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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. 47 minutes ago, krunk said:


    Wouldn't you always predict that your division rival will lose even if you're a good couple games ahead of them in the case of the Pats?  Lol

    I want Houston to lose in the worst way so I'm not going to make any plausible scenario for them to get a win.  I'm picking Buffalo of course.

    The Bills are already out of the division race. I just think the way Houston is playing right now, the Bills will not be much a challenge. They have been fading with their only key win the last month over the Jets. I think Houston is poised to make a legit run at the division/playoffs. But the game is in Buffalo so the weather could play a factor. I know you guys want the Texans to lose for obvious reasons but I don't think the Bills are a team to do it right now.

  2. I think Houston rolls in the this game. The Buffalo D has only showed up vs the Pats the last few games and I don't think Taylor gets much vs a Houston D that has been looking great the last few weeks. Rex Ryan said this week that the Bills are the type of team that could win all of its remaining games or lose all of them. Kind of a strange comment but if that is really true than it comes down to him and his staff to get the team ready to play and compete. I don't see it happening this week but they are at home but still Texans will be too much IMO.

  3. I am digging ColdPlay too.

    I am always pretty open minded when it comes to the halftime show because performers only get 20 minutes and they try to pack so much in. I was really impressed by Perry last year. I thought her show was great and I am not a big fan of hers. I did not like Madonna and I am a big fan of her music.

    I have to say though I am not sure anyone tops U2. That was one of the best performances given 9/11 had just happened. They were the right band at the right time and of course the Pats winning their first ring that night was the cherry on top. :)


  4. McCarthy said his team was beat up so the bye is probably coming at a good time. I think their offensive play calling stinks. I am not sure why they keep trying to go down the field when they don't have receivers that can get separation. They should be doing a short passing game as they have quick receivers, not speed guys and some size too. They need to be creative with the run plays too and maybe do some jet sweeps and draws. When I watch them they just look so predictable and trying to force a round hole into a square peg. I agree they won't go far in the playoffs as their defense is terrible. Maybe it catches fire like at the end of last year but it looks really bad right now and I am not sure what the fix is. They dodged a huge bullet last night avoiding being 2 games behind the Vikes with only 4 to go.

  5. 41 minutes ago, QwizBoy said:

    Watkins had three catches for 14 yards and no touchdowns against the Jets. That's not a good night. I admit I don't watch the Jets so I don't see much of Revis playing, but until the Texans game I hadn't heard anything bad about him this year. That Jets defense has been a force to be reckoned with this season, and Revis is a big part of that. I guess we will see if it was an anomaly or not as he continues to face off with the top receivers for the rest of the season.

    He got schooled by Watkins on the third down play that iced the game for the Bills. As Mehta said, you are seeing more separation this year which I have seen but not necessarily more completions or TDs although Hopkins torched him. It is not far fetched to think Beckham would do the same.

  6. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    In no way can you honestly tell me you would feel better going against Peyton instead of Brock in the Playoffs. I know Peyton has had a subpar Playoff Record but he also has won a SB and been to 3 and is always capable of beating any team. Brock is wet behind the ears. The fumbled Punt lost you the game and set everything in motion. CJ turned into Emmitt Smith in OT LOL

    This season I would rather face Peyton given how he has looked vs Brock. I would have loved the Pats chances vs Peyton in the wind and snow Sunday night. That being said, you are right. The muffed punt sent things in motion but Brock led the comeback and his arm stayed strong the whole game.

  7. 19 minutes ago, dw49 said:


    Agree but you have 2 wild cards in this equation. Weather conditions and "how healthy" does PM have to be ? It has the makings of being a major "story" or decision." 


    The other decision is now do you sit a QB who has won 6 games in a row which would include Pats, Cincy and Pitt? I don't expect Brock to win all of the remaining games but even if he goes 4-2 against that schedule is pretty impressive. But I agree, weather is also a factor.

