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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. Seattle has had time in their system so we all know who and what they are (espn & yahoo both have them ranked 2nd in power rankings). But for Colts fans, we're four games into this new system that is almost exactly like theirs. But we (and the country) haven't quite gotten used to seeing this type of Colts football. Regardless, we are outscoring opponents this year 105-51, Seattle is doing it 109-47.


    Their Oline is like ours...a patchwork. And they are down 3 line starters. They can run the rock...but their pass protection is hurting. Wilson was sacked 5 times by the Texans. So these guys are NOT anything close to invincible. Their defense got them back in it vs the Texans....but pause, Luck is no Schaub.


    This is going to be a heavyweight battle....and a precursor of things to come vis-a-vis AFC/NFC contenders and possible Super Bowl opponents.

  2. There is one more thing, I am not sure it goes in this thread but I would say that the 2 min offense this season is bad, bad choice of plays, sometimes they hurry unjustifiably, lack awareness for how much time is left and what they can do within that time. Last year was way better so the difference is between coordinators. Luck is still not independent enough to run it by himself like Peyton Manning used to do.

    I'm generally uncomfortable watching our offense right now. I'm not used to ground & pound. Not used to dink & dunk. And Andrew definitely isn't as uptempo as Peyton. So I'm having to relax and be patient. Like Pep said, we don't have a big enough sample size yet to really say yes or no. Just gonna try & chillax.

  3. Well, keep in mind that 1 of those was in the fourth when we ran the ball 9 out of 10 plays and took 7:53 minutes off the clock. So the fact that we punted on that drive isn't much of a concern for me. Another was with the backups in. So yeah, total it was 6/13, but really, for the purposes of analysis, it was 6/11 (or 54.5%). And if we converted 54.5% of all third downs, we'd be second in the league.

    Even at 6/13, that's 46.2% and that would put us at 6th. So I would say we're doing pretty good in that department.

    Great post. Puts my mind at ease.

  4. Good point. I didn't like the offensive game for the Colts yesterday. It was pretty shaky. They need to play a lot better if they want to beat the Seahawks and stand a chance against the Broncos.

    I understand what we're trying to do regarding running the ball down opponents throat. And I've adjusted from expecting the old Colts attack and am on board. But the QB more than any other offensive player is accountable for 3rd down. We're way too talented at the skill positions to have the Jaguars holding us to that kind of third down percentage. :)

  5. Yes............No Eminent domain bill was signed until AFTER the Colts left


    LOLOL were the Colts supposed to wait around for the Governor to sign it before they attempted to leave? What a childish line of debate. LOLOL


    Regardless, you're a liar. You intentionally misrepresented the facts when you wrote "the eminent domain bill was never signed into law". You did not qualify it with any date. You knew what you were doing. And you are therefore not an honorable arbiter of the facts surrounding this entire subject. Good day sir.

  6. the eminent domain bill was never signed into law


    LOLOL yes it was. You'll even misrepresent a basic fact like this.




    "Within hours, the Maryland House of Delegates had given final legislative approval to a measure authorizing the city of Baltimore to try through the courts to seize the team under the powers of eminent domain, and Governor Harry Hughes signed the bill into law."

  7. …as a cash- strapped Northeast city at that time…


    Magically placed the building of a new stadium at the top of the agenda. Immediately after the Colts left.


    Now think about your city




    This is the Baltimore side of trying to negotiate with a volatile owner


    Then you should’ve built a stadium like he wanted instead of negotiating payoffs.


    [irsay] was looking to move the minute he traded the team with the Rams in 1972.


    Nonsense. And unsupported by the facts. Pure (and typical surmising).

  8. March 26 1984- Out of frustration about the bidding wars and uncertainty, the Maryland State Senate was forced to look at two bills


    LOLOL utter nonsense. And you know it.


    March 27 1984 The MD State Senate approved a bill by a vote of 38-4 for the eminent domain legislation. IT HAD NOT YET GONE TO THE HOUSE OF DELAGATES, AND MAY NOT HAVE PASSED. IT WAS ALSO NOT SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR.


    Yes, I know. So what?


    March 28, 1984 De Francis and Shaeffer each tried twice to reach Irsay be phone to tell him the city would accept a new list of demands. Irsay did not take the calls.


    Of course he didn’t. The reasons are spelled out in my blog entry. I’m not going over the same terrain multiple times just because you fail to read the material.


    Conclusion: The Eminent Domain legislation was just a leverage option that was never intended to be deployed.


    If that were so, it was brutal incompetence. I’d steer away from that line of B.S. because it paints Baltimore in the even worse light of being led by *.


    They obviously wanted to give Irsay what he wanted


    No. They did not. If they had, they would’ve approved plans to build a new stadium.


    March 29 1984  Hughes signs Eminent Domain bill, but only after Colts had left, and there was no choice. (The bill was never intended to be signed, as they had wanted to work out an agreement with Irsay)


    If that were so, it was brutal incompetence. I’d steer away from that line of B.S. because it paints Baltimore and Maryland in the even worse light of being led by *.


    So here are some more facts Brian leaves out of his narrative, as Irsay put his team up to bid for the highest bidder.


    And? That is what businessmen do.

