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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. 1 hour ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

    First, let me be clear, that I in  NO Way, shape or form condone what OBJ did.   

    I do however think he was provoked, and I don't think he is the only guilty party here, or the only one deserving of punishment.



    Players get provoked all the time, worse than Odell and don't respond like he did.

  2. Just now, jvan1973 said:

    No,   he's not usually playing in the superbowl.  He has missed the Super Bowl more often than he has played in it.   Also,   until a few years ago,   playing in the superbowl didn't keep you from playing in the pro bowl

    It kept him from it most recently in 2011, 2014 and probably this year too. So yeah, Dalton will get to play if his thumb is better.

  3. 55 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


    Dalton will be there unless the Bengals make the Super Bowl. He is the first alternate. At least one of those voted in will not be there.

    If they decided this year to break it down according to the best performing QBs than only Brady should have gone from the AFC. The other 5 should have been NFC IMO.

  4. 59 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


    Dalton was snubbed.  Your list is missing Carson Palmer.

    You are right. So 4 NFC QBs went and only 2 AFC? I thought it was always 3 and 3?


    And Dalton should have gotten in over Ben.

  5. Cool stat: The Patriots have clinched a first-round bye for the sixth straight season. According to Elias, it's the longest such streak under the current playoff format (which started in 1990).

  6. 1 minute ago, Cynjin said:


    Maybe when he retires, though I doubt it, but until then he is not going to tell anyone.

    "Do Your Job" is probably the closest we are ever going to get to understanding Bill and I was happy he did and allowed his coaches to speak so openly and frankly. I think he understands the history of the game and wants his accomplishments documented so I do hope he shares more after retirement.

  7. 5 hours ago, King Colt said:

    Peyton never wanted to be anywhere but Indy. He is still capable of helping a descent team win until they can bring in a genuine starter through the draft or trade. I say the Texans will go after him in a one season role to keep the offense above water while their defense wins out over the opponents. the Texans schedule is weak and so Manning could easily pile up some wins for them. Strictly speculation but I can't see Manning in Denver next year if Elway is still alive.

    Yeah. I think Denver is over after this year.


    I am not sure he will have many suitors in 2016 given his age, injury history and decline. I think his best bet will probably be for a team that wants him to sell tickets and merchandize similar to the Titans wanting him back in 2012. Maybe the Saints if Brees moves on ..

  8. 38 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:



    But against the odds, Coughlin wagered correctly: not only did Beckham avoid further flag trouble, but the Giants came all the way back from 28 points down to tie the game, and Beckham played a big part in that comeback.  Refs should have had Beckham out of the game so Coughlin's choice would be moot.  They didn't and Giants almost won because of it.


    Beckham did not play a big role in the comeback. Previous to his only TD of the game that tied the game at 35, he had 5 catches for about 60 yards and had dropped a TD early. Part of the reason he lost his cool in the game is because Norman was shutting him down. And this really has been the recurring theme with Odell. When he faces tough competition and can't get his catches, he gets frustrated and loses his cool. This would have been the perfect game for Coughlin to put a stop to it and sit him down a series. For him to say he wanted Beckham out there to win tells everyone that he feels the ends justify the means. A really surprising comment from him that has made me lose a lot of respect for him.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Girlzarefanstoo said:

    ColtsBlueFL Simply stated, I could not disagree more.  OBJ crossed the line several times even before the dangerous hit he placed helmet to helmet blindside.  If he had broken the jaw, concussed or caused hearing loss (hitting directly on the ear hole can do that) would you still say the same thing?


    Normal crossed the line many times as well and HIS coach did nothing.  Winning is important, but not "at all costs."  As a coach you should draw and enforce the lines of acceptable behavior, well before the refs do.  


    The refs totally blew controlling that situation and should have warned each player earlier in the game that the next outburst would see them thrown out of the game.  


    One last reason Coughlin blew it - he just allowed the template for throwing OBJ off his game to be broadcast NFL wide.  We will have this discussion again.


    I agree. Coughlin's response afterwards was cowardly. He had a chance to sit Beckham and chose not to let him play though? Weak sauce right there. And because he did not sit him for at least a series to make him understand to cool it, he is now suspended for Vikes game.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Superman said:

    From the article: 

    "The NFL's $30 million grant -- its largest single donation -- is administered by the Foundation for the NIH (FNIH), a nonprofit organization that solicits donations for NIH research. Koroshetz said he had asked FNIH since May whether the NFL would fund the project but never received a commitment. There has been no indication that the league is walking away from its original donation."


