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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. I want to like the Rams, but a) Bradford can't/hasn't stayed healthy, and b) Jeff Fisher has a reputation for mediocrity (two winning seasons in nine years, no playoff wins). I wouldn't be surprised if they drop 11 wins, but I also wouldn't be surprised if have 11 losses.


    St Louis isn't about the QB anymore.  The D-Line will be BRUTAL, and the O-Line finally shows some promise and talent.  I see them winning 10 or 11 games (losses to SEA x2, SF x2, AZ x1, DEN).

  2. The Steelers run away with the NFC North


    I don't see any team "running away" with that division.  They are all so close in talent, that I don't even see an AFC North team winning more than four division games.  I wouldn't be surprised if they all split 3-3.  I will admit that I am curious to see what LeBeau schemes for Shazier.  That is what I consider a perfect player for a perfect scheme, and LeBeau is gonna have some crafty blitzes for him.

  3. It would cost a roster spot. At this point, Brazill is a major risk. We are better off giving that roster spot to someone who 'gets it' and can be relied upon and contribute. Plus, the NFL is littered with guys that have talent and high ceilings, who never realize their talent. What separates them and the successful guys is their mentality. Brazill doesn't know what a golden opportunity he had, and now, maybe lost.

    Suspended players don't count towards roster spots.  He doesn't cost us money (forfeited salary), doesn't cost us a roster spot (stashed on suspended list), has a year to clean up his act, and he can still practice and get better.  Why not keep him?

  4. Won't even be a Colt next season so maybe another team grabs him


    Why?  We can stash him on the suspended list, not pay him, and keep the rights to him for next year when Reggie and Hakeem are no longer under contract.  He costs us almost literally nothing at this point.

  5. interesting


    Unless released he will count against the 90 until the Cut Downs when he will be moved to the suspended list


    Let me explain my thinking, and anyone can correct me if I'm totally off base.  If he doesn't count towards our 53 man roster after we move him to the suspended list, doesn't that allow us to keep him under contract for this year, basically for free?  We were going to lose a decent WR this year anyway; doesn't this solve that problem?  We can keep him plus Rogers plus Whalen! 

  6. 1. Andrew will be a top 5 QB by season's end.

    2. Reggie will register 70 Catches/ 1000 yards/ 6 td's 

    3. Art Jones/RJF/Redding will combine for 150 tackles, 35 TFL, 13 Sacks.

    4. Werner will register 10 sacks, 85 Tackles

    5. Moncrief and Rogers will combine for 1250 yards, 15 TD's.

    6. Nicks will somewhat disappoint 65 rec./ 950 yrds./ 4 TD's

    7. Coby and Dwyane all will have very similar stats combined to equal 110 rec 1450 yrds 18 td

    8. Jerrell Freeman will have more Tackles, TFL, Sacks, Ints, Pass Deflections then D'qwell Jackson

    9. 12-4 Record

    10. AFCCG loss vs Denver 


    :td:  :applause:  :clap:  :rock:  :disco:  Great Season :thmup:  :goodluck:  :blueshoe:

    :colts:  :coltslogo:  :colts:  :coltslogo:  :colts:  :coltslogo:


    You have Luck with 4650 yards and 43 TDs BEFORE you factor in TY, running backs, and role players.  You certainly are bold!

  7. Random, inconsequential expletive!!! He had a perfectly mediocre SB performance...and his receivers made some HUGE plays against SF. It was the best by any qb in the playoffs by far....much better than 7 turnovers!

    I fixed it for you.  Also, check out their total quarterback ratings...  It tells a more complete picture.


    2013 playoffs:



    2013 regular season:



    Russel Wilson is still a game manager.

  8. Did Brad Wells make this list? 


    He co-wrote it with Skip Bayless.


    Congratulations to Mathis, who I am sure is somewhere in the top 20!


    As for Wilson and Cam, Wilson won the ring; and he was bound to jump down a few numbers for that.  Cam did well last year, and finished with one more win than the Andrew and company (in the regular season).  They are both good players, and we are blessed to have a quarterback who is widely considered as talented as them.

  9. I actually haven't been paying attention to it. Gronkowski shouldn't have made it either. That's a glitch, not a reason to throw Reggie in. JMO

    The list is not a judgement of last year; it is a prediction of next year. There is no reason why a player coming off an injury couldn't make the list.

  10. Some of that is coaching.  Don't ask me why but Special Teams coaches will sometimes tell their kicker not to put it in the back of the endzone and to give the return man a chance so the special teams unit can stuff them inside the 20.  Given the Colts struggles on Special Teams at times I would be telling McAfee to put it out of the back of the endzone every time and taking my chances with the other team getting the ball at the 20.


    Also worth noting kicking off a T is different from kicking a field goal. 


    I think special teams were a low priority for our previous regime.  Our new regime (especially Pagano, who coached special teams at Miami) has been trying to correct that oversight.  I think our special teams performed rather well last year, but my only basis for comparison is our team under Polian's rule.


    And as for touchbacks, distance doesn't matter as much as hang-time; and Boomstick is one of the top in the league.  Why give it to the opponent at the 20, when our coverage team should be able to meet him at the 15?

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