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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. Pep has already been served notice about the Pistol from Mister Pagano.  That was done early March.  If it does happen,(more than once). I will kiss Wells's bare butt... on the 50 yard line... of LOS... at halftime.... of the Colts game.... of his choice......(Ticket price TBD)



    He said if the pistol was run he was sure he would get a phone call on the side line immediately from Grigs or Jim or both telling him what flight to get out of town.....that's paraphrasing pretty close to his exact quote... 



    I remember that quote, I think you're confusing the pistol and the read option though. They're not synonymous. I hope we run the pistol a lot next year. There are a lot of options you can use in that formation.



    We're not running the pistol, the read option, the shoot & scoot, the poop & float, the sit & spin etc, etc.

  2. From Kevin Bowen...






    Jeremy Kelley knows...Ryan Grigson’s pedigree for exploring all options in completing a full roster. (And it) was something that intrigued the 6-6, 225-pound wide receiver to sign with the Colts. “That’s what I kept hearing when I came out here–Indy’s never had big wideouts,” Kelley said. “I feel like I’m big enough, fast enough to bring a change. Whether they want to use me as a red zone threat, whether they want to use me as an inside, big target across the middle, whether they want to use me to block for screens, being bigger, being stronger, I think that makes me accessible to do more things.” Kelley, who has spent the last two seasons in the Arena Football League following a stint in the CFL, participated in the Colts rookie minicamp from May 10-12. When the first rookie minicamp practice concluded, there was the thump of the jugs machine running near midfield as Kelley was the lone member to stay after for extra reps. The following day, there was Kelley again the lone rookie in the Colts locker room with iPad in hand, dissecting a playbook he hopes to still be in come September. “It’s necessary, especially a guy in my position, being a free agent coming out of Arena, Canadian leagues and what not,” Kelley said of the extra work. “It’s just perfecting your craft. For me, it gives me that confidence on the field and now I can go out and I can trust what I’m doing and just play.”
  3. Kyle Rodriguez's perspective...




    Is Khaled Holmes the Long-Term Answer at Center?


    What Does the Offensive Philosophy Look Like?


    What Cornerbacks Will Fill out the Roster?


    Will Hugh Thornton Beat out Mike McGlynn?


    How Will Snaps Be Spread out Among Andrew Luck's Receiving Targets?


    Will the 7th-Round Picks Fight Their Way onto the Roster?


    How Will Defensive Line Shake Out?


    How Will the Inside Linebackers Stack Up?


  4. By the way, in fairness, Wells has walked back his incorrect assertion, after being blasted by Colts Authority. A lot of "we" in the post, and then gets in a parting shot at Kyle at the end. Very immature, as you would expect from Wells. But he at least acknowledged that he was wrong.




    As I stated on another thread....his mea kulpa is snide and amateurish. Brad Wells has become our version of Mike Florio; started off great...then devolved into an attention "street slang for prostitute".

  5. http://www.twincities.com/sports/ci_23259215/vikings-stadium-bird-droppings-roof-is-self-cleaning?source=rss


    It's going to be a great stadium -- either the best or one of the best stadiums in the NFL, no doubt. It's going to have a great fan experience. It's going to have seats closer to the field than any other stadium. Some of our suites will be closer than any other stadium's suites to game action. A huge piece was the game day experience. The other pieces that make it a special experience are the indoor-outdoor experience with the roof that has ETFE (see-through) polymer covering half the stadium.


    I'm pulling for them to get it done. I don't want to see them lose the Vikings to Los Angeles and their brutally corrupt stadium building charlie foxtrot.

  6. ---





    I think OldSchoolColt said it best...


    "Only Irsay knows what exactly had to happen for him to stay here, but the NFL is still a business and without a new stadium/income, he would not have had a choice.  I do think Irsay has done the Colts and its fans well and is a good man."


    I'd have to agree; it is a business and he is a good man.



    Yep this thread is completely off track. BTW anyone here that Jim Irsay was ranked as the second best owner in the NFL by a writer for CBS? (that's a joke/half hearted attempt to get this back on topic)


    You gentlemen ok? Or is carrying a thread with condescending images your normal contribution? TheOldCrow and I are having a serious conversation. It happens where it happens. Feel free not to read it if it gets you too worked up.


