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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. If Watt did not win it last year after the historic season he put up, there is no way he is winning this year. I doubt he gets one vote. The race is between Cam and Brady with Palmer a somewhat distant third.

  2. 6 hours ago, Jules said:

    Until Lord Luck comes back we need all the help we can get. Hasselbeck might beat the Jags again but the Steelers made him look old and like well......a backup.

    I miss my Andrew.

    So it looks like it will be just be you rooting for the Pats. But we will take all the support we can get. :)


  3. 10 hours ago, ReMeDy said:

    Call this crazy, but I'd rather see the Pats not win the Superbowl than the Colts winning one, so GO HOUSTON!

    I have to check to see if you were being serious with this post. If yes, that blows my mind. The best day of this year (sports-wise) was Feb. 1 for me and watching Bob, Bill and Brady lift that 4th Lombardi. I still watch that game now. That is how awesome it was. I can never imagine not wanting MY team to win in favor of another team losing. Truly that idea boggles my mind. I was recently discussing with some Pats fans after these last two losses how last year's win takes the hurt out of this season no matter how it goes. Of course I want the Pats to get that 5th ring but this is probably the most contented I have ever been during any season and it is precisely because they got that elusive 4th ring last year.

  4. 1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

    Thanks for the book recommendation AMF. I will definitely take a peek at it. Sounds like a page turner to me. :thmup:

    It is a great read SW. I learned a lot about both players that I had not known before. That surprised me as I have read everything on Brady but this book had more personal information on him and his relationship with Manning which was great to find out about. They are a lot closer than most people realize. It was also nice reading about how their wives have connected as Manning's wife Ashley prefers to be behind the scenes whereas Gisele is a very public figure given her career yet both are married to insanely devoted football fanatics who also happen to be two of the best QBs to ever play. It was great to also to read about Archie and Tom Sr. and how they have developed a relationship over the years given the stardom of their sons.

    Let me what you think of it after you read it. You can PM me.

  5. 3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I thought Tom played Good but not his usual Great game. The INT at the Goaline was huge mainly because it was returned for 99 Yards. His INT in the endzone was the puzzling one because no WR was in sight. WR probably ran the wrong route is my guess. The SPTeams is really what lost the game IMO.

    He forced it to Amendola who was covered. He took ownership of it afterwards and said it was a terrible decision. It was a huge swing but they had the 14-0 lead and then the STs onside kick which was dumb and then punt block. Just so many momentum swings when the Pats had the game under control. At least it was an NFC loss which hurts less than a conference loss but every game is critical now to getting a bye.

  6. Just now, Restored said:


    That's fine and all but had Brady not thrown that pick 6 at the goal line, the 14 point swing ends up giving them the win.

    Previous to the pick six though it was 14-7 courtesy of Brady's two TDs and the STs gave up a block punt for a TD that made it 14-14 right before half. So you could look at that score as the one that put the game back in reach and then punt return for a TD after Brady's pick that made it 28-14 as the back breaking score. Again, just so many mistakes against a bad team. But Brady had 4 TDs to 2 INTs. That would have been plenty if not for the STs gaffes.

  7. 4 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    You guys need the Gronk like we need Andrew. Andrew struggled early on but the Denver game showed me he was getting ready to take off and play great. Back to your Pats, I still think the Edleman loss is critical too. Is he coming back for the Playoffs?

    We need Gronk and Edelman. Our offense is predicated on Brady getting the ball out of his hands quick to cover for our awful offensive line. The last two games he has had to hold the ball to wait for plays down the field to develop and he has taken a beating and had incompletions as our WRs are not good enough to get separation or quit on routes like LaFell did time and again yesterday.

    Edelman is supposed to be back for the post-season. There has been some scuttle that he could be back before season's end but I am not anticipating that.

  8. 55 minutes ago, Restored said:


    Brady also missed plenty of open throws and the other INT into the end zone where there was nothing but Eagle defenders around the ball was just as baffling. You can't blame mostly bad special teams when Brady threw a 99 yard pick-6. It's a 14 point swing there. Regardless of who has been out there, Brady is clearly off as of late and it doesn't appear to be getting better.

    Actually you really can when STs had a blocked punt for a TD, a return punt for a TD and two failed onside kicks. The game was a mess. Brady had his mistakes but throwing for 3 TDs and running for another is what made the game close at the end so he atoned for his and then some but could not cover the STs. The whole team will need to play much better which they typically do the last month of the season so I am cautiously optimistic. Getting Gronk back will be huge. Hopefully it is soon.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Restored said:


    The Brady INT at the goal line had little to do with players being out. He flat out made a horrible read and got baited by the LB on the play.

    Yeah, terrible decision down there but he also threw for 3 TDs and ran for another. And had he not had two key drops on the final drive he would have tied it up after being down 35-14 which was in large part due to terrible STs play. Brady was far from perfect but he was slinging it pretty good given he had terrible Oline play all day and was missing his top 3 pass catchers.

