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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. Yeah and Phil Costa is on ours.  I believe the idea is that if a player retires though they will not play anymore you still hold the rights to that player.  So if they come out of retirement that player belongs to your team.


    Probably mainly to make sure that players can't get out of teams they are unhappy with by retiring and then un-retiring.


    Isn't that kinda what Brett Favre did?  I never really understood his whole situation.

  2. I understand your scenario, but there are a few reasons why I do not like it.


    1.  UDFAs  like the Colts because we have a reputation for giving them a fair chance.  This scenario would take away from that reputation.  Lower tier players see game time as a chance to posibly earn a job with another team.  Taking away their game time shoots that chance down.


    2.  Practices are not the best way to evaluate a prospects skills.  Our staff needs game film to see what our lower tier players can do.


    3.  It goes against the whole "Cauldron of Competition" that Pagano and Grigson have tried to set up. 


    4.  The fluidity of our depth chart makes this scenario tough to pull off.

  3. You don't think you could get a draft pick for the guy. I do. That is the part I don't get. I would think ATL would take a flier for sure come on Steven Jackson. How long he going to stay healthy? Dallas has no behind Murray who hasn't made it an entire season I could go on. He's a proven back with a fumbling problem it's not like he's done some crazy stuff.


    ATL has Jaquizz Rogers and Davonta Freeman and DAL really likes Lance Dunbar.  I don't think either team would give up too much for a RB with major fumbling issues.

  4. Jeff Saturday was a free agent (He was still allowed to leave.  Being traded and not being re-signed are both ways for a team to say "See ya!")


    and he didn't make it through the season in green bay (irrelevant; we don't know that Mankins will last a whole season in Tampa Bay)


    Not even close to the same thing. (two players, both considered the greatest lineman on their team for a solid decade, being sent packing while their fans try to convince themselves that they're better off without them; and you don't see any similarity?)

    I have no problem with the trade. The pats needed to clear up some cap room for next season. They did that and gained a 4th and a pretty good player. But to say Mankins can't play anymore after he was an Allpro last year isnt being honest


    Jeff Saturday was only a year removed from being a second team all-pro (in other words, one of the two best centers in the league) when we let him go.  When he was gone, the Colts fans almost unanimously agreed that he had declined.  Who's to say that the Pats fans aren't correct on this one?  Maybe Belichick pulled the trigger a year early on this move, but that's what he always does.  How has Mankins graded out this preseason?

  5. read up on the whole Underwood Superbowl fiasco.



    Wasn't he yet ANOTHER Rutgers player?  I'm starting to think the Colts should draft whoever we can get from Rutgers in late rounds and trade them to Bill for a premium!  They seem to be his only weakness!

  6. I could not be more excited about the defense this year. It's early yet but the defense looks

    to be a title contending group.....read below in red. :lombardi:


    Defense wins championships...




    The best defense is a good offense...



    I think we know who wins here...

  7. They have three pretty rough games to start the season, then a bye week.  I think it's PIT, NO, and BAL.  I wouldn't throw a rookie into that either.  Let him spend a few more weeks learning, while Hoyer takes a pounding.




    Just confirmed their schedule:

    at Blitzburgh    (PIT)

    Bounty Town   (NO)

    Felonville        (BAL)

    Bye week

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