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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. Lets put it in terms we can all understand. Wikipedia, and it's sources, are not always 100 % correct.


    LOLOL wait, what?


    They're not wikipedia sources. LOLOL they're hyperlinks FROM the wikipedia website TO external websites like Sports Illustrated, Google Books, New York Times, ESPN, US Congressional testimony etc, etc. Those aren't wikipedia's sources, they're mine. I placed them on the wikipedia page. You can actually follow those links to (unlike your assertions) confirm what I've written from credible, independent sources. That is what everyone else who attempts to write serious material calls "sourcing".





  2. Most of your sourcing is one source, Wikipedia.


    You cannot be that uninformed?! I included all of the links from my 'original' wikipedia article....those links go to the actual external links that I originally posted on wikipedia. LOLOL and the only internal wikipedia links are to the personalities or organizations involved. Hahaha that is a common practice at wikipedia so that readers do not have to run off and look up those individuals or organizations. And the original author does not have to internal-link those people and organizations....anyone reading it can. 


    Wow. :facepalm:


    Just logoff.

  3. Rings and Superbowls don't count in this discussion, but I'd still put Big Ben slightly ahead of Luck  


    Forgive me but IMHO nobody can be watching the two and reasonably come to that conclusion. Pittsburgh's QB cannot accomplish anything without a defense and rushing attack.


    For me, I'd take RGIII, Wilson and Kaepernick over Rapelisburger in a nanosecond, much less Andrew Luck.

  4. Brian, I can't believe you stooped to the " Troll" card. I will get around to eventually writing up something, but it's a time factor.


    You are simply being intellectually dishonest about the entire issue. Regardless, until you do "get around" to writing something and sourcing every point you are where this issue is concerned, a troll. That is prima facie. This, like many other threads has nothing to do with the FACTS surrounding the move of the franchise to Indianapolis. Yet once again you have attempted to take a played out, excuse making, bitter, narrative that is at it's core full of ad hominem against the previous owner of this franchise and the deceased father of the current owner and introduce it into a thread that has nothing to do with him. You really ought to be ashamed of yourself. 

  5. You're right about one thing...


    I'm right about everything concerning the move. It's background and the cause.


    And as you know I have challenged you to write out your own perspective and to source it as thoroughly as I have. You have apparently chosen not to and instead have fallen back to trolling around looking for opportunities to do shallow, drive-by retorts whenever anything hints at the greatness of this organization.


    Stop attempting to sully this franchise with your bitter, malignant nonsense.

  6. All I can tell you is if an Irsay starts shopping a team to another city, or tells you to build a new stadium, you'd better do it.


    Amen! One sure thing not to do is elect nitwit liberals and foolishly try to use misapplied laws in order to steal the team. Ask Baltimore, that failed miserably. ;)

  7. No surprise here....I said it the day Pep was hired...2,3 and 5 step drops, designed rollouts and bootlegs.  Hopefully we go far away from the 7 step drops of Arians.  This alone will help the OL give Luck time to throw.  It will also set up the delayed draw nicely with great fakes.


    Now, this kid gets cut loose. Woe to the other teams in the AFC South and woe to the NFL in general. We really are about to rip this thing up. Add in what we've NEVER had...a big, bruising 3/4 defense. Yikes.

  8. Funny how the Irsay family is so loved in Indy when I remember him talking of going to LA if we didn't build a new stadium. If Peyton had not come along, Indy may not have a team and the Irsay name would be hated as much as it was in Baltimore.


    Smacks of the same ol'old school Baltimore fan. Anyway...


    I think that LA courted and then rejected the colts, and the rumor is.........because they didn't like Irsay


    My understanding was that the league owners were kind of sour on Irsay running "the" franchise that returned the NFL to Los Angeles because of concerns vis-a-vis some of his previous issues with substance abuse. And they did not want to run the risk of having the whole thing devolve into an embarrassing spectacle.


