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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. Just now, ReMeDy said:

    If Pats win the #1 seed, that means they get a bye, yes? If so, I'm tired of that happening. I want to see the Pats prove they deserve that Superbowl by winning the wildcard round.

    Bye is 1 or 2 seed. 1 seed means HFA throughout.

  2. 1 minute ago, oldunclemark said:

    That's my question. What 12-4 tiebreaker do the Pats have..just asking.

    Conference losses would be even at 3....no head-to-head

    Cincy has defeated Seatte and KC

    I think it is strength of schedule. I will try to find the link with it spelled out. I know these tie breakers can be confusing. But the Pats knew heading into this Jets game that they did not need to win to get 1 seed and had Miami next week to get it locked up.

  3. 5 minutes ago, DougDew said:



    Its irrelevant.


    Miami went 17-0.  Carolina's season just became irrelevant unless they win the SB...just like the Pats season was irrelevant in 2007-2008.

    To win every single regular season game is far from irrelevant. It had never been done and the Pats are still the only team to do it. Perfect season is what it is. Doubt any team ever goes 19-0. Pats had the best chance in 07 ...

  4. 4 hours ago, Dustin said:


    You have low standards for the hall of fame.

    Namath is in there with only one SB win over the then legendary franchise Colts. Eli did it twice to the modern era legendary franchise. There is currently only one QB with 2 SB wins not in the hall - Plunkett. Eli makes it in easily. Like I said, his stats with his two rings over Pats will be plenty good enough.

  5. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I will say this, I didn't even think she would go that route haha Never know with Pats though. Most of them are bitter because they feel like everyone outside of being a Pats fan has picked on Tom but the truth is Tom hasn't served any kind of punishment in his career for anything + their team has won 4 SB's. They should be a happy fanbase but by the way most Pats Post they aren't. You should see some of the posting that goes on over at ESPN. A lot of Pats fans even reach and try to point out the incident we had with the piped in noise, funny thing is the time we got accused of it was in 2005, not 2006 when we won the SB. So the year we won it all has nothing to do with accusation either, it didn't help us when it all.

    We are an unbelievably blessed fanbase. I have said that time and again up here. That win last Feb. renders this season largely irrelevant and yet the Pats are in position for another post-season run with Brady having an MVP caliber season. We are not worthy.


    In terms of this story, we are having some fun naturally. I've seen literally thousands of *'s here and find it amusing that your choirboy Peyton now gets one next to his name for what is right now unproven allegations same as Brady this past-offseason.

  6. 36 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Really, you really went here?? Wow. Reaching a bit aren't we. This story is clearly a bunch of bull and only Pats fans are enjoying this because Tom has been criticize so much by the media and other fans. What about 2004 when Peyton had 49 TD's?

    Yes, we are very much enjoying this.  lol. IF he took HGH in 2011, what's to say he has not been taking drugs his whole career? Calls into question everything he has ever accomplished.

  7. Just now, NFLfan said:


    Ari Fleischer has not been White House Press Secretary in 10 or so years. Why do you keep stressing "White House press secretary"? Why is that important? That is a serious question. 


    As for these reports, let's see what happens. If this is true, it would not be the first or last time. There will be Pats players (and other teams' players) accused of the same. 

    I meant to type "former."  My bad.  It is important because he wants the best PR help available to fight this report which names many prominent athletes. If this was some fly by night thing, he would not even bother but this story has some real legs on many fronts.


    Yes, many players are accused or caught for PEDs but Manning is like the Jeter of the NFL. This is huge if true given all the records he owns.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    I'm not syaing whether or not this is true because there is no one anyone has enough information to say definitively but I will say Al Jezeera is one of the least credible "news" sources in the world. 


    I guess I should have read the rest of the posts before I posted.  But this is why Al Jazeera has no credibility from anyone who can think for themselves.

    The report names many high profile athletes. If not true, they will have many law suits on their hands. I believe more info will be released in the coming days/weeks. It was a month long investigation so there are more details to come ... Manning has hired the White House press secretary so he is taking this very seriously.

  9. Just now, csmopar said:



    I think it's more injuries piling up.....


    And if you believe this, they need to thorughly test Brady.....

    HGH helps one to recover and heal faster from injury. It is a human growth hormone.


    I remember everyone questioning AP when he came back from his knee injury and had his historic season but we never did that with Manning despite the fact that he had the neck surgeries and had the most historic season ever for a QB.

  10. Wow. This story has really mushroomed. Manning has hired White House press secretary Ari Fleischer to speak on his behalf so he believes this is serious. He has not denied receiving treatment at the Guyer Institute and his wife did as well. She has yet to issue a statement. Manning’s agent denied the details of the report to Al Jazeera, calling Sly’s assertions “outrageous and wrong.” But the statement does not deny that growth hormones were shipped to Manning's wife, only insisting that such matters were a matter of medical privacy.


    I think more will be coming in the next few days.




  11. 1 minute ago, 19colt said:

    In other words, let's see how Brock plays vs Cincy. Their DL should run riot, meaning Brock may drop back 40+ times again. 

    Brock has played fine for Denver since he has come in. He has run Kubiak's system well and has had typical young QB struggles along with some brilliant playing as well. I think at this point Kubiak needs to know if Manning can at least be his back-up and be active. If not, then he needs that roster spot for the post-season given all of Denver's injuries. I feel for Kubiak as this is a difficult situation because it is Manning. He is treading lightly which I don't blame him but a decision has to come soon one way or the other.

  12. 1 hour ago, 19colt said:


    Mike Klis pointed out earlier this week, after this workout was announced, that it is not a seminal point in his recovery. Either way, my opinion is that this workout gives both an IN and an OUT for next week. If Brock struggles enough in a very close win or Denver loses - Peyton IN. If Denver wins and Brock plays well enough - Peyton's foot will pull up poorly from this session and he is done one way or another. JMO. 

    This is tough to read. Kubiak for the last two weeks has waited to announce Brock as the starter. My take is he wanted to see how healthy Manning was and if he could at least be active. When the set back happened Friday and Manning did not practice at all this week, I think Kubiak scheduled the work out today to see where Manning is at and if there is any potential for him to be able to play before season's end or post-season. It is moot that Manning will play at all until he is able to practice and practice with the first team. It seems unlikely that will happen before the end of season. But Kubiak is running of time. If Manning cannot practice without pain then he needs his roster spot for a player that can contribute. That is the rub here IMO. They are running out of time and need to come to a decision soon.

  13. 5 minutes ago, ViriLudant said:


    Did you read the amicus curiae submitted to th court?  It tore DeflateGate to shreds.

    As did the MIT professor's lecture at UNH. 

    That was one of the best, most well-articulated briefs in this whole saga. I am glad it got submitted to the courts.

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