    IMHO Jim is the best owner in the league. Getting what he has gotten out of this market required business acumen, very good sports management and lots of $$$. Irsay has invested all three at levels no other small market team has. New Orleans comes close but that was the result of an owner desperately trying to avoid being tarred & feathered after Katrina. On topic enough for you?

  8. Ian Rapoport

    Source: #Chargers have an agreement in principle for a 2-year deal with Dwight Freeney


    George Bremer

    Dwight Freeney reportedly joining Tom Telescoe in San Diego. Interesting to see Free ney back in a 3-4.


    Mike Chappell

    Will be latest to confirm ex-#colts Dwight Freeney and Chargers have agreed to terms. Good for Dwight. Not ready to call it a career.


    Chris Mortensen

    Bill Polian: "There's no question he can fit with that scheme. There are no strict 3-4 defenses, or not many."


    Good enough?

  9. He has a chance to be better, waaaay better than Ben in the future, but he just isn't there yet.


    Apart from this Top 100 Players stuff and completely anecdotal but I think Luck is right now a better QB than Rapelisburger is. I think he has a better arm, better legs, better brain, better awareness etc, etc. Just an all around better skill set.


    I think Luck was a better QB in his junior and senior years in College than Rape has been or ever will be. The Steelers running game and defense were the reasons the Steelers won these Super Bowls with him. He wasnt bad. He was actually pretty good.


    Nevertheless I don't think he is anywhere near the QB that Luck is.

  10. And the fall back will be...


    "I'm not saying Baltimore and Maryland did not play a part. But that their part is equal to the blame I assign to Irsay  for being a jerk (for being a smart businessman and making sure he had options if the city of Baltimore failed to come through) and Indianapolis for stealing the Colts (for doing what Baltimore did before Baltimore eventually did it and built a stadium in order to host an NFL franchise)."


    This is the "12 amps required" logic.


    "You can't run a vacuum cleaner on 12 amps, John!"

  11. So it has to be from Baltimore to be the story of what happened?


    I think the answer would seem to be yes. Anything that is not written with a built in bias…is not credible. I’m going to pause and let that sink in.





    Anything that is not biased…..is biased.





    That is the logic that drives him. And he filters every bit of information through that prism. The people in Baltimore and Maryland do not accept that their actions caused the move itself. Therefore, nobody can say it, even if facts show it to be true.


    The Baltimore narrative is that Robert Irsay was a major jerk. And it is from that fountain that everything flows:


    It was Irsay’s fault that Baltimore's Memorial Stadium was inadequate.


    It was Irsay’s fault that the team’s former owner Carol Rosenbloom announced that the team would not return to Memorial Stadium.


    It was Irsay’s fault that 10,000 of the stadium's seats had views that were "less than desirable".


    It was Irsay’s fault that 20,000 seats were out-dated bench seats that had no back support.


    It was Irsay’s fault that 7,000 so called seats were actually poorly constructed temporary bleachers that were installed for football games only.


    It was Irsay’s fault that there was not enough office space for the front offices of either the Orioles or Colts, much less both teams combined.


    It was Irsay’s fault that both teams had to share locker rooms.


    It was Irsay’s fault that the State of Maryland's elected legislature chose not to fund the project was to create a facility near the city's Inner Harbor known as Camden Yards.


    It was Irsay’s fault that the owner of the Orioles stated "I will bow to the will of the people. They have told us what they want to tell us. First, they don't want a new park and second, they don't want a club."


    It was Irsay’s fault for saying "It’s not a matter of saying that there will be no stadium. It’s a matter of getting the facts together so everybody is happy when they build the stadium. I'm a patient man. I think the people of Baltimore are going to see those new stadiums in New Orleans and Seattle opening in a year or two around the country, and they are going to realize they need a stadium ... for conventions and other things besides football."


    It was Irsay’s fault that after all of these facts were apparent, the citizens of Baltimore still voted not to allow public funds to be used to build a new stadium.


    It was Irsay’s fault that 27,934 fans showed up for their final home game.


    It was Irsay’s fault that on March 2, 1983 NFL owners voted to give Irsay permission to leave Baltimore.


