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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. No you see, he was only good because of Brady, because Brady can make anyone look good. Except for those other receivers, who make Brady look bad. Apparently Brady picks and chooses what players he wants to make good. 


    /Patriot fans logic. 

    Giselle has been picking who Brady can throw to ever since Welker dropped those few passes in the post-season.

  2. So last night, my wife and I were talking about football and the question came up: If you could choose only one player, what non-current or former Colts (or substitute your team if not a Colts fan) would you want to meet, say for a cup of coffee or hang out with?  So many good players to choose from.  I personally went with JJ Watt.  Dude is such a stand up guy, really active in his community, and seems to be so much fun.  How can you not love a guy that pretend proposes to a little girl who's crying because she is too young to marry JJ Watt?  I love that new commercial with him in it, "Com'on Paul!  What is that, chamomille tea?!!  You wanna take a NAP!!?"


    I'd like a chance to explain to him the benefits of joining the Colts.


    Houston just doesn't appreciate him enough...  :sarcasm:

  3. Idk how that can be termed busted. He wasn't doing anything illegal, unethical, or immoral. People making a big fuss over nothing. A scandal really?

    Even with him being married. Will the wife be happy, no. But if he's never been unfaithful and at their age and time they've been married, I'm sure it won't be a huge point of contention between them.



    The whole problem with this "scandal" is that it leads to doubt.  Fidelity (like faith) cannot be completely proven or dis-proven.  Jerry Jones' actions led many to doubt his fidelity.  Truth becomes irrelevant when the media grabs a hold on things like this.

  4. However, to extrapolate it to a broad brush on marriage would not be fair to those who are not getting the wrong end of the deal like you have gotten. Marriage is not always a bed of roses but a bed you have to carefully choose to sleep in, I may add.


    I totally agree!  People get the idea that marriage is all "eternal bliss," and that it involves no work or responsibility.  They rush into it without truly understanding everything involved with a true, deep-level commitment.  A bed of roses is an apt metaphor; but it's a bed of rose bushes (with thorns), not a bed of rose petals.  There are great days, and there are terrible days.

  5. From who? I'm certain his wife won't ignore the issue. But the league, if that's what you meant, no way. This is personal.


    From what I've seen of the Texas upper class, Mrs. Jones'll be more upset about how this changes people's opinions of her; rather than how this affects their marriage.  I may be totally wrong, but they always gave me the opinion that adultery was frowned upon but overlooked if you kept it completely private.

  6. Again interesting. When I think about my own life, I am fulfilled having a lifelong partner and a family. I am not one to bend to social expectations especially one that affects my whole life like marriage and having kids. I think what you may be leaving out of your thesis is that at the heart we are social creatures and also created to be in union with one person. It is not a societal brainwashing as if that was the case then marriage would have become instinct long ago. I think a life of multiple partners with no commitment has shown to lead to loneliness and depression.


    And disease.  I'm pretty sure thats one of the main reasons society adapted to the way it is.

  7. If people don't take marriage seriously then they should not get married. It really is pretty simple. Every marriage partner has the right to expect fidelity.


    There are benefits provided by marriage that go beyond having a lifelong partner (status, shared income, citizenship, tax breaks, companionship, etc).  And marriage partners should be open about their expectations before getting married.  Not everyone expects fidelity.

  8. I wasn't responding to you. Rusak post said males had this drive to procreate hence my question about women.


    So you equate being faithful to a marriage partner with alcoholism and eating disorders? Interesting.


    Marriage is a holy sacrement to SOME people.  Others don't take it as seriously.  Those of us who DO care about marriage, however, have no right to push our values on those that don't.  Please don't be offended by the suggestion that nature drives us to procreate with more than one partner (and thereby spread our genetic code and avoid genetic stagnation).


    And yes; alcoholism, eating disorders, and sexual addiction are all diseases.  A strong willpower can overcome each of them, but not everyone has a strong willpower.

  9. So how do you explain men that do stay faithful to their marriage partners? And what about women that are unfaithful? Are they a social evolution aberration?


