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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. As a football fan, I was upset that the Colts did not go for it. It is such a historic thing to accomplish. The fact that the starters were pulled vs the Jets made me insane as that win along with the Jets beating the Bengals the following week who also rested their starters allowed them to get in the playoffs. :argh:


    I am anxious to see what Rivera does as Carolina could have things wrapped up for HFA this week which will leave them 2 games that don't mean anything.

  2. 8 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Brock put up 12 freakin points against the Raiders and the Broncos lost in MileHigh to that mediocre team they normally beat something like 35-10 with Peyton in, so what the heck does someone think the Pats will do to them if Brock plays IN THE PLAYOFFS? Brock is the future but next season he is.

    Manning put up 9 points vs the Raiders when he played them and had two picks. They only won the game because the defense scored the final 7 points for the win.


    I get your passion for Manning but he has been one of the worst rated QBs all season and has averaged 2 picks a game. His 17 picks still lead the league. Brock is green but gives Denver a better a chance to win on top of being the future of the team.

  3. Jeff Fisher and Marvin Lewis could be the same guy IMO. Fisher has been a HC since the mid 90's with 6 playoff appearances and a handful of wins; Lewis has been a HC for 12 seasons with 6 playoff appearances and zero wins. For whatever reason, GMs love them and keep them around and their jobs are always safe. Makes no sense to me anyways.

  4. Just now, chad72 said:


    My gut tells me Brock will at least get the Bengals game at home to prove more against a quality opponent at the very least. It will be interesting.


    What is the fun in any team's activities if there is no QB controversy? The poor media needs some fodder after all :thmup:, they will bludgeon this issue till the Broncos season ends. I feel for Kubiak and Brock in a sense. 

    The longer Kubiak goes without naming a starter the worse it is going to get. It is also important for the team to know who their QB is going into the post-season. But I agree, I think he wants to see Brock vs quality teams. He has the win vs the Pats where he had a great 4th quarter to lead the comeback. So have to see what he can do now vs Pitt and then Cincy.

  5. 4 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    Just the still shot of this grainy footage sure makes Peyton look older than he is:




    Brock, in this video, is saying all the right things and it has to be weird for Peyton to play scout team QB like Brock mentions. But contrary to what is being rumored, speculated and said out there, Peyton is a team player, and his actions of being a scout team QB speaks louder than words, IMO.

    lol. That still is brutal.


    Kubiak is still dancing a tight rope. Will be interesting to see what happens next week when Manning should be able to practice more ...

  6. 7 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Yeah no need to go to PM. I think she knows anything she throws at me wont phase me because I have already admitted Peyton has a mediocre record in the Playoffs and is shaky in the Playoffs  and I am 100% right about Tom playing mediocre against the Giants in 2007 and Peyton being 2-1 against Tom in the AFC Title Game. Also I am right that after his 9-0 start in the Playoffs he has not been near as dominant in the Playoffs since then, all are facts. She responded to my Post last night so I merely responded back with more facts. Really all Patriots fans have as ammo against Peyton is he is 11-13 in the Playoffs but they never mention how he has managed to go to 3 SB's and win 1 though and his 2-1 record against Tom when it really counts. Also it's really a team game as well so a QB's record doesn't always tell the story. Peyton doesn't and cant play Defense last I checked. The Patriots had awesome Defenses in Tom's early days.

    The thread is not about Brady, but Manning and how he has handled being on the sideline this year. Like I said, feel free to PM and we can discuss. I have been told by moderation that threads cannot be derailed so I am being respectful to the rules, not avoiding the discussion. Would love to discuss just not on this thread.

  7. Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    You even have to admit Tom played mediocre in that SB against the Giants. Talking about the first one. Putting up 14 points when you average 30 a game is pretty bad. I realize he took them down at the end with a sweet drive to go ahead but they should've blown the Giants out IMO. Not trying to nitpick but he has had several Playoff games like that over the last 10 seasons or so and that was my main point. When I say several before you ask, Jets, Ravens games, etc.. Peyton is shaky in the Playoffs overall so I already admit that but it's funny how Peyton haters just want to point his record but they don't bring up he is 2-1 vs Tom in the Big one and has been to 3 SB's and won at least 1.

    I don't want to derail this thread so feel free to PM and we can discuss ...

  8. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Like I said I have never once said Peyton is better in the Postseason over Tom. Peyton's 11-13 mark is shaky but he still has been to 3 SB's and is even 2-1 against Tom in the Title Game. All I was really doing with my initial Post was pointing out even Tom has had his struggles in the Postseason after his early run.

    Sure. I think after going 9-0 anything less than perfection would be looked at as a struggle yet he went to 3 more SBs and 6 more AFCCGs after his first three titles and came within a miracle catch of going a perfect 19-0.

  9. 37 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Never said it wasn't better (Pats fans are so sensitive when it comes to Tom LOL) but 12-8 isn't dominating and winning 1 Ring in 10 years isn't either. I was just pointing out that Brady is far from perfect and has had his Postseason problems like everyone else.

    Brady's 12-8 mark would place him 5th all time for most post-season wins. It is not dominating when compared to Brady's first half of his career at 9-0 which is the judging stick you are using. And no one is saying Brady is perfect but he is the biggest post-season winner in NFL history and is still going ...

  10. 30 minutes ago, Shane Bond said:



    We saw what Brady can do without Gronk on the field.


