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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. 4 minutes ago, BrentMc11 said:

    Going to ride this stretch of Warriors victories.  Running up and down a court non-stop for 48 minutes and playing 3 out of 5 nights requires these guys to have to work harder.  

    The last CBA...only 1 practice a week hitting...I stay with the Warriors.  I really am not impressed with Carolina.  The Warriors made this old guy WOW out loud many times.  It takes a whole lot for me to ever get awed.  Last night did it on many occasions.

    I agree. I do love watching them play and the fact that are stealing the show from Lebron is just a bonus. lol.

  2. 3 minutes ago, bababooey said:

    I was at Giants/Jets this past weekend in the endzone that Marshall caught the last minute TD pass. "Nail in the Coughlin" soooo many little kids crying after the game I felt bad lol

    I am sure it was brutal. The Giants have found all sorts of ways to lose in heart breaking, dumb founding fashion. I hate the Jets but I was happy to see them beat the Giants like that. I know how heated the rivalry is between the NY teams.

  3. Just now, BrentMc11 said:

    Just read it above...was a quote to you...

    Was it this one: I need to look at Golden State's schedule.  They may start 30-0.  I have been watching football and basketball for over 40 years.  I have seen many better teams than Carolina.  I cannot say I have seen too many teams that could match what Golden State does on a nightly basis.  Last night was the best offensive display I have seen in the NBA.  I think the only team close was the running style of the Lakers with Magic, Worthy, Cooper and Kareem....That was beautiful to watch.  They still could not shoot the ball like these Warriors.

    If yes, I agree with you which is why I think what Carolina is doing is much more impressive because they are not a team anyone would expect to be undefeated. GS is a great team and the defending champs. Let me put it this way, if it was the Pats that were 12-0 and not the Panthers would this even be a thread? Probably not as the Pats are the defending champs and have Brady and Bill and have gone 16-0 before. For a team like the Panthers with Newton who is a solid QB but not elite to be at 12-0 is much more impressive.

  4. 2 minutes ago, bababooey said:

    The Steelers are basically a better version of the Giants.

    Yes. Excellent comparison. Ben is not as much as a turd as Eli year in and year out in the regular season, he just gets injured a lot and Tomlin does actually try to coach when Pitt plays teams other than the Pats.

  5. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    What is odd is despite the Steelers and Patriots being 2 Elite teams over the last 10 seasons being 2005-2014, they haven't met once in the Playoffs in those 10 seasons. They did meet in the 2004 AFCCG and the Pats beat them but that was the last time. Colts have only played the Steelers once in the Playoffs too since the 2005 Season. We lost to the Steelers in 2005. It's odd that the Patriots and Colts somehow have avoided playing the Steelers by pure dumb luck over the last 10 Playoffs with the exception of our 2005 game.

    The Steelers have failed to make the playoffs some of those years or lost in the first round. The Steelers have not won a playoff game since 2010.

  6. 1 hour ago, OffensivelyPC said:

    You're 3-2 against them out of your last 5 matchups.  How is that "owning them?"  

    The Steelers are 2-8 vs Brady. They have never beaten him at Gillette (0-3) or have beaten him in the post-season. Brady has gone into Heinz field TWICE for the AFC championship game and won. He has also had some of his best games vs them in his career. In nine games against them (not including this season's game), he has completed 68.1 percent of his attempts, thrown for 2,638 yards and 20 touchdowns and has a passer rating of 109.64. He has been picked off just three times by the Steelers in 323 career attempts, though not once since a victory in 2005, five meetings ago.

    The last time they played prior to this season was in 2013 in the regular-season - none were as lopsided or embarrassing or historic as that game — a 55-31 loss that set a franchise record for most points and most yards (610) allowed in Pitt's 82-year history.

    The Pats owns Pitt much the way Pitt owns the Colts. It is what it is. But my anxiety factor should the Pats play them is not high to say the least. That being said, I am not sure Pitt even makes it as they have a brutal schedule with both Cincy and Denver while both KC and the Jets have easier paths and even the Texans for that matter.

  7. 1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

    How is it harder if it's happened more often?  The warriors have the second longest win streak in NBA history,  and the longest streak ever to open a season.     12 games isn't close to the longest streak in nfl history

    It is easier to rip off wins in the NBA especially when you are the best team with the best shooter in the game. The Panthers are 12-0 with a chance at 16-0 which has only been done once by the Pats. The degree of difficulty to win in the NFL is so much harder especially when you factor in injuries. Plus as I have said the Panthers were not picked by most to even win their division much less be 12-0 with a chance at going undefeated. That is much more impressive than the defending champs in the NBA winning 23 IMO. But let's see when each team loses its first game and then revisit.

  8. Just now, BrentMc11 said:

    Funny.  Basically two guys scored all of the points....Jordan and Pippen.

    Exactly. That is why it is so much easy to rip off wins in the NBA than the NFL. You can literally dominate with just a couple of players in the NBA and coast to victories whereas in the NFL you have to have all three units play well to have a chance and even then you need good to great QB play on top.

  9. 12 hours ago, QwizBoy said:

    Hahaha, I hope the whole vengeance narrative is over now that the Patriots have lost a couple of games. I know Brady is still Brady and he is ready to shut up his doubters this week but the Patriots of course look a bit more vulnerable with Gronkowski out. 

