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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. I'm no fan of Brad Wells, but to be fair, part of that statement comes from points he tried making in another of his articles-




    For example-


    Tweet from Kent Somers @kentsomers
    Chuck Pagano on if Andrew Luck ran read-option: "..phone would probably ring on the sideline...telling me what time my flight was leaving."
    11:27 AM - 19 Mar 2013
    Hamiton talking to Colts.com's Jeffery Gorman this past weekend, during the team's rookie minicamp-
    "There's nothing we can't do. We can incorporate some pistol concepts, which is kind of a trend, an 'en vogue' thing in the league right now. Everybody's talking about the QB option, the QB read game, the QB pistol, the pistol components that we can run. But, we'll be smart. We'll be judicious in how much we expose Andrew to taking additional hits."

    And he does end his rant with-


    "Maybe the trouble-making blogger in me is just seeing something that really isn't there. I don't know."


    "Or, maybe Pep Hamilton should shaddup about implementing the pistol, read-option considering both his bosses have publicly stated they aren't fans of it and have no intention of allowing it."


    Personally, the bold/italicized part sums it quite nicely.


    Yeah I don't know how I'm supposed to piece together multiple posts and tweets in order to be fair to Brad Wells. Especially when I know point blank that he wrote...(For us at Stampede Blue) "Pagano's comments (regarding the new offense) read that he just isn't on the same page with the new system coordinator Pep Hamilton is installing."





  2. From Brad Wells at StampedeBlue - http://www.stampedeblue.com/2013/5/11/4321494/colts-begin-2013-rookie-minicamp-pagano-re-re-defines-new-offense


    (For us at Stampede Blue) "Pagano's comments (regarding the new offense) read that he just isn't on the same page with the new system coordinator Pep Hamilton is installing."


    I understand that this guy's insights are somewhat less than salient but my jaw hit the floor when I read this. The sheer incompetence required to say that the Head Coach doesn't know what the O Coordinator is doing is stunning.


    Wells goes on to point out Coach Pagano's annoyance with a stupid question. Also though it seems he REALLY wants to go there, he couldn't quite bring himself to attack the 2nd Year Head Coach coming off of defeating leukemia (at least not yet).

  3. Actually not that far fetched, he'd still probably make a better living on our practice squad than doing strong-man competitions...If his legs are good and he's that strong it's not rocket science to teach him to go slam the guy with the ball...I actually think and hope this is more than a publicity stunt..


    The rub'll be his knees/legs (one of which had been previously injured). If he blew up too quick and did not give his legs enough work to keep up, he won't come close to making the squad. But, if he kept his lower body in sync with his upper, he'll have a fair shot. We'll see.

  4. http://blogs.colts.com/




    Posted by coltsindianapolis on May 12, 2013 – 1:34 pm

    The Indianapolis Colts today signed cornerback Allen Chapman and waived cornerback Nigel Malone.

    Chapman, 5-11, 176 pounds, joins the Colts after spending the past three days as a tryout player in the team’s rookie mini-camp. He spent two seasons at Kansas State where he totaled 107 career tackles, six interceptions, two interception returns for touchdowns and 15 passes defensed. As a senior, Chapman logged career highs with 57 tackles, five interceptions and 10 passes defensed. Prior to joining the Wildcats, he competed at City College of San Francisco where he collected 39 tackles, 10 interceptions, two interception returns for touchdowns, two fumble recoveries and 1.0 sack. In 2010, Chapman was part of a City College team that finished with a 12-1 record with a win in the NorCal Championship game.

    Malone, 5-10, 180 pounds, was originally signed by the Colts as an undrafted free agent on May 2, 2013.

  5. When we hired Pep Hamilton I was firmly convinced we were going with a West coast Offensive philosophy. And any remarks that hinted at keeping things that Arians did, were simply milquetoast misdirection that was being thrown out there to placate a shallow press pool and not give away anything to opposing teams.



    It is starting to look like this “No-Coast” concept is a real one.


