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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. 2 minutes ago, chad72 said:

    With DeAngelo Williams most likely out, I expect the Bengals to beat the Steelers this weekend.

    I don't think the Steelers plan was to try to run on Cincy regardless. McCarron will have a tough time doing much vs the Steelers D like he did the second half in the regular season. But I do think Cincy has a chance in this game given it is at home but this is the worst possible match up for them.

  2. 3 hours ago, OffensivelyPC said:

    So I was looking at box office numbers for Star Wars (which is insane BTW), and saw this movie.  It's doing terribly.  Budget was $35m, which seems pretty low.  It's been out 2 weeks and is at $25m.  It's practically non-existent in the international market, which isn't surprising.  But at the rate it is going, if it drops much further after this weekend, I wouldnt be surprised if it's pulled by the end of the month.  Might be lucky to break even.


    Here's the domestic sales:


    I think people are sick and tired of hearing about concussions. Not to say it is not a hugely important issue. But movies are for entertainment and given the over saturation of this issue, I can see why it is not doing well. I am sure it may do better once it hits DVD/Netflix. That is when I plan to watch it and I am a huge football fan and love Wil Smith but I will not pay to go see it at the theatre.

  3. 1 hour ago, LJpalmbeacher said:


    Why would his wife be so stupid to get stuff mailed to her when it may be interpret that the hgh was for her qb husband?

    And of course its private and they don't want to discuss her business....... its easy for someone to think that sounds fishy.

    Seems to be the pattern for athletes to use their wife for their drugs. Clemens and Armstrong all had stuff sent to their wives.


  4. 51 minutes ago, bababooey said:

    MLB players are SO lucky with their massive guaranteed contracts in a sport where injuries aren't as severe and you can take days off if your pinky toe hurts. Now they may get more money, amazing. If I didn't want to put a hockey stick in my future kid's hand I'd put a baseball in it.

    True but MLB players are not protected by their media they way the NFL does. This is why this lawsuit has come as they try to clear their names. The Times is on this.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Narcosys said:


    From my understanding, you just have to prove damage was done.  At least I've seen suits go through on that basis. Especially if the reporter was negligent with their sources. 

    From Michael McCann on a defamation suit: A public figure must prove actual malice: not only must he show the accusations are untrue but he must also show that Sly and Al Jazeera knew the accusations were untrue.


    The bar is incredibly high which is why most public figures never do it AND there is added risk because their entire lives are opened up.


    The NY Times just wrote a piece yesterday about how the names in the report are clients of Jason Riley, a fitness trainer based in Sarasota, Fla. They found that Sly is a business partner of Riley’s. When Sly applied for a pharmacist’s license in Florida, he used Riley’s home address. Riley and Sly founded Elementz Nutrition, a nutritional supplement company whose website and Facebook page feature many of the athletes Sly mentioned on camera. The company was recently shut down. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/06/sports/baseball/al-jazeera-peyton-manning-derek-jeter-charles-sly.html?smid=tw-share&_r=2


    There are a lot of legs to this story that are about to get dug up even more with this suit. Al-J did its homework on this. That much is clear.

  6. 1 minute ago, bababooey said:

    Oh yea they are almost identical as I was listening on the radio yesterday. It really is nuts how Eli/Coughlin are one 99 yard Victor Cruz TD away from just missing the playoffs for 7 straight years after SB 42. Also one Plaxico gunshot from possibly being back to back champs.

    I almost forgot about Plaxico. One of the strangest sports incidents of all time. And then JPP fireworks this year.

  7. 31 minutes ago, bababooey said:

    I will say Coughlin did not benefit from an easy division for most of his tenure either which is why those two playoff runs over massive teams bolsters his HoF case. During the last 12 years Philly won the division 4x, NY won 3x, Dallas won 3x, and Washington won twice. Quite the power struggle.

    I agree and his two SB wins were historic runs through the NFC top seeds and then beating the Pats, the best team of the modern era. Both Coughlin and Eli will make the HoF, deservedly so.


    For fun, look at Bill Parcells time in NY. His achievements are remarkably similar to Coughlin and Parcells was the "genius" coach before Belichick took over.

  8. 6 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

    Ryan Zimmerman and Ryan Howard are suing the news network over the Dec 27  HGH report about 'doping'

    Its a tough suit because I believe you have to prove that the network intended to hurt the reputation of the players..

    But the cases reportedly have been filed...which indicates that the attorneys believe there is some merit...


    ,.....or that they can get a retraction or apology


    The standard is ridiculously high for public people. They have to show actual malice and intention to hurt their reps. The last one to go down this road was Clemens and it was not pretty.

