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Posts posted by Archer

  1. 51 minutes ago, Scott Pennock said:

    Joel is a little hard to follow here.  I take it that as long as Miami's pick is better than ours, it's just a swap of 7ths.  However, if we tank and get a better pick than Miami (hopefully about a 0.001% chance of this), we get their 6th and they get our 7th...

  2. Dear Sister,

    As I have foretold, our unit dealt with the wildcats without my assistance, and subsequently 37 of my comrades have been sent home to their farms.  I remain anxious about the fate of Private Kelly.  He is being disciplined due to his problems with the devil’s water.  Lo, though he deserves his punishment, as his behavior before joining our unit was beastly and boorish.  However, I feel he is most skilled with his sidearm, and I am hopeful that he will receive his commission as my second in command after a fortnight in the brig.  I would entrust him with the lives of my men should I fall in battle, and I fear for the unit should that happen before he returns.


    Such issues, however, must now be set aside, as reports out of the west are most dire.  Our old foe, the brash and vile Colonel Rivers, is threatening again.  His unit has executed many successful charges.  I feel we are ready for the challenge, and, come the time of battle, we shall steady the buffs with bayonets fixed.  All eyes shall be upon me, but I feel that our superior unit will win the day, even on unfamiliar ground.  Pray for us, dearest sister.  With the Lord’s help, we shall be feasting upon skunk feet and possum pie as victors this time next week!

    Yours most truly,


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  3. Yeah, after Haeg, I’m not all that happy with our OL depth.  We’re kinda stuck with LeRaven, and I think he can be serviceable if he has to go in.  I chose Boehm over Andrews b/c he’s better at guard, even though Andrews is the better center.  I’d target OL depth early in next year’s draft, no matter how it works out this year...

  4. WR   Funchess, Cain

    TE   Doyle, Hentges

    LT   Castonzo, Clark

    LG   Nelson

    C   Kelly, Boehm

    RG   Glowinski, Haeg

    RT   Smith, Brett Toth (final cuts from Philly)

    TE   Ebron, Cox

    Slot   Rogers, Campbell

    WR   Hilton

    QB   Brissett, Kelly (Walker for the first two weeks – Lord help us.)

    RB   Mack, Hines, West, Wilkins


    Offense   24


    RDE   Turay, Banogu (DEs depth chart a little messed up while Sheard is out)

    UT   Autry, Lewis, Ward

    NT   Hunt, Stewart

    LDE   Houston, Mohammad, Sheard

    SAM  Adams, Franklin

    MLB   Walker, Okereke

    WLB   Leonard, Speed

    CB   Ya-sin, Wilson

    FS   Hooker, Odum

    NB   Moore, Milton

    SS   Geathers, Willis

    CB   Desir, Tell


    Defense   26


    K   Vinatieri

    P   Sanchez

    LS   Rhodes


    Special Teams   3


    PS   QB Walker (or FA QB), RB Williams, OG Munyer, OT Barton, WR Hogan, WR Dulin, DT Shippy, DE Green, CB Taylor, S Nacua


    I almost kept Krishawn Hogan as our 53rd man, but that honor went to Zaire Franklin.  Really, the fact that Campbell looked healthy was the deciding factor for me.  Franklin should be more useful on ST.  Wouldn't be a problem, however, to keep only five LBs, as we are usually in nickel and essentially only have two starting LBs...

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Myles said:

    Maybe.   That hinges on allot of stuff.

    Will Brissett do well this year.   Will the team even want to sign him.

    Will Brissett want to go elsewhere.   Will he ask for too much $$.

    If the Colts sign him, would they even entertain not starting him even if Kelly looks better.   


    True, that.  But, I think we all forget something that Ballard knows: unless you have the #1 overall on a fortuitous year, finding your starting QB ain't easy in this league.  And there's no set formula.  1st rounders are less than 50-50 propositions, great back-ups from other teams usually end up being less than league-average starters, and average starters cost $$$$$ in free agency.  So, if he still thinks there might be above-average potential in Brissett and Kelly, then they'll be here...


  6. I was thinking something like:


    Dearest sister,


    With Captain Luck resigning his commission, I have received a promotion to a commanding officer role.  I pray that I am up to the task of filling such capable shoes.  The first assignment for our unit is to pacify a group wildcats that is making noise to the Southeast.  Alas, it is a meaningless and trivial matter, and I suspect that General Reich will likely entrust it to some of the lesser experienced members of the unit.  We have received word that many of these soldiers shall be dismissed from the unit after this task is accomplished.  They will return to their farms, but if the Lord wills it, we may find several of them in our midst once again later in the campaign.   I must recommence drilling with the unit, for there are troubling reports from the west that promise the possibility of a pitched battle in a fortnight’s time.


    Yours truly,



    • Like 8
  7. On 8/24/2019 at 1:22 PM, ColtsBlueFL said:

    On the surface, this looks bad. However, there's always much more that we do not know.  A tiny tidbit of that is this--



    He wasn't at home, but the home burglar alarm was supposedly tripped.  Police enter (probable cause stated) the residence and while looking for burglars find some powder somehow/somewhere they want to test? Does / was said item have to be in plain sight through a window for them to enter? Or can they claim they went in and were looking for bad guys when they 'stumbled upon the contraband?


    Has he ever failed any NFL drug test?  Who else has access to that home besides Chung?  Chung will get a good lawyer to challenge this and there are likely multiple other issues we have no clue about.  It's cloudy enough I doubt the NFL does anything, at least for the near future.


    Another grey area, this matter seems to be under the NFL substance abuse policy and not the personal conduct policy.   If so, this is an excerpt from a connected article covering it-


    "First, nothing can be done until the charges are resolved. The league can’t, and won’t, conduct its own investigation and take action independent of the criminal process.


    Second, Chung can’t be suspended with pay pending resolution of the charges. It’s simply not available under the substance-abuse policy. The Commissioner-Exempt list applies only to potential Personal Conduct Policy violations involving alleged crimes of violence.


    Third, Chung will be subject to NFL discipline only if he ultimately is found responsible for a drug-related offense. This requires a conviction, a guilty plea, a no-contest plea, or entry into a diversion program. If Chung fights the charges and wins exoneration, the league can do nothing."


    Chung might play all 2019 while the legal battle ensues. We'll just have to let the justice system play out here.



    Similar thing happened with Damon Staudamire when he was with the trailblazers.  Neighbors called cops because his front door was wide open, and they found coke all over the place. Turned out it was one of the many members of his entourage that had a key.  Could be something like that, but not sure how he’d get indicted in those circumstances...

  8. I appreciate how hard it is to get a QB in this league if you don’t already have one.  Drafting a franchise QB in the Top 10 has become less than a 50-50 proposition.  It seems that many here have judged JB on the slimmest amount of info - on his performance two years ago, as a 2nd year player, with a terrible OL, and a bad defense, and coaching and a system that didn’t involve Reich or Siriani.  Oh, and he was starting regular season games days after arrival.


    I’m going to wait and see how he looks.    If he looks like at least a league average QB (which I suspect he will), I’d extend him and just think about fostering some depth and competition in that QB room...

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  9. I think we’ll have to make a decision on whether Brissett is our franchise QB going forward by around mid-season.  If we’re 5-3 and looking good to win the division (which is my guess), we extend Brissett and Make QB a 3rd-4th round need (to compete with Kelly for back-up duties) and draft OT/DT/TE/other needs early in this draft...

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