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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. Haven't been on the board since Friday, and am trying to use a keyboard with one arm... long story short, I had a little climbing mishap on Saturday and spent most of Sunday/Monday/Tuesday and yesterday doped out of my brain on painkillers. (Which, I have to say, made the Patriots' loss a lot easier to take...) I barely remember the game itself. Had a quick outpatient arthroscopic on Monday and am on the mend.


    But, since I've been here with my proud Patriots fan chest puffed out for a long time now, I wanted to type a one-handed "congrats to the Ravens" and acknowledgement that New England - and Brady - pretty much stunk the place up Sunday. There are too many "Patriots fans are meanies" threads and "Brady kicked Ed Reed" threads and other lovely little pot-shots for me to read them all. I take the same approach here that I've always taken -- it's easy to kick a guy when he's already down. Easy yes, but courageous or even creative? No. That said... be as critical as you want. They deserve it.


    So consider this one Pats fan's "mea culpa" of sorts. They did not come through when it mattered most and did not play their best football at the most critical juncture of their season. That's what champions do, and this was obviously not their year.


    It's funny, I remember reading once that "pain is the ultimate emotion." It trumps anything. Are you happy about something? Smash your thumb with a hammer and you'll have a hard time remembering what it was. Conversely, seeing the Patriots suffer a devastating loss was really tempered by the fact that I couldn't move and that it literally hurt to breathe. Quite frankly, at that point, I did not give a (expletive) what happened, lol...


    Good luck to both the Ravens and 49ers. I respect both organizations immensely, and hope that they can at least give us a good, fun, entertaining game.


    So until training camp... wishing everyone the best.


    I wish you well with the pain and recovery you will have to go through!


    As far as the "Pats fan are meanies" threads, most of us know and understand that these were just an upset (probably inebriated) minority of all Pats fans. 


    I may not agree with your lifestyle (rooting for the Pats), but I appreciate the diversity fans of other teams (like yourself) bring to the boards.  It makes most of the threads MUCH more entertaining!


    Have a speedy recovery and try not to smash your thumbs with a hammer too often!

  2. Oh yeah I forgot about the Bengals. True, they didn't lie down, but there was still something about them that wasn't right. Yes, they had Manning, but they still reminded me of the Denver team from a year ago at times. :dunno:


    Were there many real additions to their team (besides Peyton)? 


    They had a rookie RB and DT who contributed, but I can't think of much else off the top of my head.


    And the Broncos under Tebow won low-scoring defensive games.  Under Peyton, they were much more balanced.

  3. Denver beat a single team with a winning record, if I'm not mistaken, a team that came back and stung them in the playoffs. We beat multiple playoff teams. I think that if we had played Denver, or if NE had, both teams would have won. Denver just wasn't meant for greatness this year. Next year, however, could very well be a different story...


    I think Denver beat both BAL and CIN.


    And Denver didn't just lie down and get whooped by any team.  They were in every game this year, even when they lost.

  4. this only further proves the point that the AFC South is not as weak as That Guy mention earlier . . . you have a team in the colts that not only had enough wins to win the division of the AFC rep in the SB this year, they also beat two playoff teams you referenced . . .


    I guess I stand corrected.  The AFC South did pull off wins over good teams.


    I refuse to argue against my Colts, even if it means admitting I'm wrong.



    The names Roethlisberger, Flacco, and even Rivers come to mind. Those are the three off the top of my head, but given the right scenarios, I would take Bengals, Texans over Broncos, just as I would take Patriots over Texans, Broncos. But that's just given the current situation without the Draft or FA.


    And you forgot to mention Eli, Rodgers, and Brees (who all have rings).

    They will all do great things (if not so great as PM or TB).

  5. To be fair here, the Texans won the AFC Division title 2 years in a row now. The Colts are really in no position to gloat right now. Yes, we went 11-5 & surpassed expectations, but we aren't playing in the SB this year either now are we? 






    Can we get some "participation trophies" thrown in there?

  6. Well, this wasn't directed at you, but if you want the fire.

    Maybe it would involve not picking fights with random Internet posters and maybe cheering for a team that can actually do something relevant. I'm sure you heard about the Chiefs fan who listed his team as a cause of death in his obituary? I don't know, but those are the steps I would take if I were in your position.


    My bad.  I didn't realize you thought of this as a fight.  I just joined in thinking this was friendly ribbing amongst compadres.


    In the future, I will refrain from entering a good battle of wits until I know it is all in jest.

  7. And will still have a monster game against the Colts. Lol. I'd talk to that o-line or poor man's o-line of yours before making jokes about ACLs...12's is at risk all the time.

    To be fair, not many teams did much to stop JJ Watt this year... It wasn't just OUR O-line he made look bad. And I think (hope) Grigs has a plan to fix that.

  8. Traditionally, the losing coaches in the NFC and AFC Championship Games were tapped to lead the Pro Bowl teams after the Super Bowl. But the criteria has been changed to invite the losing coaches and staffs from the divisional playoff losers with the best regular-season records.

    Ah... So Jon Fox?

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