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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. There are NO rumors of this, but I think it would make sense for both teams involved (if the terms could be agreed upon).


    What do you think it would take to get Jairus Byrd away from the Saints? 


    Points for:

    • They are well over the CAP
    • We could use anyone at safety
    • They may not want him after his injury
    • He is a great player when healthy

    Points against:

    • We may not want him after his injury
    • His CAP hit is pretty high
    • The Saints would probably want an early round draft pick


    Would anyone attempt to make this deal?



  2. Is Suh really asking for $26 million a year? That's insane.


    No, but I think he would count around $26 million against the Lions if they chose to franchise tag him.


    He is reportedly asking for around the six-year, $100 million deal that Watt signed.  That's around $16.6 million per year.

  3. You want BEST CASE SCENARIO?  If you want BCS, here are my starters after a free agency and a draft that stretches the realm of possibility.


    QB - Andrew Luck

    RB - Gore (FA), Bradshaw and Ajayi (Draft 2)

    WR1 - Hilton

    WR2 - Carter and Green-Beckham (Draft 3)

    WR3 - Moncrief and Wayne

    TE1 - Fleener

    TE2 - Allen

    LT - Castanzo

    LG - Mewhort

    C - Holmes and Shipley

    RG - Iupati (FA)

    RT - Cherilus


    DE - Suh (FA)

    NT - Danny Shelton (Draft 1)

    DT - Jones

    OLB1 - Mathis and Newsome

    OLB2 - Walden and Werner

    ILB1 - Jackson

    ILB2 - Freeman and Pullard (Draft 4)

    CB1 - Davis

    CB2 - Toler and Rollins (Draft 5)

    CB3 - Butler

    S1 - Adams

    S2 - McCourty (FA)

  4. I already posted this in my mock scenario, but I figured I'd post it here to see what people think:


    29: R1P29
    61: R2P29
    93: R3P29
    125: R4P29
    157: R5P29
    189: R6P29
    191: R6P31
    219: R7P27
  5. Nice post.


    I think in the last two drafts,  Grigson has mostly targeted players and NOT gone BPA.    I think the only player that BPA was Moncrief.


    Otherwise,  I think in the 2013 draft,  Werner, Thornton, Holmes, Hughes,  Boyett and Williams were all targets.


    And in 2014,  I think Mewhort, Newsome, Jackson and John were all targets.


    I'm not ready to write-off the '13,  but those guys really have to step up their game this coming season.   They're not on scholarship anymore.    It's time to produce.


    I agree with almost every player you listed with the exception being Werner.  I think they honestly weren't expecting him to fall that far and it threw some confusion into Grigson's planning. 


    I would even throw Fleener, Hilton, and Brazill in there (at the least).


    Also, I figured I would try fan speak a few times to see if my draft could play out.  The best results were:


    29: R1P29
    61: R2P29
    93: R3P29
    125: R4P29
    157: R5P29
    189: R6P29
    191: R6P31
    219: R7P27


    My first round pick (Arik Armstead) was available, but if Danny Shelton is there, I'm taking him.

    My fifth round pick (Clayton Geathers) keeps going in the fourth round to the Cowboys.

    My first sixth round pick (Matt Jones) keeps getting taken a few picks before us.

    My second sixth round pick (Terry Williams) doesn't even appear to be an option.


    Other than that, It seems we could pull my draft off.  Other than losing Matt Jones, I'm not too upset with the replacements that could be had.


    You (and Xavier Nixon's release) have also convinced me to keep Lance Louis if I make a revision.

  6. I was just getting ready to make a topic on Pullard, then I see this. I just watched 2 of his tapes and I don't understand why no one is talking about him. This guy is fantastic in coverage. That's what jumped out to me immediately when I watched him. Second, he looks very instinctive out there. Get's to the ball carrier fast and tackles very securely. He's always near the ball at least. Can't believe no one is talking about this guy.


    The biggest knock on him that I can find is that he's small and he doesn't shed blocks well, but that shouldn't be an issue in our scheme.  Kikaha and Pullard are the two players I feel strongest about in my draft.

  7. Oh,  you mean Pullard?


    Actually,  his name is Hayes Pullard,   not Pullard Hayes...


    And I don't think he's worth a 3rd....   maybe a 4th or a 5th...


    Ha!  I completely missed that on every website I've visited!  I guess when something gets stuck in your head, you start to overlook it.


    And most sites I've seen would agree with you about him.  I mostly see him projected towards the front end or middle of the fourth round.  I picked him on the third, because I don't think he'll make it to our late fourth. 


    I'm getting more and more convinced that Grigson targets players instead of taking who falls to him.  I could see Pullard being the type of player he targets.

  8. He may be a first round talent.   But he's got enough Red Flags around him to sail a large ship!   And those may prevent him from being taken in the first round.    That,  plus the fact he's only 230,  may keep him out of the first round.

    Agreed. I put him in the n the third, because that is what I believe he should be valued. And the more I watch or read about Hayes, the more I think he'd be the best value fit for our system.

