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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. 1) Manning's decline. I expected some decline but not his play to fall the way it has.

    2) Giants losing so many close games and their D being awful which probably goes along with JPPs fireworks accident

    3) Carolina being 14-0

    4) Aaron Rodgers struggling as much as he has this season

    5) Malcolm Butler emerging as a legit left corner and anchoring Pats secondary

    6) Kirk Cousins and Brian Hoyer playing as well as they have and Jay Gruden showing he may have what it takes to be a decent head coach

    7) Luck being hurt so much and missing so many games. Hasselbeck playing well in his absence.

    8) Mariota, Bortles and Winston all showing good flashes that they may have what it take to be franchise QBs for their teams

    9) Romo missing almost all of the season and taking the hopes of the Cowboys with him

    10) Rex Ryan coaching his most productive offense of his HC career and yet out of the playoffs because he is also coaching his worst performing defense of his HC career. 

  2. I sure hope you are right. :thmup:


    It is never easy getting to the Super Bowl and winning it. I just hope the Pats get healthy in Jan and can put together a run like they did last year. They will need Brady to be every much the MVP he was last year to get the job done. Although, I do like the way defense is playing and dominating.

  3. 1 hour ago, bababooey said:



    The NFL says it is aware of the arrangement and has taken no action, despite questions from some specialists in sports law and economics about whether teams should pay for services by for-profit companies owned by their active players and whether the relationship provides value to Brady that should be counted against the club’s salary cap.




    Interesting to say the least, but I think when you are getting paid the FMV by the team to do something aside from playing that shouldn't count against the cap. Many athletes across many leagues have tv shows or radio shows in affiliation with their team (on stations owned by their team) and get paid by the owner/team to perform on the show on top of their salary for playing the sport, despite having a show because of playing the sport for the team. I don't know how Brady is involved financially (if he is) minus the fact he's a partner as there is not a lot of info on it but NFL is wise to not investigate him again.

    Pretty much a non-story IMO. I doubt the NFL makes any changes next season to these types of relationships with regards to the cap.

  4. Yes. The South will be very competitive IMO with the new young Qbs in the division now. Normally the Colts would be the fav but I think much depends on their off-season and who they hire as coach and/or GM assuming either Pagano and/or Grigson are gone. Also, Luck's health is a question mark. He needs to get back healthy and then see where the Oline is after that.

  5. 6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Carroll is NOT the GM.     John Schneider,  formerly of Green Bay,  is.


    And Belichick only got it because he's won an unprecedented amount.     Kelly got it because he had leverage of back to back 10 win seasons and his reputation was still intact.


    But, on balance,  there are very few who have that kind of power.    It's the exception to the rule.


    That is not true. Belichick was hired in 2000 as the GM and coach of the Pats. Kraft did this because he felt he made mistakes with both Parcells and Carroll by not allowing them to have more say in personnel decisions. He gave full reign to Belichick for this reason which was a big risk at the time as Bill was a below .500 coach in Cleveland and had never been a GM before.


    I believe overall it is good to have a GM and coach. It is a lot for one person to manage. Bill is unique in that manner but that has more to do with his willingness to hand over parts of the operation to people he trusts. If you watched "Do Your Job" you get a sense for just how much others are helping Bill run the ship and how much influence his coaches have in day to day operations.


    In terms of Kelly, I believe Philly gave him control because he runs such a unique system and knows what guys will fit. I don't think it had to do so much with his success but him telling the owner that he needed to control in order to build his type of team. I am just guessing on this but that is how I read things in Philly.

  6. This latest story from the Post says the Manning's foot will not be 100 percent this season:


    Frustrated in the knowledge it will be impossible for his injured left foot to heal 100 percent for the remainder of the season ... The challenge for Manning is to determine if he can play effectively enough to help the team while dealing with the slow-healing injury.

    "The doc said that you've got to get it to a point of being able to manage it. He said: 'If you really want to feel great, go to the beach for two months,' " Manning told me.

    "So you've got to get to a point where (the injury) doesn't affect you, and it doesn't affect other parts of your body. That's my goal. Looking back on it, I probably played on it where it compromised me. And I know I don't play as well as I used to when I'm not feeling as well as I'd like."


    Read full story here, http://www.denverpost.com/kiszla/ci_29290263/peyton-manning-willing-do-whatever-helps-broncos-when

  7. 1 hour ago, Jules said:


    Kubiak is a problem, I agree. I was never high on him when he was with the Texans either. Also even with Peyton I doubt they win today in Pittsburgh and it's not like the Broncos got blown out either, wasn't a totally bad showing. Steelers are hot right now on offense and going to be a load for any team. For a large part of the season it was/is the Broncos DEFENSE that has been carrying this team most of the way like you said. For Manning and Brock.......the D has been what I often felt held this Denver team together as the core this season. And I find it interesting that in two road games vs. good QBs (Ben and Luck when he was healthier) they got lit up a bit at times. I think the Broncos are going to need homefield and their chances are getting real slim at that now.


    Brock is going to make mistakes......he is new at this. His potential is still there big time though.


    Also the Broncos drop A LOT of passes this year, with Brock or Manning. Sometimes I just think those guys cant catch a cold.


    The real story of yesterday's game was how awful the Denver D was in the second half. Brock put up an amazing first half which should have been enough for the win but Pitt's halftime adjustments on both sides of the ball were better than Denver's. That is why I lay more of the blame on coaching. That being said, the drops were a killer. Especially DTs crucial third down when he saw the safety coming and took his eyes off the ball. That is two straight weeks where drops have hurt the Broncos late in the game.

  8. The Cincy/Denver game will have a lot of impact on the overall seedings for the playoffs. If Cincy wins, they secure the bye. A Denver loss opens the door for KC to take the division. So much still left on the table ... WCs look to be Pitt and KC/Denver.

  9. 1 minute ago, oldunclemark said:

    Pittsburgh was in the wrong defense for half the game...and Kubiak isn't their coach.

    Stop with the adjustments...There's no magic

    Kubiak almost won with a backup QB...wh's just starting out...


    What you mean to say is: Its time to go back to Peyton. You can say what you see

    No. What I said was Kubiak is a mediocre head coach. This team has been carried by its defense all season.

    The sentiments here have been all over the place. When Peyton was struggling, all anyone did was blame Kubiak and his offense that did not fit Manning. And I agreed with those thoughts. But now that he has been on the sideline, you believe when he comes back running Kubiak's offense things will be different? They will be worse as the Denver defense is not nearly as dominant as it was earlier in the season.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Jules said:

    NE will be in the AFCCG probably. Other then that I don't know now lol.


    I think Arizona will make the NFCCG.


    With Denver losing, the Pats may just have to win one more game to secure HFA. That will be huge so they can rest up before Jan.


    I like Seattle and Carolina in the NFCCG unless they play beforehand in the divisional round.

  11. Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Thank Brock too LOL

    If you still think Denver's woes is based on its QB and not its HC, I am not sure what to tell you. Kubiak has been a mediocre HC his entire career unable to make adjustments which was on display in spades this game. He is known for late season swoons which appears to be happening again. Cincy had a nice showing today and can roll up into Denver next week and win.

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