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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. So you're admitting that it wouldnt be a big deal if it was another team....but because it is the Patriots, the response is different?


    Rightfully so.  The Patriots know that they are under more scrutiny than any other team (we all know why).  Instead of trying to go out and prove to the world that they can play by the rules, they seem to cheat and attract controversy more than any other team.  These things tend to become bigger deals when they're repeated...  and repeated...  and repeated...


    If they want the scrutiny and the stigma around them to end, all they have to do is stop cheating (or as Belichick would see it, stop getting caught).

  2. 3. While in my heart of hearts I don't believe for a second that this ultimately impacted the outcome on Sunday, the Patriots owe the Colts an apology. I heard this morning that one Colts player (they didn't name him) tweeted out that this didn't swing the game, and that the Patriots would have won if they used a bar of soap instead of a football (great line whoever that was). But still, any deliberate manipulation of the balls makes an apology necessary. When they're done with that, the next one should go out to us, their fans. All I do is park myself on a comfy couch about once a week between September and mid-winter to watch games. We've supported them all along. And this type of nonsense not only impacts the players, it impacts us.


    The only apology I would accept is to intercept Russel Wilson 5 times and trash his team in this Super Bowl...

  3. Eleven of twelve...


    I'm guessing they were using that twefth ball for kickoffs and field goals?  That is all kinds of shady...


    Even if it didn't really affect the final outcome of the game, cheating is cheating; and it needs to be punished.


    add Brad Johnson to the list of QBs to suspend (with Rodgers and Brady so far).


    also, time to strip the Bucs of their Superbowl win




    Brad Johnson paid someone to CONDITION the balls.  Scuffing them up is perfectly legal.

  4. lol. That was great.


    Do you dislike the Hawks too? Or just no rooting interest at all?


    To me, this is a matchup of a team with the leagues most annoying fans and players (Seahawks) and a team with the most annoying sports writers (Patriots).  The Super Bowl should be a great game and a great match-up, but the media leading up to the game will be unbearable (for me at least). 


    I would, however, like to put Marshawn Lynch and Bill Belichick in the same media room and watch reporters explode in frustration.

  5. NFL players all make plenty of money.  To say Andrew does not have that luxury is a little ridiculous because his rookie contract was something like $22 mil and it's fully guaranteed.  All of these guys can afford to be team first, but I don't think his wife's income has much of an impact on what Brady does.  Even if his wife had no income, he's still making more than enough money per year to support his entire family


    Not even close to what Giselle has made.  This Forbes article states that Giselle has made $387 MILLION since 2001.  Luck makes a lot, but they are still not comparable.  "Plenty" is a relative term.



  6. Is there any way Luck will structure his deal in a way that will help the Colts' ability to get other talent? Tom Brady is known for taking "hometown discounts" to let the Pats bring in talent...I'm no cap expert, but I do know he is unlikely to take a deal that will screw up the QB market price and draw the wrath of the NFLPA. Thus, seeing as he is a big "team" guy and seemingly not all that interested in being super rich (flip phone, not flashy, new "expensive car" is a Chevy Tahoe I think)...does he somehow take a it deal that doesn't kill us in the cap space arena? Smarter men than I might have an answer


    Tom Brady can afford to be "team first," because Giselle earns more than he ever will.  Andrew does not have that luxury.  Also, the significance of many of Tom Brady's restructures are exagerrated.

  7. Nice Sig... It's funny but it wouldn't surprise me lol Im kidding but he gets hit in the backfield more times than he doesn't get hit behind the LOS


    We seem to be avoiding him in the passing game recently, so it might be close.  I'm really pulling for him.  Hopefully he can make a leap like Mark Ingram did.

  8. No, not even close, but that's ok because Luck only has to average 417 yards a game, not throw 417 yards a game. Therefore, he can throw 200 yards one game and 600 yards the next, or 100 then 700, or 300 then 500, etc. Easy-peasy.

    Or he can throw 834 yards one week, and take the next week off!

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