    So what's the issue?

    OTL believes the NFL has exercise its veto power over the grant and pulled out per "ESPN sources" that is in the beginning of the story. Believe what you will. I don't trust ESPN in general but normally they are pro NFL so it is interesting that they have put this report out that paints the league in a bad light with regards to its most important issue in terms of player safety. I am sure more will surface this week about the actual details of what has actually happened and if the NFL did indeed veto the grant.



  11. The timing of this, if true, could not be any worse for the NFL given the Concussion movie is about to come out this week.


    According to OTL, the NFL, which spent years criticizing researchers who warned about the dangers of football-related head trauma, has backed out of one of the most ambitious studies yet on the relationship between football and brain disease, sources familiar with the project told Outside the Lines.

    The seven-year, $16 million initiative was to be funded out of a $30 million research grant the NFL gave the National Institutes of Health in 2012. The NFL has said repeatedly that it has no control over how that money is spent, but the league balked at this study, sources said, because the NIH awarded the project to a group led by a prominent Boston University researcher who has been critical of the league.


    When the NFL's "unrestricted" $30 million gift was announced in 2012, the NIH said the money came "with no strings attached;" however, an NIH official clarified the gift terms two years later, telling Outside the Lines that, in fact, the league retained veto power over projects that it funds.

    Sources told Outside the Lines that the league exercised that power when it learned that Robert Stern, a professor of neurology and neurosurgery at Boston University, would be the project's lead researcher. The league, sources said, raised concerns about Stern's objectivity, despite an exhaustive vetting process that included a "scientific merit review" and a separate evaluation by a dozen high-level experts assembled by the NIH.


    Read full story here, http://espn.go.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/14417386/nfl-pulls-funding-boston-university-head-trauma-study-concerns-researcher

  12. 2 minutes ago, Restored said:


    If Manning is healthy, he will be the starter which means he will get the first team reps. If he has no pain, he will run the first team as part of the next step in his process. Stop with the spin already.

    Pretty much what I said. With the "IF Manning is healthy" being the biggest question as he was not able to make it through 3 days last week throwing with the scout team. I would imagine Kubiak has him with scout team Wed to see how he is doing and if everything goes fine then maybe he gets first team reps Thursday. This is a huge decision as this Cincy game can decide the division for the Broncos if they win or potentially drop them to a WC or even out of the playoffs.

  13. 1 minute ago, Restored said:


    You said nothing about Manning being active or starting in your post. In fact, you inferred the opposite.

    It is referred in this statement: How well can he play with it. It will be worth noting if he can get through all 3 days of practice without pain to where he has to stop like last week when he sat out on Friday.


    The other thing to keep in mind here aside from him getting through a week of practice is that he has to actually take first team reps to get he nod to start. If he is still with the scout team for all 3 days and has no pain, I would think he would at least be active and be the back up.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Restored said:


    You spin things better than some of these NY Post writers.


    Kubiak made it clear that he is making no declarations till Wednesday when he has the plan laid out for Manning. If Manning is healthy enough to play, he will be the Broncos starter. Brock hasn't played well in the 2nd half's of games for some weeks now.

    ?? I said it will be worth noting if Manning can get through 3 days of practice without pain like last week which forced him to sit Friday so he can get the nod to at least be active and/or start. 

  15. Looks like Brock will start vs Cincy (Kubiak said nothing has changed on Monday) as Manning tries to practice again this week. The injury is not going to heal 100 percent so he is trying to get it to a point where he can just manage the pain and play well. So that is the rub here. How well can he play with it. It will be worth noting if he can get through all 3 days of practice without pain to where he has to stop like last week when he sat out on Friday. Also, Brock said his shoulder is Ok.



  16. 3 hours ago, King Colt said:

    Colts, 49ers, Ravens, Dallas, San Diego are the biggest flops of this season while New England and Pittsburgh maintain success year after year after year.. To all fans of all teams, your team  is no good for a reason and most teams share the bottom line-the DESIRE to be the best. No pride, lots of talk. Until other teams can match the life long commitments to succeed instead of "this year only" all the others will be also-rans for decades, like they are now. How many SBs have your teams appeared in?/How many have they won? Why is it the Yankees and the Cubs have the records they have for the last 100 years?

    Steelers have not won a playoff game since 2010.

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