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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. Just now, Superman said:

    LOL, that's nice of you.

    How can you connect 51 points against the Jags to the OC not doing a good job, but can't see the relation to Andrew Luck coming back? Whatever problems Chud/MH are having won't be an issue once Luck is back. 

    It was two separate comments. I think you have defensive issues big time that have surfaced these last two weeks. The offense has also sputtered and Matt looked bad today hence the question about the new OC. But if you believe all will be solved when Luck comes back then more power to you. Seems as if there a lot more issues to me on both sides.

  2. 1 minute ago, Superman said:

    False. The offense's inability to move the ball and score points has continually put an average defense in bad situations. Having high level QBing changes all of that.

    And if Luck doesn't play well, then oh well. Obviously, this team's chances for success are based on our best player actually being our best player. 

    How do you feel about your new OC? Seems as though there are comms issues between him and the team. Do you think defenses have figured him out?

  3. Just now, Superman said:

    You clearly don't know what you're talking about. First downs on offense and touchdowns in the red zone 

    I truly love your optimism but the wheels have come off for your team the last two weeks. No defense whatsoever. And this week was against the lousy Jags. Andrew has been a middler at best QB this year. He won't have a magic pill to solve things.

  4. 1 hour ago, dw49 said:


    Agree with you on that one. Luck really is a good kid and I guess you have to admire him for "never complaining." However , the zebras let Denver get away with MULTIPLE late hits on Luck that game. I wonder if other players or coaches "complained." Lord knows they should have .

    Yeah. They lacerated his kidney and then the late hits, eye poke, etc. I do admire Luck but that game was disgusting IMO. I am surprised Harris would want to bring it up in any capacity but then again he is not the sharpest tool in the box.

  5. Great discussion on Warner and Rodgers. I loved Warner when he played but he had that gap in there when he was not so great. But taking both the lousy Rams and Cards to the super bowl is Hall worthy IMO. He was also league MVP the year he won the Super Bowl.

    I agree with Superman though, Rodgers is on a different level. He has been so consistent for his whole career and has a ring. He also already has two league MVPs and could win a couple of more before he is done. I also expect him to win another ring or two assuming the FO in Green Bay gets a clue. I have less faith in them at this point then Rodgers.

  6. 5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Because he has the 1 SB win everyone will give him the benefit of the doubt now even when he plays badly. He was a game manager when he won that SB and relied on his Defense and Lynch more than anything to win games. He is playing great right now so I will give him credit. He will still always go down as making the worst pass in SB history to lose the game by many fans. Or call it a bad decision to throw when he could've audibled into a run. I mean that play lost a SB, not a regular game but a Championship. As far as being overrated, I don't know. I don't think he is a Top 5 QB in the league. Brady, Rodgers, Ben, Cam, and Luck are better in today's league. Yes Luck when he's healthy. He hasn't played like it this season but I would take Luck in an all-time Draft over Wilson anyday.

    Wilson was as much a part of that SB win as the defense and Lynch. But I do agree, like all players a SB win validates like nothing else and he got his early in his career.

    I also agree about the interception last year. He will forever be linked with the play that lost the Super Bowl from the one yard line. I have always blamed him the most for that play because he saw the play develop right in front of him. He was in the shot gun, no pressure in his face and he sees Browner pick Kearse and Butler jump the route and he still throws it. Just a horrible play by him. It will follow him the rest of his career as much as that first ring will.

    That all being said, he has put that those two super bowls behind him and has raised his game this season. Many here talk about Luck having the higher ceiling but right now Wilson is showing the higher ceiling and the Hawks have needed him to given their defense has taken a step back this year and Lynch has been out injured. This team has started to become Wilson's team and he has risen to the occasion. I am happy for him and hope he continues to do well.

  7. 7 hours ago, southwest1 said:

    Exactly AMF, RW is on fire right now making unbelievable plays from the pocket. Less legs & more cerebral dominance. Doug Flutie 2.0 man. 