  9. This is going to get messy. I had a feeling the MLB guys would go this extent. Al-J said the report itself was just the tip of an iceberg. They have a ton of information waiting. It was an 8 month investigation. If Peyton does not do the same in the off-season, it will beg the question why.

  10. 13 hours ago, bababooey said:

    He was more or less trying to take blame off of Coughlin, not specifically blaming the players. JPP incident was brought up for example in addition to losing like every safety in the preseason, Cruz, Fells, etc. It shouldn't be Eli's fault. You don't miss the playoffs that many years because of one person but this season was the straw that broke the camel's back which sucks because 3 plays differently and Coughlin has a job still.

    I just looked it up. The Giants were 97-86 under Coughlin/Eli. Only 11 games above .500. But those two super bowls have a way of making you forget all else. It really was not a great run just two great seasons. I think the timing is right for the Giants to move on. I think the players might have been tuning out Coughlin the last few seasons.

  11. 22 minutes ago, bababooey said:

    I listened to the entire Coughlin, Reese, and Mara press conference on WFAN. The main message from Mara and Reese was that the players weren't up to snuff, not the coaching. It's ironic seeing Reese up there complain about the players not being good enough when Coughlin is the one paying for it and Reese still has a job. That is what is irking Giants fans. Then again, Eli takes a sack in Dallas, Landon Collins catches Brady's pass, and they kick a FG against the jets instead of going for it when Odell sent the kicking team off the field, and they are fighting for a playoff spot. He most likely is getting paid his salary for next year anyway but went out the right way by stepping down instead of getting fired (although it was mind boggling when he said if they had beaten the Eagles Sunday he would have fought for his job on Monday) 

    Nothing like blaming the players. Seems rather infantile to me. I mean Reese is picking the players but he wants to keep his job so better to blame shift I suppose.


    Winning and losing sometimes is just a matter of a few plays. I saw Eli tearing up when Coughlin said Eli blames himself for the firing. In a way, it is kind of his fault which is ironic but what can you do. It is a game and the coach always has head on the chopping block first.

  12. 1 hour ago, QwizBoy said:

    You think he's going to target Treadwell in the Draft this year? Or maybe Paxton Lynch or someone :P I kid, but I am very, very shocked that neither Pagano nor Grigson were sent packing.

    Wonder if you guys make a move for Brees?

  13. 3 minutes ago, QwizBoy said:

    Meh, the 49ers are picking early so the QB situation can be resolved in the Draft. And if the Brees/Manning rumors are true they can try to snatch one of them up to tutor the young guy until retirement. San Francisco actually looked competitive in several games this season. The Giants job is definitely attractive too with that explosive offense and a division ripe for the taking. I guess it comes down to whether or not McDaniels will like the extra scrutiny that comes with being a coach in New York. He can't pull triggers like the drafting of Tebow or isolation of star players like Marshall and Cutler in New York or else the media will eat him alive. I'm sure I've heard that if the new head coach wants Grigson gone, though, he will be shown the door. I'm sure the Colts want an offensive minded coach to make sure Andrew stays on the right track but I'm just speculating lol.

    Yeah, hard to tell. I would think Giants are at top of list because of the ownership and state of team. I don' think Irsay is an owner that is attractive to perspective candidates but if he were to let Grigson go then that would help. I think Josh would relish the NY attention and he would have Belichick as a mentor too as Bill loves the Giants and they are out of conference. I am just not sure the Giants want him. The niners did want him last year to interview but he declined so maybe he goes this year. I am not convinced he would leave the Pats as he says he likes the stability but have to think the Giants job would woo him away.

  14. 1 minute ago, BloodyChamp said:

    McDaniels is the Lane Kiffin of the NFL please don't hire that little puke Colts.

    I agree. McDaniels has only been relevant when he has had the GOAT QB. Although hard for him to be worse the second time around after the Denver debacle but you never know ...

  15. Just now, QwizBoy said:

    Ah, okay. I think the San Francisco job will have many suitors as well due to the rich franchise history and a roster that has won recently, despite all the departures. It'd be interesting if McDaniels joined the Colts I think. Then the rivalry would be renewed with a Belichick disciple facing off against the Brady Bunch.

    I don't think York is a very smart owner and their roster is a complete mess with no QB. Giants is the most attractive with probably the Colts as a close second but the Irsay/Grigson duo will be an issue. Doubt Josh goes to a team with a control freak GM but gaining Luck as his Qb would be a big incentive too.

  16. 10 minutes ago, QwizBoy said:

    I know Payton has worked for the Giants before, but why do you think McDaniels wants the job?

    Most stable franchise besides Pats. Great ownership. They have Eli for him to work with. Plus, Belichick connections. Of all the HC jobs available, this is the prize one for all the candidates IMO.

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