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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. 1 out of 3 wins in a super bowl? NO

    Don't get to the big dance if you're not planning to win it or even try (Denver).

    Andrew Luck needs to be undefeated in super bowls. I'd rather have him only win 1 & go once than to win 1 & have gone 3 times

    I completely disagree.  Making the super bowl is special, even if you lose.  Plus, every super bowl the Colts make it to is another super bowl without the Patriots.  That alone would make me happy.

  2. Just a thought; if Pat kicks field goals when Vinny leaves, who would be the holder?  Matt Haselbeck?


    Teams normally like three people to be in the special teams unit, so they can practice on their own. 

  3. Lol how come Brady's accuracy was crap yesterday but against us it was spot on? 


    If your gonna lose couldn't you just lose to us.?

    Brady did worse against us than he did the Broncos.  The difference is the Broncos were able to stop the run. 

    What I want to know is: "Why couldn't Blount have had five rushes for six yards against us!"

  4. I hear yah and it is a dicey situation . . . but I have seen many times a player making a block as a player is coming to him . . . I did not mean to say that Welker should of been totally flat footed, but he could of made a block on Talib without too much difficulty, chipping him or what ever . . .  


    I agree, but I understand that Welker had reasons for hitting Talib without injuring him.  I think the injury was just an unfortunate result of Talib's previous injury meeting Welker's competitive nature.  The hit may have been harder than necessary, but the injury was still unintentional.

  5. yes but pick plays do not happen at full speed . . . and just like the reverse of a DB on a WR on illegal contact and PI, you job is to avoid the WR not to hit him . . . the trouble I have with Welker is was not like he ran straight and contact luckily happened . . . he ran towards Talib and even adjusted, albeit not great, his route into the path of Talib . . . had he stopped and Talib runs into him and thus we are left half the contact speed, had Thomas caught the ball and had made 5 steps and went behind Welker who blocks talib, I don't have a problem . . .  


    I just have a problem with a guy running at speed at an not expecting player, and more critically who he knows does not see him, and instead taking precautions for your fellow brother on the field and slow down and block him resulting with the half contact speed (kind of like Edelman wink wink), he decides to continue into Talib . . . it comes down to Welker had time to take evasive action and still make the block and he chose not too . . .  


    it is no different then DB coming after a "defenseless" WR , whether the ball is caught or not . . .outwardly speaking what is wrong with a DB following through on his momentum and hit a WR, especially if in that off chance (0.001%) the WR might of otherwise hold on to the ball . .. what is wrong with a 350 lb lineman falling on top of a QB and driving him into the turf, after all it is a "sack". . . what is "wrong" with these things is that the player can take evasive action to avoid a harsh contact . . . and DB can try to let up and avoid the WR, a lineman can tackle and fall to the side and both lineman and QB land on the ground with the linemen to his side and not on top of him . . . a player can avoiding going at the knees of an engaged lineman, and on and on  . . . 


    . . . and what is the common theme in all of this . . . the common theme in all of the above and everything that I have said, and perhaps will stop here as this is taking more time than I wanted this morning, is the fact the player has two choices when coming towards his fellow brethren on the field . . . he can continue at speed which will result in a harsh collision (lineman following though on a sack, a DB following through on a pass break up, or a RB following through on a low chip block, WR running at speed in a designed pick play) or he can let up to avoid a harsh collision (lineman follows through on a sack by landing by the side, a DB lets up and tries to avoid the hit on a incomplete pass, a RB does not make a low block, or a WR stops and allows the DB to come to him) . . .  


    Welker choose the former and not the latter, and that is what I have problem . . . and all of you have indicated it was a designed pick play, fair enough, but by admitting this you have now eliminated any "accidental 'I was just running my route' defense" for Welker,  As such Welker had FULL knowledge at the START of the play what his job was, was a FULL 7-10 steps from Talib when he made his cut  and ran towards him with the FULL knowledge of his job and what he was supposed to do, and instead of letting up and stop and block Talib as he approach he decided to continue and make a block at full speed on an non expecting player . . .


    it was not any kind of accidental contact as Welker knew full what his job was coming out of the huddle, saw the designated target a full 10 yards in front of him and instead of letting up to make a block, lined him up and ran full speed into him . . . if you can not see that this was something that was not kind of things ones does to his brethren then I can not help you . . . otherwise then you would support a DB "breaking up a pass" by clocking a WR, a lineman making a sack by landing on a QB and so on . . . it on of a person see something in front of them, knows what is job is, and decides not to take the lesser of two evils . . . that is my point . . .

    What about the way of thinking that "it's win or go home, so always go full speed?"  If Welker had let up, and Talib had plowed through him to make a tackle (I know the pass was dropped, this is hypothetical), people would have questioned his commitment and his effort.

  6.                          Foul

                         Yes     No


    Dirty     Yes  l        l         l


                No   l    X    l        l


  7. He bent down and hit Talib at just below the waist which injured his knee from being hit from the blind side.

    Contact appeared to be in the arm and side of the chest.  It slid downward, but Welker did not target the hip, waist or knee.


    Get real Colts are kids in their 2nd year Pats fans were salivating over a record 6th SB appearance and 4th ring for Brady.  We'll be back same time for the next 15 years you guys can watch on tv. : )


    You do know the Patriots have a younger roster than we do, right?

  8. surely it is tough to "prove" one is trying injure another as the default is players do not try to injure others as there is a code . . . but I will make two points . . . first Welker was on a team with Talib last year who, when injured, our defensive back field fell apart and Bolden went for 3 TDs if I recall . . . and Talib was injured this year and just getting back to being somewhat healthy . . .


    and yes there is a code that one does not want to injury another, however encompassed is in this code is just that  . . . "do not do something that might cause injury to another" . . . and as we know injuries occurred a great deal when one is not able to brace for a hit and as such, when a player sees an potential unbraced hit coming, kind of like Welker see Talib for a full 7 steps and he see him not looking at him but following Thomas, one should take evasive action to avoid the unbraced contact . . .  


    so no maybe not he was trying to injury him in a way " I am going to get him and take him out of the game at any costs" , but is actions were reckless in the fact that he had oceans of green grass to his right, but he took seven steps and ran into a player who did not see him coming . . . that at a minimum in my book is reckless . . . a WR default is to get open not to many contact with an unsuspecting DB, especially when you have plenty of time to avoid him and do ones default job . . .


    Good post, but I disagree with the final paragraph.  In a pick play, the purpose of the receiver is actually to impede the defender.  It goes against fundamentals, but one receiver is sacrificed for the play.

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