  8. I think the bigger question with regard to status is whether his foot will heal 100 percent this season. I just read an article today on ESPN that he said he was dealing with pain most of the season but that he tore it during the Colts game. If that is true than this is a fresh injury in terms of the tear. Manning said the doctors gave him no timetable for recovery as everyone's body responds differently to rest and treatment with this injury. Eli had said that he played with the same injury most of last season as his foot never fully healed until the off-season. So I think it is safe to just wait and see how Peyton is doing the next two weeks. The Broncos keep saying they want him at 100 percent health so maybe they see this as something where he does not play again in the regular season and is maybe ready for the post-season?

  9. 11 hours ago, QwizBoy said:

    Meh,  I was under the impression that he was doing well before he had to go against Nuk who has proven to be one of the best receivers in the NFL this season. Even the best corners can have a bad game. I think he still has plenty of football left to play.

    He has had several poor games by his standards this year. Watkins had a good night verse him too. As Mehta notes in his article, he has been beat by receivers a lot this year but often the QB has missed the throw. That is what Mehta is pointing out is the separation the receivers are getting this season. You are right. Anyone can have one bad game but Revis has been more of a trend especially the last few weeks. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, he looks heavier to me and unable to turn his hips. He could very well be dealing with an injury too. I have a tough time believing he is done at age 30 when top CBs like him play well into their 30's but I do think it is something to watch for the rest of this season and next year.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bogie said:


    No one was saying this last year when he was wearing a Patriots uniform. 


    I will never forget in 2013 when Revis was in Tampa Bay, and he got burned down by Robert Meachem of all receivers on deep balls vs the Saints. ROBERT MEACHEM. Never was a top receiver, but he owned Revis that day, it was amazing. 

    He did not meet expectations either though in New England. He was lousy the first four games when Bill had him in zone because Browner was on suspension and then he was burned by Cobb in GB on a TD right before the half that swung momentum. His worst game of his career came in the post-season vs the Ravens and then he was picked by a ref in the SB on the TD that allowed the Hawks to go up 10. I would say he was a solid corner last year but you could already see signs of decline. But I for sure wanted the Pats to resign him not knowing they type of CB play we would get this year out of Butler and Ryan but I was NOT disappointed that they did not sign him to the ridiculous deal NY gave him. The Jets are actually paying him MORE now than when he was in his prime which is just stunning. There was a lot of scuttle in the off-season that Bill felt he only had one elite year left which is why he did not make him an offer anything close to the Jets. It looks like the one year might have been an over shoot at this point. I guess we will see. I still think he has some great football left but I do question his desire at this point given he has his ring and his big pay day and a pretty lousy team around him.

  11. It would seem that way. It is pretty ironic that Brock may have won the job by beating the Patriots in the snow. Still, he needs to stay consistent and as there is more film on him things will get tougher. Pats bottled them up for three quarters so if other teams can copy that plan then I think he may struggle but I am not sure how many more teams have the personnel the Pats have on defense to do it. Cincy maybe but Denver is better than every other team they will play down the stretch and Cincy is in Denver.

  12. 31 minutes ago, krunk said:

    I think he's nicked up to go along with the concussion.  I think he'll snap out of it.

    He is only 30. The top CBs have played well into their 30's. i.e. Law, Bailey, Woodson. The only thing with Revis is he has always been all about the money so maybe he is just playing out the string to finish his career or he could be like Moss and lose it fast. Hard to tell but need to give him the rest of this season and next to see if he can get back to form or if the decline/injuries will progress.

  13. 22 minutes ago, krunk said:

    I don't believe this at all.  I don't think Beckham will do much against him, I think it probably more has to do with the Jets sorry offense going three and out a lot.  Defense is probably tired as well as Revis.  I watched Malcolm Butler play a pretty good game against Beckham other than that one long play he had.  Surely D. Revis can play with him!  They mention D. Hopkins, but D. Hopkins is playing on another level right now.  He's one of the best in the game at this moment.  You're not going to shut everybody down all the time.   I don't think Beckham is going to show out on Revis.  It'll probably be a quiet day for Beckham I think.

    It could be moot if Revis is not allowed to play from the concussion. He looks heavier to me this year and for sure slower. He has had issues turning his hips. I think it could be a case of him being a contented player with his ring and big pay day. Also having Fitz as your QB probably does not do a lot to inspire him either.

