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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. There are hundreds of posters here and I don’t pretend to know everyone’s view of Ballard. So I’m going to guess you’re not a fan of Chris Ballard? And that you’d be happy if Irsay announced he was firing CB today. Would that be close to your view? Because there there was barely an ounce of optimism in that post. More like a rant. Hey, you’re entitled to any view you want, and you’re certainly not alone, there are plenty of posters here who would pop champagne bottles the day Ballard is fired. I’m just trying to clarify your position. You’d think a 9-8 season last year would make you at least a little optimistic about the future, but apparently not. So be it.
  2. FWIW: I wouldn’t read too much into it. DJ confessed that he thinks there’s almost no chance Brockers falls all the way to Cincy. But he said he did it because it’s something he himself would like to see happen. The encouraging take away is that there are going to be a good number of really good players available at 15, and even beyond if the Colts wish to trade down. I view that as win-win. The Colts will have options.
  3. When Ballard picked Bradley as the DC, he said at the time that his system was the closest he could find to Flus. Not a match, but CB thought the players would be able to pick it up quickly and play fast. That was key for Ballard, to play fast. Burns and Allen will either stay with their teams, or, if they go elsewhere, will be paid more than CB would pay. As for paying someone $10-13m to improve a position if weakness, my answer is going to frustrate you…. Not if the position is one that Ballard has demonstrated for his entire 7 years that he doesn’t value as much as other positions. And his record about safety is as clear as he can make it. Sorry…. Not trying to yank your chain here.
  4. You see a lot of JAGS. I don’t. I see young players learning. You see our pass rush as subpar, and I don’t. I think the Colts were roughly top-5 this year. You’re going to point to pressure, sure I’d like more. If the Colts have a new DL coach, and he is said to be great and a new DB coach, isn’t that a good thing? I see things getting better, yet your post was entirely negative. I didn’t understand it. Still don’t. Look, you don’t need my permission to talk Colts football. But I thought your post was unduly harsh. I see things differently. Sorry, if I was too harsh in my comments to you.
  5. Ballard had one of his best drafts last year. Ballard had a solid free agent period last year. My comments about tanking had nothing to do with either the draft or free agency. It had to do with comments made throughout the season that the team should sign more free agent help every time some “name” player became available. And I said over and over that the team was playing the kids to give them experience. And how many name free agents did the Colts sign? Zero. We played the kids. The Colts went 9-8 because Steichen proved to be a tremendous head coach. Hope that clarifies.
  6. I find myself using an expression more this year than any other…. And I really do hate it…. “I suppose anything is possible.” Im just not sure how likely all that is. But I think we’ll have a better idea after the first wave or two of free agency.
  7. Yes…. The same Brent’s that in that game received a grade in the 80’s from PFF. It was on the front page of this website. I try not to focus on any one game. I try to focus on the season as much as I can. I try to see the Big Picture. And for a guy who suffered several annoying injuries, Brents season grade was 68. That’s pretty good for a rookie.
  8. He paid Gilmore 2/20. He paid Desir 3/22. He didn’t have to pay big money to Rock. He’s paid Moore as the top nickel corner in the NFL (4/33) who can also play wide. In previous posts I’ve demonstrated by his actions that Ballard doesn’t value safety as much as other spots on defense, so I don’t see him spending big money there. Two years ago he signed Mcloud to a 1.7 mill contract (don’t know about bonuses?) And he gave the Colts a great year. Ballard’s actions, his history, say he’s not signing a safety to a big contract.
  9. I’m not certain I understand ANY of this. I don’t see why you think your view HAS to happen. From my view, it doesn’t. To me, you think this roster is bad. I disagree. Our problems stem because we haven’t gotten the QB right. For example, had Wentz worked out we’d have been in the playoffs in 21, 22, and 23. I don’t understand your comment about relying on R’s 4-7. Huh? What do you think he’s doing with R’s 1-3? No mention of them. Every GM does less well in R’s 4-7. The odds of success drop with every round. GM’s find fewer game changers in R 4-7. He’s not drafting JAGS deliberately. I’d guess Ballard has done as well on Day 3 as any other GM. Sorry, I don’t find anything to agree with here. Wish it wasn’t so.
  10. FWIW: At $6 million per that made MAC one of the top-12 paid players on the Colts 2023 roster. Do you still think he’s cheap?
  11. Ummm…. How would you or anyone know if a player has the IQ to do their job or not. I think the comment is beneath you at best. Perhaps a poor choice of words. At worst, well, you don’t want to know. I hope you’ll re-think this?