    It was Irsay’s fault that Baltimore's mayor Schaefer publically announced, "We're not going to build a new stadium…unless private enterprise builds it, we won’t build it.”


    It was Irsay’s fault that the state of Maryland didn’t choose to offer him $40 million to purchase the team…and instead chose to try to condemn the Colts and begin eminent domain proceedings to take the team from Irsay outright.


    It was Irsay’s fault that the Maryland Senate passed legislation giving the city of Baltimore the legal right to seize ownership of the Colts Franchise.


    It was Irsay’s fault that John Moag, Jr., chairman of the Maryland Stadium Authority, stated in sworn testimony before the United States Senate that "It was the failure of our local (Baltimore) and state elected officials in Maryland to provide the Colts with a firm proposal for a new stadium that led Mr. Irsay to accept an offer from Indianapolis to play in a new dome in that city."


    How anyone can look at all of these facts and not come to the obvious conclusion that the move was Irsay's fault, that he was a jerk who could not be negotiated with (even though Indianapolis, Phoenix and Jacksonville were able to) and that this is why he stole the team (that he owned) in the middle of the night is beyond him.

  12. You've been battered on the Eminent Domain isuue


    LOLOL why, because you’ve attempted to justify Baltimore’s use of eminent domain laws? Trying to steal a profitable business from a private citizen because you simply do not like the private citizen? That is your justification? That is what you rest your argument on? I appreciate that you really want the eminent domain issue to disappear. And in its place you want your ad hominem attacks on Robert Irsay to drive the discussion. But that is not how mature, reasonable people consider facts. Children do that. Now if you want to log onto ABC kids club and try to hustle them, you may have some success. But you obviously won’t here.


    The eminent domain issue is the evidence that lays the blame for the move to Indianapolis squarely at the feet of the elected officials in Baltimore and Maryland (and by extension, the citizens). Unfortunately for you, rambling off a bunch of unsupported nonsense doesn’t make it go away. It is the crux on which the entire story changes from one of the Baltimore Colts to that of the Indianapolis Colts. Robert Irsay didn’t attempt to use eminent domain laws, Baltimore and Maryland did. Indianapolis didn’t attempt to use eminent domain laws, Baltimore and Maryland did. You pretend to dress your argument up in a cloak of fairness or sensibility but the truth is that you want to diminish the real factors that led directly to the Colts franchise leaving Baltimore. And you try to reinforce this deception by attempting to stress the factors that are not directly related to it.


    and I've debunked most of your other theories without rebuttal.


    What theories? Do you understand the English language? Do you understand that words have meaning? I have put forward NO theories. I have written facts. And again, (unlike you) I have supported those facts with credible, independent sourcing. Having a contrary contention or argument does not justify itself. You have to support it with facts. Not anecdotes and conjecture. Simply logging on and typing something doesn’t mean you’ve done anything more than logged on and typed something. And when faced with a thoroughly sourced entry like mine, you can't just type something and magically think it  has an equal amount of credibility. It simply does not.


    You're pretty much down to playing a game about sourcing


    What imaginary world are you living in? Sourcing a story is not a game; it is how adults write about subjects…..unless of course they’re writing fantasy.


    Unlike you, I have put forth facts and sourced them. I've challenged you to do the same and you refuse to do so (for some fairly obvious reasons). Instead, like the rest of this subject you've chozen the lazy and shallow approach; attack people personally.


    I've already seen some of your credible, independent sources. However, none are from Baltimore, or the Baltimore point of view.


    I want to repeat that...




    I've already seen some of your credible, independent sources. However, none are from Baltimore, or the Baltimore point of view.



    This is the key statement.



    After all of your hyperbole. All of your slander. All of your exaggeration. After all of your attempts to deflect. After all of your non-sequiturs. This sentence is where your personal failings come to the foreground.


    You do not want facts to be spoken if they contradict your perspective.


    You insist on trying to make the truth fit a Baltimore narrative. And this is why you fail. This is why you cannot write anything credible. This is why you cannot support anything with independent sources. This why you either outright or obliquely attack or slander anyone who speaks the truth.


    For my part, I think this is enough to explain why I will not discuss this with you anymore. You're obviously biased and unwilling to acknowledge the truth.

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