  10. 1 hour ago, King Colt said:

    Since Brady started that was the worst I have seen them play. Not only was the skill level diminished but mistakes as well. Near the end I thought here we go again the Pats are going to pull another one out of their hat but it was not to be.

    KC game was much worse last year.

  11. 3 minutes ago, azcolt said:

    The Pats team Houston is playing on Sunday is beat up and on a two game losing streak. Don't assume a Houston loss.

    Yep. No guarantee with this game especially if Gronk is still out. Toughest game of the year for the Pats IMO given how injured they are and on the road. I feel a little bit better given how Buffalo did vs them but the Pats will not have that type of run game.

  12. 36 minutes ago, Restored said:

    Actually, you guys will only need to win out to get a bye. Denver and Cincinnati still play each other which means one of them will have 3 losses. And trust me, if there is a team in more desperate need of a bye week, its the Patriots since Brady has lost his magical ability to win with anyone.

    Yeah, winning out will get us a bye but I am not sure if we will do that. I am really hoping Pitt helps us out and gives Cincy and Denver another loss before they play each other. Brady has his limits. Can't lose your top 3 pass catchers and score 30+ a game.

  13. 11 minutes ago, CroatianColtsFan21 said:

    Hahaha, you're trying to trick me into spending money on a book about brady haha not falling for that, even if it is on sale and 50% off!

    It is on the rivalry between Brady and Manning. It is a good read as it chronicles their relationship and careers. I learned a lot about each one of them that I did not know before. You can get it from the library and save the $$$. That is what I did. :)

  14. 37 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    For 1 week I am rooting for the Pats. I knew you would show up. Colts took a beating but I am really surprised so many people are shocked. I didn't think it would 45-10 but I knew we would lose. I picked 31-24 Steelers. It got out of hand with the Punt Return and miscues on Offense. Our loss if anything should show everyone in here how valuable Andrew is. The Pats losing to me is the biggest upset of the year, Philly is terrible. You are like me after a loss, you show up. I respect that.

    Yeah. Tough game. Steelers seem to have your number. Is Matt ok? Looked like he hurt his neck. I am hoping the Steelers can do us a favor and beat Cincy this week and then Denver. It feels dirty to vote the Steelers given how much I loathe them but I will be rooting for them hard these next few weeks.

    Losing to Philly is a terrible loss as these next 4 games will be tougher to win and we need to go at least 13-3 to get a bye IMO. Houston will be brutal if our offense does not get figured out.

    I always show up here because I enjoy the forum and posters like yourself. In the end, it is just football. You take the good with the bad and realize not every year is your year. I am still very contented with the Pats winning it all last year. This season has just been a bonus. One of the biggest reasons we won last year was because we stayed healthy. That has not been the case this year so you just have to roll with it. Kind of like you guys have without Luck for so many weeks.

  15. 2 hours ago, CroatianColtsFan21 said:

    I was just trying to tell you your respect for brady on account of "being nice to peyton" is misplaced, since it's not sincere. As showed by his emails that came out during the deflategate. 

    Only reason i mentioned deflategate was to put those emails in timeline, not to show i'm not over deflategate or to start discussing it.

    I think our problem here is you are an impossibly positive person and i'm more of a cynic.. And it's buging me, since i have strong negative feelings on brady..


    You should read this book if you think their friendship is fake, http://www.amazon.com/Brady-Manning-Untold-Rivalry-Transformed/dp/0804139377/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1449489145&sr=8-1&keywords=brady+manning

    Actually just read the first two chapters and you will learn that not only are Brady and Manning good friends, their wives are friends as well as their fathers who call or text each other every week. This is a great read on a unique friendship between two great QBs.

  16. Right now Newton is the front runner unless he loses a game. His stats are middle of the pack but if he goes unbeaten, the award is his. After him is Brady who leads the league in yards and passing touchdowns but the Pats have hid a skid and need to probably win out for him to get it over Newton assuming the Panthers keep rolling. Palmer is probably next but a distant third.

  17. I was expecting to see a really frustrated Brady last night after the game and he seemed fine. He was subdued and answered several questions which he has not done a lot post-game. He ended saying this team is 10-2 and in a good position the rest of the season. Perhaps he was pleased with how the team fought at the end to come back and almost tie it or just feels good about the next few games. Don't know. But he seemed fine which made me feel better. lol.

  18. Terrible game all around but was happy to see the team fight in the fourth to almost complete a crazy comeback. Injuries have finally caught up with the Pats and these next four games will be a war. I am looking forward to see how they respond. Coaching needs to be better too.

    Perhaps the best silver lining to this upcoming week is all the support the Pats will get on this board this week to win and beat Houston, right? :)


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