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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. It's all semantics. When you build a stadium to lure a team, that is stealing!


    You’re simply incorrect by any stretch of the imagination (and exclusion of reality). And willfully so.


    Irsay was still profitable in Baltimore.


    That is right! And that is why the Eminent Domain Legislation was so overwhelmingly unjust. You cannot come in and seize a financially successful privately owned business because you simply do not like the way it is administrated.


    He wanted to make more profits




    Indy lured the Colts, as did the other city's. It is seperate from Eminent Domain. They were negotiating before Eminent Domain


    Yeah I don’t even know what that means. A Private business owner isn’t allowed to negotiate with other cities for incentives to move his or her business to that location?  


    If events happened in baltimore, it's not part of baltimore history ? It was accomplished by the Colt's football team at the time, the Baltimore Colts at that time.


    You understand completely. You just don’t like how the facts play out. Your problem.


    The Palm Beach Post article was later. This was only after the NFL became scardy cats because of the Al Davis lawsuit at the time.


    You said…


    The NFL voted against the move of the Colts to Indianapolis.


    That was patently false. Quite the contrary, the NFL owners voted to allow him to move.  


    Why should Baltimore fans suffer.


    That is what happen when you elect incompetent leaders; the people suffer.


    I'm fine with Indy having the team. I'm not railing against the present, just trying to make you understand the past, through a larger prism.


    No you are not. You’re attempting to paint an incorrect picture based on the hyperbole, feelings and incorrect assumptions of Baltimore fans. You are also attempting to do it at the expense of the truth and you are doing so willfully.


    I must be a bitter guy…


    …speak it.

  2. i think TY is the guy. worked well with Luck. was drafted by this FO. had an outstanding year (aside from being top in drops with our dearly departed Avery (sarcasm)) he was a Rookie stand-out and is safe i believe.


    Don't get me wrong, I like him. But...he was drafted to fill an Arians mold. Arians is gone now. And this is a new O.C. and Offense altogether. He can't relax and think the job is his by default. 

  3. Exactly what does 2 wrongs dont make a right mean?  So in your mind Harrison is guilty of what?  Last time I checked a person does have to be found guilty in a court of law. So you are the self appointed judge and jury?  Besides what does Harrison's off field problems have to do with the HOF?  Ray Lewis will be a HOFer. Michael Irwin is in. Don Deirdorf is in. Deon Sanders is in. Cris Carter is in. There are a few players in the HOF that have had off field issues. What does that have to do with what was done on the field? 


    Amen!!! Out of likes.

  4. Hudnut and the Indiana Sports Commission specifically built a stadium to lure an NFL team, but that isn't thieving.


    First of all, stop making unfounded accusations and then not addressing my corrections of your errors.


    LOLOL no. They did not build the Hoosier Dome in order to take ownership of a team. They did it so the City of Indianapolis could be the home of a team. There is a VERY big difference. Baltimore demanded to be the home of the team and attempted to take ownership to make it so. If you cannot understand the fundamental differences between the two then there is no reason to continue to have this discussion with you.




    I don't think I totally blamed you guys for the move, it was a combination of things.


    A combination of things led the incompetent Baltimore Mayor’s office to first suggest using Eminent Domain laws to take over a privately owned business. And a combination of things led up to the incompetent Maryland Legislature passing such a bill and a combination of things led up to the incompetent Governor of Maryland signing the bill into law. Nevertheless, none of those things justified what they did. However, Irsay’s immediate move was overwhelmingly justified by any measure of freedom and plain old business sense. 




    I don't like eminent domain for any reason, lets get that straight. If Irsay had to leave I'm fine with it.


    Then stop accusing him and the City of Indianapolis of doing something wrong.




    I just wish he would have left the Colt's records in Baltimore.


    Those things do not belong to the city of Baltimore. They were not accomplishments achieved by the city of Baltimore. They were achieved by the Colts football team and therefore belong to the Colts football team. Just another example of the citizens of Baltimore attempting to take something that does not belong to them.




    You slam Baltimore for what they did to Cleveland


    I did no such thing. I pointed out the OBVIOUS hypocrisy in railing accusations against the City of Indianapolis and then turning around and doing the exact same thing. What part of hypocrisy do you not understand? 




    Your owner Irsay, who promised to vote for a new expansion team for Baltimore, voted against us. Another lie and broken promise by Irsay.


    Oh well. That’s what happens when you try to steal a guy’s business from him. That’s what happens when your politicians break promises with him. You end up reaping what you sowed.




    The NFL voted against the move of the Colts to Indianapolis.


    It did no such thing. Quite the contrary the Palm Beach Post reported that on March 2, 1983 “NFL owners voted to give Irsay permission to move his franchise to the city of his choosing.” Nice try. http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1964&dat=19840317&id=nQEtAAAAIBAJ&sjid=gs4FAAAAIBAJ&pg=6386,5720471




    I'm not sure what else to tell you.


    Try the truth. It always garners more credibility than rantings motivated more by bitterness & unforgiveness than reality.

  5. "I've forgotten more about the Baltimore Colts..."


    That sir is obvious.




    "...why do you keep that Wiki article on your tag..."


    Hahaha it is a blog entry on Colts.com and I have explained why. Pay attention.




    You don't see me jamming the Baltimore perspective down people's throats.


    Because everyone has heard it. Tale as old as time. "It is always someone else's fault"




    I've presented a more factual two-sided part of the move, then your one sided diatribes.


    I have thoroughly sourced every fact. Unlike you. And if I were to present the Baltimore "fans" side, I would've been forced to clown it. It is embarassing. The fact that you do not recognize it means you subscribe to it. And that is unfortunate.




