clinic at the time of the allegations, and have at least one writer documenting his use of HGH in a illegal way.

    There is as much circumstantial evidence here as there was in the early days of the Bonds, Sosa, McGwire and Armstrong cases. It needs to be investigated. Being a fan of a sports franchise should not blind anyone to the fact that players in general, and superstars in particular have a established history of breaking rules when and if they thought they could get away with it, and injury tends to be a huge, huge driver of this.

  5. 1 minute ago, Restored said:

    Both Dale Guyer and Charles Sly have recanted their statements. You look absolutely ridiculous trying to insinuate that Manning's decline had ANYTHING to do with him taking HGH. 

    And the reporters have their side too. I suggest you read up today as much information has surfaced. This is going to be muddy for awhile as this thing gets sorted out ...

  6. 19 minutes ago, Narcosys said:


    HGH is out of your system in a few hours.   How does a few hours equal two months? 


    Furthermore it took him months and months to recover from his neck,  and it's still a problem.  He was playing injured last year and this year.   You think hgh ha more to do with it than his lack of ability to recover quickly.   


    I'm only 32, but I can tell you for a fact that from 22 to 32 it takes me much longer to recover from rigorous work and injury than it use to.   

    He stopped taking it when the testing began and then the decline. Manning would not be the first athlete to have his performance fall off a cliff when drug testing began. There are scores of them across all sports. And it is this part that gives this report legs IMO.


    The other thing to consider is Manning had major neck surgeries that left him unable to grip a football and with diminished arm strength due to nerve damage. So he comes back and has the most historic season of all time in 2013 followed by a fall off the mountain decline just a season and a half later right when testing began?

  7. 14 minutes ago, Narcosys said:

    I know.  But she is insinuating that he only dropped off because he stopped taking hgh.  Manning is so visibly angry and upset that he nearly sounds like he is choking up a little when discussing how hard he worked to get back.  



    This is very different from how brady sounded in his interview.  We all remember that joke session.  

    ^That is specifically for those of you bringing up the whole deflategate issue. 

    NFL testing for HGH started in October of 2014. Manning's decline began exactly mid-season last year at the time the testing commenced and has continued to be rapid since then with both his performance and inability to get back on the field due to injuries.


    Look at his drop off from the first 8 games of 2014 compared to the last 8 games when HGH testing began:


                                            Com    Att     Comp %   Yards    Y/A   TD   INT     Pass NEP   

    First eight games          208    309     67.3%       2577     8.3    24    5        112.67

    Final eight games          187    288    64.9%       2156    7.5     15    10      54.80


    Then you look at this season where he has been the worst rated passer for most of the season and his 17 picks still leading the league combined with his injuries that have kept him off the field and it is a pretty easy connection to make that his precipitous decline coincided with the HGH testing.

  8. A few stats that make Eli's case pretty compelling other than his two historic SB wins.


    1) He has an 8-3 playoff record and 7 of those 8 wins came either on the road or a neutral site (SB). That is the most of any QB.

    2) He has 5 post-season comebacks/GWDs. That puts him second all time only to Brady who has 9.

    3) He is the current iron man of the NFL never missing a game since he became a starter in 2004.

    4) If he plays out his current deal which has four more years and retires after (he is 34 now, would be 38 at end of deal), his stats are projected to be the following (just an estimate based on his career averages):

    60,000 in yards

    400 TDs (if he reaches 400 than he and Brady will he the only two QBs to reach this mark AND have multiple rings)

    250 INTs

  9. I grew up a fan of the Redskins in addition to the Pats as I started watching football in the early 80s with Gibbs, Theismann and the hogs and smurfs so I always root for the Redskins in the NFC and still can't believe they won the East. They are playing some good football right now so I give them a puncher's chance in the wild card round at home. I would love to see them pull an upset or two but probably unlikely.


    I like Arizona a lot too. Hard not to vote for Arians and Palmer and Fitzgerald. I think they are the best all around team in the conference as their offense is more explosive than Carolina. If the Redskins don't make it then I will probably vote for Arizona to make to the Super Bowl. Too bad this was not last year for them as the SB would be a home game for them. lol.

  10. 10 hours ago, bap1331 said:

    Probably the least talked about possibility of getting fired. I know he won 2 super bowls but what do you do next with him? Just taking 50/50 chances every year hoping to get in?


    Who is the bigger problem? Coughlin or Eli? Or the whole team in general?


    All I know is I would love Coughlin in indianapolis. My dream team staff:

    GM: Chris Polian...lol

    Coach: Coughlin

    OC: Peyton Manning

    DC: Pagano (demoted) lol

    Eli is not going anywhere with the big deal he just inked. Coughlin probably needs to go at this point but the GM has not done him any favors with the garbage defense he gave him. That being said, Giants could have won several more games if the team was able to finish and much of that was on coaching. Probably time for some major changes for the gmen.