    It is scary to think how good Seattle could be if he plays like he has the last month AND their defense kicks in. I think we saw a taste of it when they played Vikings. It looks like they will most likely be the 5th seed this season so 3 road games for them barring a major upset. I would pick them to have a chance to beat all of the NFC playoff teams except maybe Arizona. I think they would be too tough for them but they could go into GB or Carolina and win IMO.

  8. Just now, QwizBoy said:

    Looks to be a very good Sunday night matchup. Who would've thought after around week 4 or 5 when the Texans looked terrible end the Patriots were unbeatable?

    No kidding. But I figured O'Brien would figure things out. He has had a nice turn around. At Houston is not easy regardless of the Texans record. I am glad too that the game has an impact on the post-season for both teams.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Jason_S said:

    why are you trying to wrap your head around something that's not true?  Most Colts fans do not care more about the Pats losing than the Colts winning...they care about the Colts winning AND the Pats losing.  In this situation, it doesn't have to be one or the other.  


    Yes, the extra game buffer would be beneficial, but as others have said, if the colts can't come out and take care of business these final few weeks against a favorable schedule then they don't deserve to be in the playoffs anyway.

    Don't deserve to be in? Tell that to the Giants who were the sixth seed in 2007 and scratched into the playoffs as a bad team and won the SB. Any team that gets in no matter how they get there deserve to be in and have a chance at that ring.

  10. Just now, Superman said:

    You don't have to understand "the deep level of hate." Just work on the math.

    The math says you should be voting for a Texans loss. Yehoodi spelled it out every which way. There is no benefit to the Pats losing as you can't catch the Pats but a Texans loss helps give you a cushion for the division.

  11. 6 minutes ago, chad72 said:

    Yeah, the Talib and Miller one, I understand. Talib was suspended. Von Miller's antics, not sure if he even got a fine. Hey, Rodney Harrison and the Saints under Gregg Williams, Cortland Finnegan all were notorious for taking shots after the whistle. This is not something the league has not seen before.

    The T.J.Ward one was a bang-bang play and Luck was just being Luck trying to make a play and it was unfortunate that he was sandwiched. If he had gone down, we wouldn't be talking about lacerated kidney now.

    Stats for 2015 so far: http://espn.go.com/nfl/statistics/team/_/stat/downs/position/defense

    Stats for 2014: NE was #1 in first downs by penalties


    Stats for 2013 (first downs by penalties) : Seattle was #2



    I believe those first downs were from defensive holding and PI. Browner was a flag machine for both teams. I don't believe either team led in unsportsmanlike conduct like Denver has this year.

  12. Just now, chad72 said:

    That word is offensive, you know. :)

    If they lead the league in unsportsmanlike penalties, that is just their nature. I don't think they were trying to injure Colts anymore than they were trying to injure any other team's players. Besides, the last 2 SB winners have been top 2 or 3 in defensive penalties - both the 2013 Seahawks and 2014 Patriots. Maybe the mantra is "if we continue playing this way, come playoff time, they allow more contact and we will be able to get away with more". It worked for the past 2 SB champs, so only time will tell if that works for these guys.

    Yes, I apologize for anyone offended. :)

    It is one thing to lead in penalties (defensive holding and PI and such), it is another to lead in unsportsmanlike conduct. They should have been fined/suspended more for their antics in the Colts IMO.

  13. 2 minutes ago, CR91 said:


    you make a good point, but you cant chance the nature of someone. luck wants to make the play to win the game even if it means putting his body on the line and you have the respect someone who wants to win that badly

    Yes. He is always trying to make the play. I think as his career progresses he will hopefully learn to live to play another down. You can never win a game on one play. And you have to limit your exposure to hits. That being said, Denver is full of thugs and were looking to injure the Colts all game. Their D leads the league in unsportsmanlike penalties so really Harris should just shut it IMO.

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