    You admit Bob Irsay was a bad owner, but don't factor it in at all in the move.


    There are 15 bad owners in the NFL. And none of them move. Being a bad owner has ZERO to do with the Colts move to Indy. Bad politicians (elected by the people of Maryland) has everything to do with it. Therefore, it is the majority of the retelling.




    The politicians of Baltimore were certainly at partial fault, but you give Indy politicians a complete pass.


    Because unlike Baltimore politicians, Indy's did nothing wrong and everything right.




    You may think the heritage only belongs to Indy


    Are you on drugs or something? I clearly said it belongs to the team.




    I guess Cleveland lost the Browns because the politicians were mean to Modell


    What a childish tac. Each situation was different. However, the hypocrisy in Baltimore fans whining about Indianapolis and then turning around and doing the exact same thing is too funny.




    ...you always want to slam Baltimore as thieves...


    What would you call the Eminent Domain bill passed by the Maryland legislature and signed by the Governor taking ownership of the Colts franchise away from Robert Irsay...the team's rightful owner?



    I think most of these facts you cite came out of the Baltimore Colt's move comic book.


    If you can factually refute a single one, then do so.

  6. Okay, but who could have predicted an unknown quantity in Jerrel Freeman becoming a defensive leader, or Reggie Wayne going into motion pre-snap for the first time in his life and benefiting greatly from it, or the late round rookies who made such huge contributions. I expected great thing from Luck as well but I do not like to hand out plaudits that have not been earned. I had cautious optimism.


    Probably nobody. But I was more focused on Luck. You saw what we did with Manning. How he elevated the whole team.


    I expected a similar impact from Luck. He was rated even higher than Manning coming out of College. Not 11-12 win impact but I expected him to have a .500 impact. As for the others. We still had Reggie, Free and Mathis. Add in Vontae Davis and Coby Fleener and I felt like we werent operating with a bare bones cupboard.




    I think it was a very difficult thing for even skilled analysts to call us an 8-win team.


    And yet it wasn't for me. Because I looked at the talent/personnel/character we had and did not see them mailing it in.




    I can understand an analyst, who does not treat our team with the same insight as us due to having 31 other teams to cover...


    I just don't give them a pass. It is their job to drill down past a glance at the surface....which is obviously what the majority of them did.


    Believe me I am critical of many of the so called analysts around the league but I cannot blame them for making us earn the right to be any higher than #32 last year.


    If I thought that was a part of their job desciption....to prove it before they make the call...then I'd think the same. But it is their job to do more than make simple observations based on past performance. Any tool can do that.




    This year however I think we deserve respect and should not realistically be outside the top 12 in any power ranking.


    Agreed. ;)

  7. Understood Brian but what fan doesn't expect more of their team?


    Anton, I'm not some mouth-breathing clown with my face painted. I'd like to think I can make reasonable observations independent of my allegiences. I didn't throw 8 or 9 wins out there because I'm a fan. I did it because I believed our coaching/personnel/schedule called for it.




    Of course with Luck under center I believed we were an 8 win team, but nothing was there as proof.


    Amen but that cuts both ways. There was no proof the kid would suck...so why the default to the negative by those who would pretend to be insightful/authoritative?




    As a league-wide analyst who must look at the bigger picture and judge players/teams on what they have done


    Negative. You're thinking about an end of season wrap up/review. Not a prediction of future performance. It was an entirely brand new team and should've been judged on it's individual parts. Instead of being judged on a rebuilding notion.




    ...it was a fair assessment to have us dead last


    We disagree.




    Any analyst would look at that and think...


    I expect more than cursory glances from people who are getting paid very well to provide insight. They were/are either lazy, incompetent or biased.




    But thank god we were.


    Praiz'im! ;)

  8. Shame, performed admirably, but Satele should be a lot better this year being injury free and Holmes is clearly a very highly rated prospect by the Front Office. We don't need three centers.


    Someone must've looked real good in the OTA or Rookie Minicamp.

  9. I'll move over and make room for him. The guy was always a warrior and I respected him as a player and a person.


    Whatever! ;)


    The guy was a member of a team that cheated their way to three Super Bowl rings (one or two of which probably should've been ours to lose). He may have been a warrior but I NEVER have and NEVER will respect him or any other member of the Patriots* from this era.


    Now, as an analyst....I'm listening to him all day long. He has proven to be unbaised and prepared to give credit where credit is due.

  10. The Colts last year were a team of misfits and kids strung together, they had no right to be ranked any higher than they were, which makes their achievements all the more remarkable, but the media should not be accused of bias or disrespect because of this.


    Whatever. ;)


    I expect these guys (journalists/analysts/talking heads) to know what they're talking about. Maybe it wasn't to you but it was obvious to me that the team was going to be better than dead last in the NFL. I in all sincerity thought they'd be around .500. They exceeded what I believe to have been a reasonable expectation. And I wasn't getting paid a dime to know it.


    If these people want to put their perspectives out there as authoritative then they better to be ready to be suspected of bias and or disrespect when they so blatently miss the mark.


    Let's keep it real now.

  11. It is these silly notions that caused me to dig into this story and ultimately write "The Move To Indianapolis - The True Story". I listened to all of the recriminations from old Baltimore types. The story just didn't sound right so I decided to go digging for myself. From where I sit, responsibility for the entire mess rests squarely on the elected officials of Baltimore...and therefore, the people of Baltimore. Nobody can rightly fault Indy or Robert Irsay. Was he a serious jerk? Sure was. Is that somehow equal to the polticians of Baltimore and Maryland attempting to become thieves and steal the franchise from him.....not even close. Being a jerk gets you a slap in the face...being a thief gets you a prison cell. The fault is not equal, not by a long shot.

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