    I really feel bad for all the Patriots players who actually contributed ( without whining ) on the field like Malcolm Butler, Ty Law, McGinnest, Teddy and all the coaches like Wies, Crennel and Belichick who contributed for the win.




    The majority of Brady's post-season wins have come without Gronk on the field ...

  11. 8 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    That game was actually in 2002. It was real snowy and Peyton played great in Denver. I just looked it up. 23-20 Colts won. Peyton does have 13 Playoff losses but has been to 3 SB's and won 1 + he and the great Tom Brady's QBR in the Playoffs is close. Tom has such a fabulous record because in his first 3 Playoffs he was 9-0 otherwise he has been mortal for the most part and has had his share of puzzling Playoff losses as well like to the Jets and Ravens at home. I just wouldn't trust Brock against the Patriots on the road in a Playoff game, sorry. If I am losing I am losing with a Top 5 QB of all-time and that is Peyton. 

    ???? Even if you take out his first 9 wins, he is 12-8 in the post-season with one ring and 3 SB appearances and 5 AFCCG appearances, 2 one and done's.  Manning is 11-13 overall in his entire career with one ring and 3 SB appearances, 4 AFCCG appearances and 9 one and done's. So Brady's post-season career after his 3 rings is still better than Manning.

  12. 6 hours ago, dw49 said:


    I have never seen a QB look worse than Charlie Whitehorse looked in that jacksonville game. Be cognizant that I'm 66 and have been watching NFL football almost every Sunday for the past 55 years. Anyway .. Sammy Davis Jr was a frail little black man with a glass eye . He was probably the most amazing entertainer of at least the 20th century. Here's a quick read on what he was known for...



    This post is hilarious. Well done. :)

  13. 10 hours ago, HiltonTD said:

    Here's a pretty interesting article on injuries across the league and how they relate to win/loss or playoff contention at the moment.


    It looks like the Ravens and Giants have been hit the hardest, which is surprising that the Giants are still in playoff contention because the Ravens are a total mess right now by comparison!



    The Pats are third right behind the Ravens and Giants with 167 games lost to injury. Wow. I knew the injury bug hit the Pats hard but didn't realize they were that high. It is stunning that they have 11 wins and were 10-0 with all the injuries they have sustained. Goes to show you the depth of the team that they can sub in that many players and continue to win and be in the drivers seat for the AFC 1 seed.

  14. For the second week in a row, go Steelers! lol.


    I think Pitt wins this game easily but I agree with Chad that the Denver D could make this interesting. But I have no faith in Kubiak as his teams tend to swoon in Dec. I would like to see Brock do well and I do think he can do some things vs a young Pitt defense but I just don't trust his Oline at all against the Pitt front.


    I think it is a plus for Pitt that the temps will be warm and no snow as Ben will look to chuck the ball around at will.

  15. I really want the Giants to win this game but the Giants defense is just plain awful. I think Cam may have a week similar to last week and it could be a blow out. I believe if Carolina wins this game they secure HFA, have to check tie breakers with Arizona. If that is true then it will be interesting to see if they go for 16-0 with two meaningless games left.

  16. 10 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

    Excellent? Bengals don't have Andy D..

    wishful thinking, a.m.?

    They do have a ferocious D Mark and the Denver O is anemic. Cincy can go in and beat them in Denver even with McCarron. Peyton may be back for that game. He is practicing this week which if everything goes well with his foot would mean he starts that game. Maybe the game of the regular of the season in terms of how the playoff seedings fall.

  17. 21 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    I guess I didn't know there was a set of standards they used for MVP.  To me, it's pretty clear... Most Valuable Player.  It's not best play on a top team or player getting all the hype on a winning team or guy that is exceeding expections and his team is doing well, it's most valuable player.


    So, it only seems logical that the most valuable player is the guy who could go to any team in the NFL and make them a better team and help them win more games.  And IMO that guy is JJ Watt.  With that criteria a case could also be made fro Gronk and even AP

    Such good points that you raise here. I was trying to find the actual criteria for league MVP and could not find it. It really is subjective and tends to be based on numbers/stats and wins.

  18. Just now, jvan1973 said:

    Its also copied and pasted from someone else

    I never said they were my thoughts. I put down facts that I found related to the Chiefs chances at winning the West.

  19. 13 minutes ago, -JJ- said:

    Depends on what defense we're playing. He was pretty good in the Texan game and it all comes down to the oline anyway.

    He has been below average all year for us IMO. I know much of that is the poor Oline but he has lost his burst and is indecisive t the line of scrimmage. I was impressed with how Bolden was able to get outside. That has been missing from the run game.

  20. 1 hour ago, Surge89 said:


    Severe? lol please.


    I can tell you 5 teams who have had it worse and not even break a sweat.


    Steelers, Colts, Cowboys, Vikings, Eagles, Broncos, Chargers, Ravens, Bengals...

    I never said Pats had it worse than other teams. But they have been hit hard by injury bug.

  21. 2 minutes ago, BOTT said:

    Meh, a decent RB, nothing more.

    He has not even been that this year. He has been dancing at the line and slower than last year. It was telling that in the last 4 games, the Pats did not hand it to him inside the 5. They gave it to White. His loss is not nearly as big of a deal as the media will make it out to be but right now the Pats need warm bodies. The injury bug has been severe this season.

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