    Same way I explain how some people manage to control alcoholism and eating disorders.  And why, I ask, would you expect women to be held to a higher standard than men?  They have a  force pushing them to procreate, and it's just as strong as a males.

  10. Men are hardwired to behave this way. We see it in nature, we see it in human nature. Somehow we don't feel comfortable thinking that it is how our male psyche evolved, but procreation is the most powerful instinct in the animal world, second only to perhaps the instinct to survive. We are driven by many thousands of years of social evolution. 


    Did I mean "all males"? Of course not. But the inability to remain faithful to a spouse is rooted not in moral ambiguity, but rather, human nature and the evolution of human instinct. 


    If the will to survive trumped the will to procreate, certain mantis and spider species would be extinct.  There are many species where the male dies or is killed and/or eaten after copulation.

  11. I don't believe it would be too easy to win a harrasment lawsuit in this case.  The women are obviously posing with Jerry, and they don't seem to mind the fact that they are degrading themselves.  As far as I can tell, Jerry could actually use these photos as proof that these women did all this stuff willingly.  I hate to say it, but (soon-to-be-formerly) Mrs. Jones is the only one who seems to be able to use these photos in a lawsuit.

  12. not saying it isnt. im just not a fan of overpopulating a state with teams just because its a big market

    I don't really get the difference. California has three teams right now. As does New York and Florida.

  13. My biggest surprise - Denver - 19-0

    Repeat of 1972 Dolphins perfect season following a big Super Bowl loss.


    If the Colt's can't win the super bowl, I wouldn't mind Denver pulling off an 18 game win streak.  I want them to have at least one loss, though.

  14. I seem to agree with what most people have chosen, but my one change is in Red.




    QB - Colts (Please allow at least ONE homerism)

    RB - Eagles (two RBs who are good at most facets of the game)

    TE - Saints (the premier TE in the league and some decent backups)

    WR - Bears (Size and physicality)

    OL - Titans (how has noone picked them yet?  Roos, Levitre, Schwenke, Warmack, Oher/Lewan)




    DL - Rams (This unit is STACKED)

    LB - Niners (See above explanation)

    DB - Seahawks (See above explanation)

  15. I seem to recall one against Tampa Bay where most everyone gave up on the game, left the stadium and missed one of the great comebacks of all time. I think you are right though that most come from behind wins are fueled by the defense making great plays.


    Let's be honest; were you more surprised by Peyton puting us in a position to win or by Vanderjagt actually sealing it at the end (after a "leaping" call)? 


    I remember a play in that game where we got an interception (I think it was Doss or Bashir), they stripped the ball away from him, they recovered it, and they ran it in for a touchdown.

  16. That is interesting. I think Peyton Manning is the best come-from-behind QB in NFL history.


    He has a lot of great come-from-behind victories, but most of the ones I remember were sparked by the defense.  I think he's great at playing catch up, but his ability to close out games is incredible.  His ability to diagnose defenses and call audibles leading to extended drives is amazing.  I see Peyton truly shine when he is asked to eat up clock.

  17. Since this seems to be based more on offense (since we are only picking offensive players), I would take Sean Payton as my coach.


    The score matters more to me than the half, so I'm choosing my QBs a little differently:


    Playing with the lead: Peyton Manning

    Playing without the lead: Andrew Luck

    Close Game: Aaron Rodgers

  18. Oh look it's Owain! SWORD HAND TWITCHES!!!!

    Ha!  I had to switch out my old pic (Cid Highwind) for something more recent.  I eventually want to find a pic with a different hair color (he hasn't been a blonde in any of my playthroughs).


    I know you guys love Atlanta cause they're your little beacon of hope of someone beating the Saints, but their playoff record alone answers for itself. Take away Pete Carroll's horrible timeout at the kick and Matty Ice (heart melting chokefests) would still be winless in the playoffs.


    After last season, I would no longer consider the Falcons a threat to the Saints.  Even with their cap situation, I think the Saints improved this offseason.

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