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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. This coming from a man who blogs? This is good information by a good writer one would hope for some respect on that level from a fellow "writer". I would imagine a blogger would be the first to appreciate it. (not to mention a blogger Colts fan)

    Also it is the offseason. Articles like this will garner attention. If you don't like power ranking articles such as this you do not have to read them. Appears many other posters enjoyed the thread.



    So...nothing about QBs under the age of 24?

  2. Chappell's invertebrate qualifying aside, this is an encouraging read...




    When looking at the 2014 season and using a projected salary cap of $123 million.....the Colts are positioned nicely. I have them with 65 players under contract for 2014, 66 counting first-round draft pick Bjoern Werner who has yet to sign his rookie contract. I also have them roughly $32 million under the cap.
  3. Hasselbeck is invaluable to that room and not only is his on the field talent is not backup worthy, his knowledge and wisdom will be vital for Luck and Harnish.


    I've thought about that here lately.


    We've never really had an NFL starter quality backup. I hope we NEVER need him but I am glad we have him...and the off-field stuff is big. He's seen defenses and looks that Luck has never seen. And he can share a lot with Luck and the WRs on some of the tendencies of DBs and LBs.


    An all the way around great pickup.

  4.  Die hard Raider fan here


    Dang. No need to undermine your credibility from jump.






    He's horrible in route recognition...and has yet to learn how to use his hands.


    So you're telling me that the Raiders coaches have sucked over his career? I already knew that. ;)




    I really hope that he's able to learn the position but, if he hasn't gotten it by now, it's doubtful that he ever will.


    Ehhh considering he was literally in the black hole of the NFL, had pi**-poor coaches, environment and teammates, I'm not surprised. But now that he is in an organization that just wins baby, is excellent, has great ownership, management, coaching and teammates (don't forget a real life QB), I suspect he'll do just fine. ;)

  5. From what Ive been hearing...


    Let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is OTAs. This is installation. These guys aren't playing football....and they're barely playing practice.


    I hope Toler turns out to be a great addition. But he has a history of injuries and the fact that he has come up limping during OTAs is enough for me to withhold my zeal about the guy until we see him week in and week out.

  6. Consider the psychological side though. He'd obviously be better off at the OTAs in terms of learning the playbook etc. but that kind of environment may not help him become mentally prepared. And I think that's just as important.


    I don't want to be dismissive but I don't really know what that means.


    He has a job to do. That's all I care about. And being at the OTAs with your new coach(es), team, playbook etc, etc. is what prepares you to do your job. Not working out with a bunch of tree hugging yes men.


    As far as his "mental preparation" goes, he's free to blow his cash and lay on someone's couch. But in the meantime, hungrier kids are behind him and ready to take that spot if he doesn't talk it out enough.

  7. http://www.colts.com/news/article-1/HEYWARD-BEY-CONTINUES-TO-IMPRESS/2e77cbf1-82c0-4aa6-8797-c40ce9227997?campaign=tw_art__20130529_8365894


    “Darrius is learning the offense like the rest of us, but he’s getting better and better every day,” said receivers coach Charlie Williams.  “He’s helpful to others.  He’s improving the skills he might have felt he was deficient in and skills we might have felt he is deficient in.  He works hard every day. I think Darrius has a chance to benefit really well.  He is a nice, big target.  When Darrius and Andrew get working with the rest of the group, I think it could be real special for him.”


  8. I find it absolutely hilarious that people have the audacity to think that you’d be at work voluntarily when you are technically on vacation.


    Yeah, Bethea is such a [insert ad hominem here]!



    “With the new players we have, especially in the secondary, just getting that camaraderie on the field is very important.  It’s important being out here and getting it done.” - Antoine Bethea


    And Andrew Luck too...



    “It’s nice to be in it.  These are my first OTAs,” said Luck.  “I missed these last year.  I think it’s great to get out on the field with the defense and troubleshoot some stuff."


    And especially one of the Coaches...



    “OTAs are valuable. For the coaches, we get a chance to get our hands on the guys here,” said Defensive line coach Gary Emanuel “We can work with them, and we can really have them go through their techniques in all the drills we want them to do.  We can improve their fundamentals.”


    What a buncha rubes.

  9. We really should define what we're talking about in this thread.  There are two ways of defining the #1, 2, and 3 receivers, and people seem to be mixing them up.


    1) In one definition, #1 and #2 are the wideouts, and #3 is the slot receiver.

    2) In another definition, #1 is the primary target, #2 is the secondary target, and #3 is the tertiary target.


    I think those using the latter formula are doing so knowingly....just a passive-aggressive way of attempting to refute the initial post.


    Nevertheless, T.Y. will NEVER be the starting 2 for this team. It just is what it is.

  10. If this is the way LaRon Landry prepares for a season in the NFL then so be it.


    If LaRon Landry can better prepare himself to play defense for Manuski and Pagano by working out with someone who isn't Manuski or Pagano I'll be a monkey's uncle. It's still kinda-sorta a free country, so listening to natural movement therapists & paleo clinical nutritionists is his own business (as moronic as it is). But that nonsense combined with not showing up for OTAs when you're learning a new defense with new teammates displays some poor judgement.


    But whatever, he'll either bring his A game or we'll find better talent somewhere else...this year or next.

  11. Landry should be in Indy for these OTAs.


    I don't mind the notion of not showing up for voluntary workouts. However, I am disappointed in Landry. You get a chance to play for Pagano, knowing all that he is when it comes to coaching DBs and you don't try to soak up every second you get before opening day?


    IMO it shows some pretty poor judgement. And I hope it isn't a sign of things to come.

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