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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. The $4.5 million deal that Nicks turned down was supposedly a multi-year deal that was heavily front-loaded.  I was under the impression that Nicks turned it down NOT because of the $4.5 million this year, but because of the lower figures in the later years.  It still might not cost us the $5-8 million I am seeing thrown around.  We can still sign this guy to a modest one-year, prove-it deal; and not ruin our cap for this year or future years.


    That being said, WR still might not be an area of need...

  2. I hope Holmes get a shot at the job. I feel much better about Khaled Holmes as our center than I do about Phil Costa as our center. It just seems to me that the team has no faith in Holmes as the center. Satele was ineffective and injured at various points last season. They moved Mike McGlynn to center instead of playing Holmes. I also read that Holmes was often a healthy scratch.


    Also, regarding Phil Costa, I would actually have preferred re-signing Mike McGlynn to play center than sign the Cowboys castoff.


    I attribute that entirely to the fact that Holmes was a rookie.  I'm under the impression that Grigson is especially leery of having a rookie in charge of recognizing and calling out our protection.  After a year on the bench, Holmes should be ready to handle more duties.

  3. +1 on the Russia olypics.  I get what you are saying.  I really do.  Looking into it isn't the problem, I concede that.  But I still don't think it will really get us anywhere.  So I still stand by my point that he's going to command more than he's worth.  Yes, we really need a C.  But paying $8 million for a C?  That's crazy I think, considering we can get a good center for a couple million less.  But if we can sign him for a reasonable contract, I will gladly eat crow on this one.  He's a great C and I think he could take us to the next level in our passing and rush game. 



    I actually do agree with you that he will be overly expensive, but I still love that Grigson is looking into it.  If I get my way, though, Khaled Holmes would be our starter next year.

  4. What?  I don't think you understand how the transition tag works.  If we were going to sign him, we'd have to offer more than what his transition tag is.  So it will cost us  more than $10 million. That's the purpose of the transition tag. Then, say we offer $11 million, all Browns have to do is match that offer, and he remains with the Browns.


    We could offer $8 million a year, but that presupposes that Mack would even be interested in taking less money.  And even assuming he was, the transition tag inflates any offer he would have otherwise received if on FA.  It's just really not a good idea to seek out a top 2 or 3 player who is transitioned. 


    The transition tag allows the Browns to match any offer within five days.  If he recieves no offer, he can sign the tender for a one-year contract worth roughly $10 million.


    NOWHERE does it state that he cannot sign elsewhere, and NOWHERE does it state he cannot accept less money.  Mack's agent is confident he can create clauses in a contract that disuade the Browns from offering.  There may be reasons why he would want to join the Colts other than money (be it Chud, Luck, whatever else he can think of). 


    There is still NO REASON AT ALL why investigating this is a bad thing!  Information is important in Grigson's business!  Even if we cannot sign Mack, the information he gets could be helpful in signing a different free agent center!


    Stop assuming that this investigation can only lead to us signing Mack for an amount equal to what Russia spent on the olympics!

  5. Yes, there's one very great reason why we shouldn't investigate, and that reason is that we shouldn't pay over $10 million for a center for one season.  Even if we steal him from the Browns, there's no guarantee that he stays here after 2014.


    Now that Revis has been taken off the market, there's even more of a reason not to investigate...


    In what world does investigating mean paying?  We are gethering information to make sure we do not miss out on a deal.  It doesn't cost us $10 million to talk to Mack.  It may not even cost us $10 million to sign Mack!

  6. I really wish people would stop these threads.  First off, $11 million, assuming Browns don't match, is just a RIDICULOUS amount for a center.  Ridiculous - can't say it enough.  Second, even if we did make an offer, Browns can match and its' end of story.  They have more money than us, there's no reason to think they're going to let him walk.  If they're putting the transition tago on him, it's because they know that almost everyone won't be putting $10 million on a center, and they are right.  Otherwise, they'd just franchise tag him and pay an extra $2 million.


    They have more money than us at the moment, but there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't investigate this.


    For an example:

    If the Browns sign Revis to something similar to his (previous Bucs) contract, and perhaps one or two more free agents; we could easily find ourselves in a position where we have MORE cap space than the Browns.  We need to cover our bases and make sure we don't lose out on a great opportunity, just because we thought it was unattainable.

  7. I want to see him in a new segment called "Standing on a football field practicing corner kicks".

    I hope you mean punts, because "corner kicks" will always mean soccer to most of the populace.

  8. Everyone here seems to say keep Vinny at the expense of Pat.  I say we should do the exact opposite!


    re-lease Vinny


    Re-sign Pat and try to bring in another punter or kicker through the draft.  If we can get a good kicker in the 7th, keep Pat as a punter.  If we can get a good punter in the 7th, switch Pat to kicker.  Pat is younger and ready to handle more duties for the team.  Vinny is a legend, but Pat has a better FUTURE ahead of him.  If I were offered Pat or Vinny for the same money, I would take Pat.

  9. :blueshoe:   Jimmy Fallon recently took over the reigns of "The Tonight Show" from Jay Leno - and - made a pretty big splash with his stellar list of first week guests.


    If YOU were to guest host any talk show for a day: 


    :blueshoe:   WHICH current or former Colts player - OR - coach would you want in your guest lineup ??


    If you're going for ratings, you have to go with Peyton Manning.


    If you truly want an entertaining show, you go with Pat MacAfee.

  10. Oh I couldn't watch it. I was just wondering. All I was saying since this was suppose to be a feel good thing....I thought the other team might let her score...I see it all the time at jr high and high school games for autistic kids etc. Usually the other team lets them score and then that team lets them score to even it and then they play on. Obviously this was done to let her live her dream to play or score in a football game and I saw it no differently...it wasn't like she could actually compete in the real sense of the word. If she was intending to compete actually then to me that was even worse PR stunt because there are 100s of more qualified individuals that should have had that opportunity. It would have been a nice jeasture to let her score is all. Clearly the game was in the bag and it would be nice to let her feel good. If it was done because she somehow legitly deserved to be on the field...I just doubt that and feel that there are so many more deserving individuals who miss out on the opportunity to play just for the teams PR stunt.


    If she didn't think she belonged out there, she wouldn't have been talking trash (which was a HORRIBLE decision).  She thought that, since she played linebacker and did well in an all female league, she could play with men.  You could see it clearly in the way that she attempted to be a "power" runner, even though she is 5'2" 130 lbs and 36 years old.  She had no COMPETITIVE reason to be on the field with 6'+ 250+ athletes that were playing on the other team.  It looks like the other team was OFFENDED that she was on the field, because the hits they gave her were brutal. 


    I understand that she wanted to be a role model to girls around the world, but certainly some other woman could have done this better.

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