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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. …and that Irsay was as much at fault, as Baltimore officials at the time.


    No. He unlike Orioles ownership said he was patient. He unlike Orioles ownership continued to negotiate with Baltimore & Maryland’s politicians. And like a very good businessman he had discussions with other cities willing to do what it takes to have an NFL franchise. He leveraged those discussions like a good businessman and eventually would’ve gotten exactly what was needed from your politicians. Unfortunately, those politicians turned into criminals and attempted to use the law to steal the franchise from him. And as a result, lost the team completely. That is Baltimore and Maryland’s fault, not Irsay’s.





    …you're argueing with the wrong Baltimore guy.


    I’m stating facts.




    You're debating a fair Baltimore guy who understands the history of the move, and is fair and balanced about it.


    Yeah, I don’t know what that means. I’d rather you stick to reality than notions.




    You're talking to a Baltimore guy that is no longer bitter


    That is obviously not true.




    The Colts were in Baltimore and Indianapolis, the heritage belongs to both cities


    No, it doesn’t. It belongs to the team.




    …whether we like it or not.


    Whether you like it or not.




    …but you're coming off as the Chief Inquisitor against Baltimore. That is not going to fly with me.


    When the facts do not support the Baltimore narrative, the person writing the facts is transformed into an inquisitor. Got it.


    First, you don't even realize the landscape of Baltimore the the late 1970's and early 1980's . It wasn't a rich city, and there were other needs that had to be addressed.


    But once the team left, it became THE top agenda for the Baltimore mayor and governor. ;/


    You forget that the Northeast was going through a tough economic time


    No I didn’t.


    I've admitted to the stupidity of many of the Maryland politicians at that time


    Then stop right there. Because had they not been, Baltimore would still be the home of the Colts.


    You need to admit that Indy officials premeditatedly went after any NFL team they could get their hands on.


    They sure did! And I applaud them for doing so. Had Baltimore operated with the same zeal in keeping what they had…the Colts would still be in Baltimore.

  3. We were also an aggressor city at the end, unfortunately.


    So, you admit the hypocrisy.


    I at least admit that I didn't like the way Baltimore got the Browns.


    That’s your cross to bare. I love how Indianapolis did it.


    I still feel bad for Cleveland.


    I don’t feel bad for Baltimore. Not one bit.


    I don't whitewash what we did to Cleveland, but at least they kept their football heritage.


    The league made yall do it.


    I am no longer bitter towards Indy


    You sure?


    It is a good NFL town, and they are good fans.


    Sure is.


    As I've stated, I only wish the Baltimore Colts heritage was more clear in league records and the Hall of Fame.


    Perhaps if you hadn’t tried to STEAL the team from it’s rightful owner, that would’ve happened. Oh well.


    I've seen many fans that don't understand this story…


    You’re one of them.



  4. You leave out the contract disputes he had with Colt players resulting in a loss of talent.


    Because none of that is equal to or excuses the actions of the politicians of Baltimore and Maryland….like you painfully want it to.




    You leave out his interference of the GM, which led to one of the worst trades in history in the John Elway affair.


    Because none of that is equal to or excuses the actions of the politicians of Baltimore and Maryland….like you painfully want it to.




    You forget his abrasiveness to Maryland politicians which thrwarted him from getting his agenda.


    Because none of that is equal to or excuses the actions of the politicians of Baltimore and Maryland….like you painfully want it to.




    You forget at the end, Baltimore gave him a better package than Indy offered him, but he still left anyway.


    Because that is not true. LOLOL had they given him a better deal, he would not have left. LOLOL




    Secondly, you were an aggressor city at the time.


    Oh here we go. The victim card.




    You built a stadium specifically to lure a team from another NFL town.


    Sure did. And you had a team and didn’t build a stadium to keep it.




    Baltimore did attempt to get an expansion franchise FOR 12 YEARS, before they were forced to go after another NFL team.


    LOLOL folks made Baltimore do it?

  5. Brian ol' boy, it's funny how you have set yourself up as the ultimate authority on the move


    I’ve done no such thing. Don’t hate me for knowing more than you and for not slanting it in the childish perspective of Baltimore types.




    Obviously, you have a guilt complex about the whole deal…


    LOLOL yeah, that’s what it is. :facepalm:




    Unlike you, I know it is a more complex story


    It always is for people who do not like the way facts fall and who want to manipulate them.




    I was in Baltimore at the time…


    THAT is obvious.




    You certainly leave out Bob Irsay's horrible product he put on the field


    I don’t ignore it. I just don’t care about it. He continued to put a terrible product on the field in Indianapolis as well. So what.




    You leave out how he was shopping the team to Jacksonville, Charlotte, Indianapolis, and Phoenix, while they were still in Baltimore


    I do not such thing. I actually point out other cities as well.




    You leave out the drunken outbursts he had to fans , reporters, and even worse, his own players and management staff.


    Because none of that is equal to or excuses the actions of the politicians of Baltimore and Maryland….like you painfully want it to.

  6. Team stealers who hate team stealers.






    I think the people of Indianapolis do not pay the citizens of Baltimore any mind at all much less 'hate' them. And if they are considering them, it is only as equals. When you do things right, when you're transparent, when you put in the work that eventually leads to reward, you have a quiet confidence that easily dismisses dishonorable accusations. The elected leaders and citizens of Indianapolis did everything right. The elected leaders and citizens of Baltimore did a lot, talked a lot. But it was obviously done wrong and they reaped what they'd sown.