    “It’s hard to pigeonhole him,” said Shaw, Stanford’s football coach and Hamilton’s previous boss.....“The first thing you have to know about Pep is he’s had a variety of experiences and some really, really great teachers,”......Hamilton was exposed to the West Coast offense...through his association with Paul Hackett, he discovered the merits of the “digital system,” while working with Norv Turner.“Pep’s been influenced by all of those,” Shaw said. “For him, it goes back to what can players do? What do they understand? What can they be good at?........“Pep’s not going to change just to change,” Shaw said. “There’s going to be carryover (from 2012). They did some phenomenal things........“He’s smart enough to say, ‘Hey, we’re not going to throw the baby out with the bath water.”


    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  6. I know it doesn't mean much since it's so early in the process but it's interesting. Chapman, Franklin, and Hughes will all battle it out for starting spot for W1.


    Ehhh, who gets 1 reps is significant.


    And I could be mistaken but I do not see too much of a battle there. It is Chapman's spot. The issue is probably going to be how much gas (or HgH) does Franklin have in the tank and based on that, how much will he split snaps with Chapman, McKinney & Tevaseu and which of those three makes the final roster.

  7. Talk about arrested development, he writes like a 9th grader who's just trying to get attention.  Maybe if we ignore him he'll go away.


    Unfortunately it is looking like we have quite a few of those within Colts Nation. So, that ignoring part probably isn't going to happen. He is definitely the pied piper of stupid Colts fans.

  8. ...Brad Wells?


    Where do I begin?


    But for the sake of your question as it relates to the Colts, he is something similiar to a guy who yells fire in a crowded room. Only in his case, when people turn to figure out what is going on, it generates clicks/ad dollars for his website.


    If there was ever guy in all of Colts Nation to dismiss out of hand, it is Brad Wells (followed closely by Curtis Painter).

  9. This story quotes NFL Films' Greg Cosell calling Luck the most physically gifted QB in the NFL right now!


    That's a big deal from Cosell who I believe preferred RG3 to Luck out of college because of what he called superior arm talent.


    The writer then goes on to say he agrees with Cosell and calls Luck a combination of Peyton Manning with his great mind prior to the snap and Ben Roethlisberger after the snap with his great physical presence in the pocket, his ability to stand-up to pressure.    


    The writer says he went back after the year and looked at Colts games agains and that Luck's protection was atrocious.


    Great read,  this will make your day!





    Are you Eric Ivie?

  10. I'm not sure how you came to the assumption that I glossed over the actions of the Baltimore and Maryland politicians.


    Because the move on March 28/29, 1984 was the direct result of their actions yet you've focused the bulk of your comments on Robert Irsay and his less than glowing personality. We've all heard this lazy, adolescently bitter canard ad nauseum when it comes to the move. His personality or lack thereof did not provoke the move. The attempt to steal the franchise via eminent domain laws did. And any narrative that does not focus there is a biased one. The politicians of Maryland and Baltimore were not culpable, they were responsible.


    However, you mention in your story Indy setting up a stadium, but fail to mention that they wanted to lure a team.


    Because it not germane. The leaders in Indianapolis made very good business decisions because they desired to "host" an NFL franchise. Not own and administrate one. The leader's in Baltimore behaved as if the city had some sort of rights where the franchise (a private business) was concerned. And they acted accordingly (attempting to take ownership outright)...and that is why Baltimore lost the team in less than 24 hours, not Robert Irsay's disposition and not the very smart moves made in Indianapolis. Irsay and Indianapolis facilitated the move but the leaders in Baltimore and Maryland are responsible for it happening when it did and the way it did. That is a fact that is simply irrefutable. And that is why it is the focus of my attention.    


    You really have nothing in there about Bob Irsay's relationship with Baltimore, which is a huge part of the story.


    And that is all that it is; a "part" of the story. Not the story. I understand that you and many other citizens of Baltimore & Maryland want to make Irsay the story. It is easier that way. Placing the responsibility on him instead of a transparent self-examination of not only the actions of your leaders but also of the consequences of those actions. This is why you find my blog entry disagreeable....and it is also why you are incorrect.