  12. “If Ballard doesn’t add talent…” When has that ever happened? Some years are better than others, but the man adds talent. “And if the coaching change doesn’t help…”. After a great first year, why should you be at all concerned that Steichen’s influence won’t help? I don’t know why you’re shoveling all this worry and negative viewpoints?
  13. This is an awkward time of the year to look at rosters over in Spotrac and OverTheCap…. All the free agents are no longer listed with their respective teams. But across the season I’m probably on those websites roughly once a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. And this is what I’ve noticed…. Players are listed by size of contract. And on any given team, the best players are roughly the top 10-13 players. They all make roughly $5m and up. (That $$ figure is mine.). And of those top 10-13 players only about half of them make roughly $10 mill and up. So that’s roughly 4-7 players who make close to $10 mill and up. Thats it. So as you can see only a small number of players on the entire team make that kind of money. I rate the middle class as below $5m to $2m. Below that are the rookies and select vets. Ballard’s priorities are the DL, one linebacker and one corner. So he’s never spent good money on any safety and other than Hooker, he’s never spent more than a late-3rd on a safety. Ballard’s history says he thinks he can get good level of play at safety — something acceptable. So I don’t see him suddenly spending 4/40 on a safety. Unless I’ve confused you with another poster on this topic (possible) I think you said you find it hard to believe Ballard wouldn’t spend that kind of money if he knew it would improve the level of play. I think that’s the wrong metric because you could use that logic on any position. Ballard’s position has always been the DL, the Will and CB1. There have been exceptions but they are rare. Otherwise, he’s willing to spend less in certain positions and safety (both positions) would be two of those spots. By the way, you can double check my comments by looking at both Spotrac and OTC. You don’t need a premium account, I don’t have one. Good info is free to all. Sorry this went so long. Lots to talk about, and I will in the days to come.
  14. It’s possible we already drafted a true shutdown corner last year. But Julius Brent’s was hurt for half the season. But in the time he did play, he played pretty well.
  15. IMO, it’s hard for me to imagine that the Colts won’t take a WR either in R1 or R2.
  16. FWIW: Steichen may find Worthy's size appealing, or perhaps it won’t scare him off. Philly spent a 1 on Smith, a rail thin WR with similar dimensions and he produced for Philly. Just thinking out loud….
  17. He's more likely to get 12 or 13 from another team. Yes, but I don’t see McKinney getting it from Ballard. Just being clear, not argumentative. It would be a big deal because Ballard has conducted his business in a certain way since he became GM. And he’s never done what you and some others propose. A change would be a red flag to me. He’d be changing a foundational belief. That would concern me. And I don’t see the need that you do. This is part of a bigger discussion. I just didn’t want to write too much in this post.
  18. I don’t know how much of this thread you’ve read? But I did some digging and posted all the safeties Ballard has drafted, plus noted that he’s never spent big money on a safety. Ballard has never done what you and others are proposing. Not even close. Ballard has clearly never valued safety in the way some posters here do. He believes the position can be filled with middle round draft picks and modestly signed free agents. Corner is a more important position and the most he’s ever done is give Gilmore 2/20. I don’t see Ballard changing his way this off-season. It’s possible, but I don’t think it’s very likely.
  19. I’m not bothered by $10 mill a year. I’m really bothered by 10 mill a year for FOUR YEARS. Something he’s never done for a corner, much less a safety. You’re being too clever by half.
  20. Don't you think Ballard would like more success? Posters here need to stop thinking they know more about what the Colts should do than Ballard. And if he doesn’t do what they want they need to get over it. No GM should be making decisions based on what the fan base thinks he should do. Even the worst GM knows more than the fan base.
  21. Not only would I not be happy, I’d be horrified. A contract of 4/40 on a FA safety?!? No. Heck no. Ballard has said he and Steichen see things the same way. If that holds, I see the chances of signing a FA safety to a 4/40 deal at almost zero.
  22. “Ballard should be fired.” You’re always all over the map on Ballard. He may bring in a vet safety, but it’s more likely someone like Rodney McCloud who played great for the Colts in 2022 than it would be Xavier McKinney who is the current flavor of the month for some posters.
  23. Im not even clear what you’re arguing? I’ve demonstrated by his actions that Ballard doesn’t believe in using high picks for safety or sign one to an expensive FA contract. As you’re probably aware, a popular wish among some posters is signing safety Xavier McKinney to a contract of 4/40. It has never happened and I’d be beyond shocked if it happened this year, hot seat or not. Ballard has never even signed a corner to a contract like that so I don’t see him signing a safety to a deal like that.
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