    I only point out the hypocrisy displayed by many who rail against Indianapolis and Robert Irsay...and gloss over/ignore the Browns franchise being brought to Baltimore the exact same way.


    Seems pretty straightforward.

  7. I got my eye on Kyle Van Noy, also have my eye on Trent Murphy and Shayne Skove.....But they may be better fits as 4-3 OLB's not sure yet


    And they may blow out their knees, get hit by lightning or sentenced to life in federal prison before this season even starts much less next year's draft.

  8. By the way, I like how you picked out obscure Baltimore political hack politician Hyman Pressman out of the woodwork.


    Obscure to you. But for those who were willing to dig deep enough, he is a Man who bares a tremendous amount of responsibility for the Colts move to Indianapolis.



    I also enjoyed your overview of : The Move to Indianapolis: The True Story.


    I'm glad.



    While you certainly have many of the faux pas's included that were Baltimore's fault, you are very light on the antics of Robert Irsay. I may have to do my own version called,  The Move to Indianpolis : The Rest of the Story. I do believe if Irsay had been less abrasive at the time, he may well have gotten a stadium, and all the concessions that he wanted.


    A thoroughly uninformed attempt at moral equivolence that seems straight out of the bitter Baltimore narrative...which always defaults to Robert Irsay's (the rightful owner of the Colts franchise) behavior instead of the lies of the Baltimore politicians and the petty childlike behavior of the local press (both of which dated back to Rosenbloom's ownership).


    The fact is had the elected officials of Baltimore and Maryland handled themselves pre-move like they did post-move, the Colts would still be in Baltimore today. Unfortunately for the citizens of Baltimore, they did not. Instead of doing then what they would eventually do later, they attempted to steal the team outright. As a direct result, lost the Colts literally overnight. And to add insult to injury, the fans fell for the journalist's and politician's line; resulting in those politicians staying in office and never being held accountable for their decisions. And finally to add icing to the shabby cake, Baltimore stole Cleveland's team in the same manner in which they lost their own.


    Just rich.


    Peddle that somewhere else Brother. When it comes to this subject...the Truth wins out everytime.

  9. Bob Irsay

    Mike Chernoff

    Mayor Hudnut

    Mayflower Moving guy


    Former Baltimore Mayor William Schaefer

    Former Baltimore City Comptroller Hyman Pressman

    Former Maryland Governor Harry Hughes

    The Citizens of Maryland & Baltimore who elected and reelected them all.




    Former Colts Owner Robert Irsay

    Former Indianapolis Mayor William Hudnut

    Former Chief Executive Officer of Mayflower Transit John B. Smith

    The citizens of Indianapolis,Indiana who had the nuts to pay for a new stadium without even having a team.

  10. 2001-Browns OC (466 Passes to 417 run)

    2002-Browns OC (552 passes to 406 run)

    2003-Browns OC (509 passes to 412 run)

    2007-Steelers OC (442 passes to 511 runs)

    2008-Steelers OC (506 passes to 460 runs)

    2009-Steelers OC (536 passes to 428 runs)

    2010-Steelers OC (479 passes to 471 runs)

    2011-Steelers OC (539 passes to 434 runs)


    Total pass plays as OC Prior to being hired as Colts OC: 4029


    Toltal run plays prior to becoming Colts OC: 3539


    Add on last years run-pass total: 628 pass to 440 rush


    4657 total pass plays as OC to 3979 rush plays: difference of 678 


    397.9 rush plays average per season or 398 rush plays to 465.7 or rounded up 466 pass plays average




    If my math is accurate


    Appreciate you putting in the work to post those numbers. Not nearly as lopsided as I expected...but it definitely shows Arians is anything other than a Run first guy.

  11. Indy was "supposed" to be a run first team....    but the OL and D got butchered early and often by injury...    And the season evolved the way it did....   ...     Luck having to save the day.   Or him being put in that position.


    Just way off. Arians was run out of town for NOT being a run first guy. Someone somewhere might have said something regarding running first...but Grigson/Pagano's action said something else. As did Arians' play calling. And healthy or not...THAT Oline wasn't going to pass protect anyone.

  12. What's the incentive to go backwards in your career arch?


    That's not backwards.


    Chip Kelly...


    Has circumstances that have to do with us.


    As it is,  when Shaw is asked about NFL HC jobs, his response is roughly this....    I'm not leaving Stanford until my youngest kid can graduate college.    His youngest is younger than 10.    So, he's got 10-12 more years at Stanford.


    That's cool. But that isn't engraved into tablets brought down from Mt. Sinai. It is what it is.


    It is possible -- though it's too early to know -- that Shaw is a much better HC than he is an OC, just as Arians was.


    You're correct.


    My point is this...I don't see a reason for him to take an OC gig in the NFL? Why take a giant step backwards?


    I do not agree with your premise.

  13. Don't blame Arian's for "seeing what he saw"  ...   He watched a ROOKIE QB that could basically do everything he asked Ben R to do the year before.    And he ran with it....


    I don't really know what that means but the problem was Grigson and Pagano saw what they saw in Arians being a deep ball guy who ran an offense that requires a QB to have more than 3 seconds. We did NOT have the Oline for that. Arians was ran out of Pittsburg for not running the ball...he apparently learned a lesson from that and went to the ground here. But Luck's skill-set made thing work out in the end. And Arians was IMO a bad choice considering where our Oline was at. 

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