    I challenge you to go on You Tube , and watch Irsay's Press Conference on ESPN's 30 for 30, about The Band that wouldn't die.


    Again, everyone is aware of the narrative vis-a-vis Robert Irsay's disposition. That's all anyone has ever heard. My entry digs deeper into the actual causes for the move in March of 84 and the contentious relationship Baltimore's leaders & press had with not only Robert Irsay but the team's previous owner as well. That is the real story for anyone not emotionally and often irrationally invested in the affair. 

    Brian, there are two ways you can write a story...




    If you just want to blame Baltimore...


    It's not about assigning blame...as you are so keen to do...it is about finding out what the facts are. What the real motivation(s) behind the move were and why did it happen the way that it happened. Everything else is background noise/deflection.


    I'm not sure I can change your mind.


    That would be impossible. I now know why the team moved when it did and the way it did.


    In a divorce, it takes two to tango.


    And this flawed, assumptive reasoning goes to the heart of the error in your thinking. Divorce implies co-equals. Baltimore's authority vis-a-vis the Colts franchise was not equal to Robert Irsay's. The city had none. Irsay alone had that authority. And it was the thoroughly presumtuous actions of Baltimore & Maryland politicians in attempting to behave as if they had any authority over the franchise that provoked the move. There is nothing you can write to change that fact. At this point I suspect all you can do is add some colorful commentary on Robert Irsay's attitude and interactions with Baltimore's politicians and press. That's it. And all of it taken together will not amount to the actual reason(s) behind the move as much as it will simply explain the shallow excuses some have siezed in an attempt to gloss over their own failings. Either before, during or after the move. 

  11. Please see below


    Please see below


    Please see below


    Please see below


    Please see below


    Please see below


    Please see below


    Please see below.


    Whew, lets see how clever I am. Let's take some quotes out of context, mix them up, put them together, and come up with a wrong conclusion. Sounds alot like the self-proclaimed, "The Move to Indianapolis- The True Story ."


    You know what, I’m going to help you out. I have written the most accurate, best sourced contextual accounting of what happened regarding the Colts problems in Baltimore and their eventual move to Indianapolis. Better than Mike Chappell, better than Mike Devitt, better than Dave Anderson at the New York Times, and better than anything that has ever come out of the Baltimore Sun. The entire piece is unimpeachable from a factual and sourced standpoint. It would breeze through any editorial board’s (outside of Maryland) review.


    You have railed against it, slandered the piece and me as well. However, you said in an earlier post “I may have to do my own version called, The Move to Indianapolis : The Rest of the Story.” So this is what I’ll do; by all means please do write your own meme. I challenge you to. Be sure to (like me) source everything. And we’ll let the above attached users stack the two up against one another and judge their veracity. And if you can actually “write” as good as you harangue, if you can support your perspective with credible references, then perhaps a combining of the two stories will then be called for.


    For my part, I do not think you will be able to. Past continuing to slander Robert Irsay, imply some nefarious behavior on the part of the leaders of Indianapolis and completely glossing over the actions of the leaders of the city of Baltimore and state of Maryland, I don’t think you can actually write a credible, unemotional, fact-based, sourced rebuttal.


    Do you accept the challenge?


  12. The Hustle:


    "You're debating a fair Baltimore guy who...is fair and balanced...you're talking to a Baltimore guy that is no longer bitter...I am fine with the way things turned out"


    The reality:


    "…you (Indianapolis) were an aggressor city…It's beautiful how Indianapolis built a stadium, was having secret negotiations with other city's football team…you admit to liking the idea of stealing teams…you're a total homer, and non-NFL historian...you give Indy politicians a complete pass. The stadium just didn't spring up overnight…Hudnut and the Indiana Sports Commission specifically built a stadium to lure an NFL team, but that isn't thieving…When you build a stadium to lure a team, that is stealing!...Indy lured the Colts…Were you even born in 1984… the great businessman and humanitarian was 0 for 25 in winning a Super Bowl…zero!!!...you hitched your story to a loser...Both Bob Irsay, and your story, should be confined to the dustbin of history!"



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