  11. 3 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Phil Simms, also on the NY Giants, is NOT in with a Super Bowl win, but has 2 rings and -


    Super Bowl MVP (1) (1987)
    Pro Bowl MVP (1) (1985)
    Pro Bowl Selections (2) (1985 & 1993)
    Super Bowl Rings (2) (New York Giants, Super Bowl XXI and Super Bowl XXV)


    Simms started 15 games in 1990, but broke his foot in game 15 against the Bills.  Hostetler took over that and the last regular season game, as well as playoffs and Super Bowl.  So Simms did the bulk of the work, but Hostetler won the SB game.So I call it 2 Rings, for Simms, but one SB started/won.


    But Eli is better than Plunkett and Simms.  And has better career numbers and more consistency in his career. Eli  is also putting up incredible numbers recently (last 2 years or so) despite his team backpedaling down the W-L record chart, and just might be the low level benchmark for two time Super Bowl champ QB's to get in. We'll  see.

    Good points. Disagree on Simms getting credit for second ring as Hos led the playoff run but I get your point.

  12. Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Troy Aikman is a Top 15 QB of all-time and even arguably a Top 10. Eli is a HOFamer but not better than Troy. Troy's stats aren't mindboggling but it's because Smith got a ton of Yards. That Cowboys team was run first.

    Eli blows Aikman away in terms of stats. And Eli did not have dynastic team comprised of one of the best Olines, RB and WR in NFL history to get his rings. I believe Aikman deserves to be in the Hall but by the same token so does Eli more so.


    A good point raised on Twitter. There is an MLB angle on this in the sense that some Baseball players have been named. Now the NFL may have a sycophantic media and a player in Manning who has been granted a halo by the press, but the MLB is different situation and they have a press not so compliant. So Baseball reporters who investigate this may well cause problems for Manning ...
  14. 1 minute ago, BOTT said:

    So he had two great runs and this justifies a HOF career?  The second win was hardly historic.  The Pats were good, but far from great.....they were lucky to be there after being outplayed by the Ravens in the AFC championship game.

    other than Namath, name a QB in the hall that isn't better than Eli.  He may get in, with the NY angle helping, but he is far from a lock.

    Troy Aikman.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Jules said:


    All right I won't reply anymore. You asked and I respect that. Honestly I have only replied to people at times who give me honest long replies and not gifs, one liners or emoticons and think thats substance that I am going to get worked up over. I am not THAT easy.


    This is a hot hot topic right now too all around the net and with sports fans. Even if Peyton gets off and nothing happens people WILL talk about this. And yes there will be opinions and thoughts that are not pro Peyton. Since a lot of people have speculated now for a long time that he has been taking things for years to come back from some serious injuries. And some physical signs also show some too evidence too with him.


    And it's not even me being some hater either. If even Luck was outed in rumors to be taking something and it was against the rules I would feel let down by him as well. 



    His play falling off a cliff right when HGH testing began is the biggest indicator IMO that this story has much merit.

  16. 2 hours ago, Blue Horseshoe said:

    I really respect them for playing instead of quitting like the 2009 Colts

    Me too. They will have to play next week too as the 1 seed is on the line. Cards can take it from them if they lose. That is unreal if they end up 2 seed after going 14-0.

  17. 24 minutes ago, BOTT said:

    The game against the Colts was a much bigger deal.  Plus, Namath became somewhat of a cultural icon.  Winning two Super Bowls over your favorite team hardly qualifies one for entrance to the HOF.

    Eli will make the HoF. Those two wins are historic beating the Pats and preventing the perfect season on top. He was a money playoff player on top beating the Packers twice those years and the top seeded Cowboys and Niners as well all on the road. His stats are plenty good enough. I am not sure why this is even a question honestly. Perhaps the idea that most would take him over Peyton in the post-season?? I don't get it. He is pretty much a lock IMO.

  18. Just now, csmopar said:

    Does it matter...the Doc himself has said this Sly dude wasn't even employed during the time he is claiming Manning did this. Plus the Doc has denied ever sending HGH to manning...

    It is a pretty damning accusation IF untrue yet nothing from the other players named. I would think they would be on a roof top like Manning screaming their innocence?? Maybe they will at some point, we'll see ...

  19. 3 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    Cam lost his best receiver before the season started.  Cam still has more total TDs

    LOL. You are really not going to play the injury card, are you? The Pats have lost more man games this season to players due to injury than any other team, and almost all have been the offensive side from the Oline (Vollmer went out today) to Brady's skills guys - Lewis, Edelman, Amendola.  http://www.mangameslost.com/nfl-week-15-games-missed-due-to-injury-december-23-2015/

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