  9. Keeping TRich and signing a 32 yr old RB with a lot of miles......I'll pass

    It's not ideal, but I don't expect us to solve all of our problems this offseason. We don't get a day one starter at RB in my draft (although I expect Matt Jones to do well in a system like ours), and I find bidding on Murray or Spiller to be implausible. The only other option I find as realistic is re-signing Bradshaw; but, unless he can find a way to stay healthy, he doesn't improve our situation too much.

  10. I disagree on Cherilus, but if you've seen my mock, you know that. 


    As for Havenstein, I haven't watched him, but I think our linemen need to be able to do some zone blocking. If it were up to me, we'd do a lot more than we do, but we do have some zone stuff in the book.

    I saw your mock, and I think it was well thought out. I notice that you did not cut Cherilus until after the draft (where you had already selected a quality replacement). In my draft, we get a quality backup who could be groomed into a replacement. I chose to keep Cherilus because I think a healthy Cherilus is better than any of the free agent RTs this year, and I did not feel comfortable handing the starting job to anyone else currently under contract or in my draft.

  11. Why do you and at least one other poster of note want to cut Lance Louis?!?


    He started the last 3 regular season games, including the game vs. Texas where the line pitched a shutout against JJ Watt.


    And then he started the 3 playoff games.


    In all he started 7 games during the entire year.


    He makes a million bucks, which is chump change.


    And for some odd reason,  you want to cut him?    Because of crowding?    Who else is crowding him out?

    You make a good point. He did passably well in those games (better than Thornton was playing at the time). In my scenario, he is being crowded out by Iupati and Thornton. I'm not saying we should cut him on day one, but I still expect him to be made expendable sometime during the offseason.

  12. I like any draft that includes Havenstein.  I think this guy will be like Diem or Free... a guy who shows up to work every day and provides a solid RT so the team doesn't have to worry about the position for years.


    I don't like the Arik pick though.  I have learned over the years that college success does not necessarily translate into NFL success but lack of success in college always means lack of success in the pros.  And for someone of Arik's physical tools he just was not very productive at the college level.  Now if he falls to the 3rd round or so, then you draft him, knowing it may take a year or so to get productive minutes from him  But not as a first rounder.


    Off the top of my head, Clay Mathews is one exception to that.  There are others.  I think Arik is worth the gamble.

  13. Cuts:

    LaRon Landry - performance based

    Shaun Phillips - Not worth his cap figure

    Lance Louis - Crowding at guard

    Donald Thomas - Can't count on him being healthy


    Suprising Keeps:

    Gosder Cherilus - When he's healthy, he's well worth keeping

    Trent Richardson - I may be the only Colt's fan who still holds out hope, but I'm counting on a contract year to bring out his potential.  Will be a backup until he can prove something.

    Josh Cribbs - An offseason is plenty of time for someone to teach him how to wave his hand above his head.



    Cory Redding - Two year contract to keep a leader (paid to start first year, but not second)

    Mike Adams - Earned at least another year

    Sergio Brown - We need a body, and he has a great locker room personality

    Darius Butler - Great slot corner


    Also re-sign as many depth players as possible (don't want to list them all).


    Free Agent Signings:

    Frank Gore - People may not like this, but he's a temporary fill and still a dangerous player.  May have expressed interest in heading here.  Runs exactly like Pagano wants and catches and blocks well.

    Mike Iupati - We can get him if Grigson makes him a top priority


    I looked at defensive players, but it's hard to see most of them being worth the money they would want.  Because of this, our draft is going to be D heavy (hopefully our defensive version of our 2012 draft).




    Round 1:  Our games against the Pats left D-Line as our biggest weakness in my eyes.  We also need Redding's successor.


    Arik Armstead, DE Oregon


    Round 2:  We need to upgrade the pass rush (even with Mathis returning).  If I were ever going to trade back, this is the round I would do it (only if both options are left available, which they probably will be).


    Option A: Hau'oli Kikaha, OLB Washington


    Option B: Lorenzo Mauldin, OLB Louisville


    Round 3:  Inside linebacker needs to be addressed, but I expect a few good 3-4 ILB prospects to last at least this far.  Option A may be here (people will say he'll never last this long, but he's all over draft boards).  Option B would be a great player for us if we can upgrade the D-Line (I would actually prefer him out of the two).


    Option A: Paul Dawson, ILB TCU


    Option B: Pullard Hayes, ILB USC


    Round 4:  Offensive line needs to be addressed as far as solid depth at Tackle goes.  I expect a few good RT prospects to last until here.


    Option A: Corey Robinson, OT South Carolina


    Option B: Rob Havenstein, OT Wisconsin


    Round 5:  We need a safety to build for the future.


    Clayton Geathers, S Central Florida


    Round 6:  Picking players who have upside in our system.


    First pick:  Matt Jones, RB Florida


    Second Pick:  Terry Williams, NT East Carolina


    Round 7:  Shot in the dark who could provide depth and fits our system well.


    Justin Coleman, CB Tennessee




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