  14. Jets play the Giants on Sunday in the show down of NY teams. This article came out from Jets beat reporter Manish Mehta on Revis' decline this year. He has fallen off so rapidly that Mehta believes this match up with Beckham will be ugly of the Jets have Revis on him in man coverage with no help. A few snippets:

    Nobody this great deserves to suffer the indignity of being marginalized by air quotes, but here’s the unvarnished truth: Revis Island should be permanently shut down.

    Texans wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins embarrassed Darrelle Revis two weeks ago. Odell Beckham Jr., will do the same if the Jets cornerback is cleared to play this weekend after suffering a concussion in Houston.

    Revis will find a permanent place in Canton one day, but this won’t be a fair fight. Beckham will threaten Flipper Anderson’s 26-year-old single-game receiving record (336 yards) if the Jets are foolish enough to give him the true Revis Island treatment.

    The Jets obviously believed that the nine-year veteran had at least 2-3 years of top-end play left when they guaranteed him $39 million as part of a five-year, $70 million deal, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The 30-year-old has been visibly slower this year. His decline was inevitable, but it’s surprising that his skills appear to be eroding at this rate.


  15. 13 hours ago, Bogie said:

    The Broncos could possibly win the Super Bowl if Brock remains starter. I was very impressed with the last two games of him, and beating New England is a huge 1+. If Manning starts again, they're so screwed, just like last year. The Broncos could start scoring big in games again now that they have an actual quarterback again. 

    Brock has looked good and the Denver run game has been impressive too. The last two games they are averaging 5.0 yards a carry whereas with Manning they were averaging under 4. That is a big difference because Brock can run things from under center and also the defense has to respect his arm. He showed in the wind and snow that he can heave it and do it accurately. This week is at San Diego which could be hairy and possibly a let down game on top. Denver should win because the Chargers are a bit of a mess but now there is even more film on Brock and I have to think that the Chargers will try to do what the Pats did for three quarters and shut down the run game as much as possible and then take away Brock's first read. Not sure though if SD has the personnel to do it.

  16. 2 hours ago, Jules said:

    The Giants defense is AWFUL though. It's possible but their D is so bad.

    So is the Saints D but the Saints at least have this rivalry thingamagig with Carolina along with Atlanta/Tampa Bay.

    Actually Atlanta beating the Panthers would work too since they would live for this. Last year they lost the division by getting blown out by the Panthers. They would love to ruin their perfect season.

    I agree Jules. Atlanta is probably the best bet if Ryan can play well. I like TB for their defense but they will stuggle on offense. I don't see the Giants keeping it within two scores. I like Carolina though and would not mind seeing them go 16-0. It is hard to do and divisional games are no joke down the stretch but they have a great shot if they can manage all the pressure and media attention. It actually hurts them in a way that the Pats lost as at least they could share the undefeated season with another team and the attention but now it is all on them. It would be pretty cool if they can do it.

  17. 3 hours ago, dgambill said:

    I don't have a big problem with it. Does it make me cringe a bit...sure. Would I want my child to act that way...no. That said its perfectly within the rules. It may not be my cup of tea but that doesn't mean he is doing something necessarily wrong. He plays with a lot of passion and clearly there are times when some calls didn't go his way so understandably he is going to be upset. I've seen lots of players complain. I've seen baseball players, basketball players, and tons of football players argue with the refs about a call. I don't know why Tom should be different. That passion he plays with (along with a ton of talent) is what makes him special. He fires up his teammates and himself. No matter I may not like all the ways he shows it he is clearly a champion and the greatest winner (football) of our time.

    Great post dgam as usual. Personally, I have always liked players with emotion in any sport. Probably because the fan in me is right there with them in the joy and the despair of a play, game or season. I think I may have mentioned to you before how many in the Boston area were making fun of Brady for jumping up and down after the Butler pick and screaming and then you go on YouTube and see every single Pats fan doing the exact same thing. :)  Emotion and sports go hand and hand. The good and the bad.

  18. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Yeah it's definitely different. I loved the old format but I am sure the Mods have their reasoning's for changing it.

    Did you happen to notice a tutorial anywhere where we can get a tour of the site and any new features we should be aware of? If not, I will PM one of the mods and ask.

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