    Glad you posted on this thread. What do you see as Houston strengths? I have not watched a lot of their games. I know Hopkins is a beast and of course Watt. Anyone else the Pats should be weary about? I really like the job O'Brien has done this year after a terrible start. Getting rid of Mallett seemed to have change the tide as the team got behind Hoyer who has been playing great the last few games. I think your team is better than its 6-6 record.

  10. 13 hours ago, dgambill said:

    I may be weird but when the pats get healthy they are going to be about impossible to beat. Since Cincy and Denver have to play each other I would rather NE lose at least one more in hopes they don't get home field advantage. If they end up in the 3 seed we avoid them until the final round if we are lucky to get that far. Also NE has never won the SB without a bye. Honestly I like Houston...got no problem if they beat us out. If they do they deserve the division. Honestly at this point especially after how we've played this year it's hard for me to see us winning 4 games to win it all so I root for us but I also root for teams with my favorite players and Houston has one of those. So I will root for Houston....Brady has enough rings lol....time for someone else to win lol. So if it helps Cincy or Denver Houston or maybe us then I don't care....about the only teams I'm good with NE beating is STL DAL and SEA....toss up with PIT.

    You can never have enough rings dgam! haha

  11. Just now, jvan1973 said:

    12-0 has been done numerous times in the nfl.  23-0 has never been done in the NBA before this season

    Lakers won 33 in a row in the 70's. It is MUCH harder to win 12 straight games in the NFL than 23 in the NBA. And again the Warriors are the best team. Most people did not even have Carolina winning their division much less undefeated and if they go 16-0 they will be only the second team in NFL history to do that.

  12. 11 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    Why?  Are people not supposed to talk about and discuss who is the better team at the moment?  Should all the newsies not publish anything until after the superbowl and then only talk about the superbowl winner and loser?


    I never said you can't discuss them. I just said the only ones that matter are the ones that publish on Feb. 8.

  13. 13 hours ago, OffensivelyPC said:

    What wild card potential team has a better shot to beat the Pats?

    The steelers would be the most formidable foe of all the potential WCs but again the Pats own them. Brady has had some of his best games against them and for whatever reason Tomlin coaches like a dunce on top. They just don't have the defense this year either so assuming both Gronk and Edelman are back the Pats would win rather easily IMO.

  14. 29 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

    Especially considering that it may affect seeding.  I'd rather go *-for-tat with the Texans and hope the Patriots remain a 3 seed and lose on their way to the AFCCG.  If I'm rooting for anything at all outside a Colts win, i'ts that the Pats see the Steelers in the WC round.

    I would love to see the Steelers at any point in the playoffs. The pats have historically owned them.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Superman said:

    How about this? I expect the Colts to win out, so it doesn't matter what Houston does. Problem solved.

    And this rooting interest topic is usually in General, not on the Colts side. It typically looks exactly like this thread does. 

    Fair enough. You can root however you want with whatever expectation you want.

    I must have missed the other threads here on the General side but I have not been here as much lately so it could be that too.

  16. 36 minutes ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

    And thats on you for being a petty enough fan to want an opposing team to control your destiny. 

    Petty? Come on now. The only way a team truly controls its own destiny is if it goes 16-0 otherwise you are relying on other teams to lose more than you to win your division, get HFA, a WC.

  17. 1 hour ago, Superman said:

    The Colts are in control of their own destiny. It's Week 14 and we're 6-6. If the Colts can't finish strong against this light schedule, and the Texans can, then they deserve it more than we do. We should take care of our own business. This game doesn't even have that much bearing on the Colts standing, whether they beat the Jags or not. It's not like this is Week 17 and the outcome of this game decides the Colts future.

    And it's not insanity. Every few months this topic pops up, and it's become an excuse to tell fans that they are misapplying their fandom, either because they're too stupid to know what's best for them, or because they hate the Patriots more than they should. I'm very much over it, especially coming from Pats fans. 

    I don't see the two as mutually exclusive - wanting the Colts to finish strong but also having a division rival lose to provide an easier path to the division title. But that is just me.

    In terms of your second graph. I was not aware that this was an ongoing issue here as I am rarely over on the Colts side so I didn't realize the topic was opening old wounds so to speak. I think it is an interesting topic and one fun to discuss but people are free to express their fandom however they want.

  18. Just now, Superman said:

    As jvan said, the Colts aren't relying on the Patriots to beat the Texans, so it's immaterial.

    It is immaterial IF the Colts win out. If not, a Texans victory will have won the division.

    I get the hate to a point but really this borders on insanity. I can't tell you how much I loathe the Jets but if they were playing a team that affected the Pats chances the way this game does for the Colts, I would vote the Jets without a second thought. I always want the least path of resistance for MY team especially if it means getting into the playoffs or going home.

  19. 1 minute ago, Superman said:

    Losing to the Jags won't make people hate the Patriots less.

    I know that. But at some point wanting your own team to succeed has to come into the picture but then again there was a poster that said he would rather see the Pats not win the SB than the Colts win one so maybe not.

  20. 4 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    MY Top 5 are:

    1. Panthers - It's only because they are 12-0 but I still think a healthy Pats team would beat them with Gronk and Edleman and if Peyton was healthy the Broncos would beat them as well. The Broncos Defense is just as great if not better than the Panthers Defense is, is why.

    2. Broncos

    3. Patriots

    4. Cardinals

    5. Bengals

    The only power rankings that matter are the ones that publish on Feb. 8

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