    I do not believe he ever said 'build me a new stadium or I will leave'...


    Nope, never did. And he made it quite clear that his desire was to remain in Indianapolis. If he visited Los Angeles (implied for the express purpose of discussing moving the Franchise there) then it would've been a smart business move (just like his Father visiting other cities before the city of Baltimore attempted to sieze the franchise was).

  9. When he was told Luck likely will be ranked ahead of Big Ben he said, 

    "That surprises me." "Andrew belongs on the list, but he's not at that stage yet. He's got to put a couple rings on his finger and a bunch more wins."


    He's not talking from a fan's perspective. He doesn't rank Luck on potential...he ranks him on accomplishments. And using that standard, he is definitely correct. However, he'd be lying through his teeth if he said Andrew doesnt have a greater upside than Rapelisburger ever had. Or that Andrew's football I.Q. isn't overwhelmingly higher. The fact is they (Pittsburgh) had to dumb down the playbook for Ben. The exact opposite happened with Andrew.



    Some here still hold a grudge against Arians...


    ??? I was unaware of that.



    ...he is a HC now and could have easily deflected this topic had he chosen. Appears to me he went out of his way to make this argument.


    Arians is a straight shooter....and from a certain legitimate perspective he gave a straight-forward answer. IMO there's nothing to see here.

  10. In his (Kahn) first year owning the team, he drafted a punter in the 3rd round.



    The owner didn't draft a punter in the 3rd round.....    the GM/HC drafted a punter in the 3rd round. And maybe,  that's one of the many reasons that the team has a NEW general manager and a NEW head coach?



    well i didnt expect...



    ...he played no roll in the punter draft and he fired the GM and HC that did.



    NewColtsFan is right, Kyle you were wrong.


    Regardless, my understanding is that Kahn has been making some pretty sound decisions. But he definitely has not done anywhere near enough to break the top 30.

  11. http://blogs.colts.com/2013/05/15/right-on-josh/?campaign=tw_blog__20130516_8026214



    ...the 53-year-old Jim is an absolute godsend for Colts fans. Even without the shadow of his father, though, Jim Irsay is one of the most fun owners around. He plays around on Twitter, and he gives away free stuff to his followers. Plus, he hires the right kind of personnel — general manager Ryan Grigson so far, coach Tony Dungy and Jim Caldwell (for a time, anyway) — and the organization’s decision to draft Peyton Manning rather than Ryan Leaf in 1998 was obviously a huge difference-maker. But Irsay is an empathetic sort, and the sendoff given to Manning by Irsay and the Colts was representative of the NFL that we’d like to see more often. Not to mention how the team handled Chuck Pagano’s cancer scare last season. Irsay is fun, and his team has been successful since he took over in 1997.
  12. What is the predicition regarding when we'll get the first "article" from Wells that goes somewhat like this...


    "The 2nd Year Head Coach's battle with leukemia has been inspiring however, we can no longer let this serve as an excuse for not taking him to task on decisions that would get other Head Coaches fired. Coach Pagano's fight has been an amazing one but we cannot look at him as untouchable, he like everyone else...especially Grigson...must be held accountable."

  13. Now Kyle over at Colts Authority has stepped into the fray...


    NO PROMOTIONAL POSTING ON THE SITE2013-articles/may/pep-hamilton-s-quotes-misreported-cause-unnecessary-angst.html



    The quotes that Wells refers to come from a video embedded in an article on Colts.com. That article was written  last Saturday, but the video was NOT from mini camp. The video, part of the Colts' Up Close Online video series, was originally posted on Colts.com on February 19th, nearly three months ago. So, any consternation about Hamilton and Pagano's disconnect is completely unnecessary, as it doesn't exist, at least, not in the way Wells reported it.


    And giving credit where credit is due, RomanianColtsFan was the first to point this out.



    That's right, but there is no conflict at all, at least not in recent statements. Wells just took statements from shortly after Pep's first press conference and placed them in recent time.
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