  9. March 8th 1984- Maryland's offer included a 15 million, 8 percent loan , and an arrangement to relieve 2.2 million debt on the Owings Mills complex. ( They matched and beat the offer Indy had on the table at that time which was just 15 million and 8% loan)


    Maryland could’ve offered the moon….without a new stadium or SIGNIFICANT improvements to Memorial Stadium, the financial payoffs did not matter.


    March 11 , 1984- Hughes, Schaeffer, and Baltimore County Executive Don Huchinson led a Maryland delegation to meet Irsay . As part of the deal the city, state or Baltimore County would buy the practice complex, and lease it back to Irsay, further sweetening the deal.


    Maryland could’ve bought the moon….without a new stadium or SIGNIFICANT improvements to Memorial Stadium, the financial payoffs did not matter.


    March 15, 1984 Irsay met with Bruce … Irsay was squeezing every city he could for every last dollar.


    LOL that is what a good businessman does….get the best deal possible. What part of that are you having difficulty comprehending?


    March 19 1984 Irsay skips NFL meeting in Hawaii.


    So what?


    Phoenix guarantees ticket sales of 34,000.


    So what?


    March 25, 1984 Irsay flew to National Airport to meet De Francis and Schaeffer. They offered an expanded pacjake they believed met Irsay's demands.


    Maryland could’ve offered the moon….without a new stadium or SIGNIFICANT improvements to Memorial Stadium, the financial payoffs did not matter. What part of that are you having difficulty comprehending?


  10. I'm surprised you gave me credit for finding the one article


    Not as surprised as I am. Your unwillingness to orient yourself properly to reality precluded you from being able to perform honest research. I can only assume you fell bassackwards into it. Regardless, I gave you your kudos.


    No matter what facts I give you that add to the story, they are dismissed because they don't fit your narrative.


    No. They are dismissed because they are not facts that led directly to the team leaving Baltimore. They are by and large petty little personal attacks on Robert Irsay’s character. Nothing more.


    I also know your blog, although interesting , is in no way. , shape or form , the definitive word on the move.


    haha don’t be bitter. When you find a more definitive word….let us all know.


    In numerous threads I've pointed out things you could add to give a more historically accurate picture


    No. You’ve simply attempted to massage the story to something you consider more balanced. I have already addressed this. I see no reason to continue to do so.


    Two examples I keep pointing out are the Raiders lawsuit in the NFL


    The Raiders lawsuit has NOTHING to do with the Colts move to Indianapolis.


    …and the Irsay relationship with Baltimore


    Again, I have addressed this.


    as well as his record as owner that depressed attendance.


    haha because attendance had nothing to do with it. The revenue that could be generated by a new stadium was. Nobody is concerned with the lack of support the people of Baltimore gave the team in the down years.


    The Elway affair is also omitted


    Because it had nothing to do with the move.


    But of course, adding these elements would distract from…


    …the facts.

  11. I know we've talked about this a lot, and I know I will never change your opinion.


    My opinion does not matter. What you won't change is my observation of the facts and the reasonable conclusion I have made.


    The Baltimore elected officials, people of Baltimore, and eminent domain are central to your views of what went down


    No. Baltimore's elected officials and the brutally stupid idea of using eminent domain laws to steal the private property of a US citizen IS what went down. And IS what provoked the departure.


    Had the city of Baltimore simply built a stadium.....like they eventually did anyway, they NEVER would've lost the team. Period.


    The leaders of Baltimore and the local media treated Robert Irsay the exact same way they treated the previous owner. Irsay came aboard and for all his flaws gave Baltimore a chance....many. Baltimore offered excuses and nonsensical political speeches. And eventually reaped what it had sown.


    ...there is another story to be told about how it got to that point...


    I explain in detail on my blog exactly how it got to that point. And it started well before Robert Irsay even thought about owning the Colts franchise.


    ...in my opinion....


    You keep missing it. I do not care what your opinion is. It carries no weight. It is your concern and yours alone.


    ...the central reason for your blog......just centers on the Baltimore public officials mistakes, and the greater Baltimore community.


    Because they are the reason the franchise departed. That is the truth. You don't like that I bring it to light and preclude the nonsensical gripes and excuses that you and people like you have passed off for decades as what really happened.


    That is all that is happening here. Baltimore's politicians, media created a narrative (excuse to cover their responsibility)...and the simpletons that subscribe to it discard any facts that do not jive with their incompetent group think. And they stick their fingers in their ears and scream all manner of personal opinions and feelings about Robert Irsay as a smokescreen to avoid the truth:


    Baltimore is to blame.

  12. My main point was the effect of the Raiders case, had a lot to do with the Colts case......could be a few nice details to update your blog. 




    And ehhhh I don't believe you. I think you were attempting to use the Raiders situation as a canard and stretch the whole thing to imply that the owners probably didn't really personally "approve" of the move at all. And that they were just legally frozen in place. I could be wrong but that is my impression. If you were neutral about the whole situation I could consider it. But your comments in the past show that you are anything but neutral. You've inserted way too many opinions as facts and brought up personal axes that have nothing to do with the facts. You want to massage the story with those things in order to make it balanced. But sometimes, facts are not balanced. Sometimes people (individually or corporately) are just wrong.


    The elected officials (and by immediate extension the people of Baltimore) were just plain wrong. And they are responsible for driving the Colts away. That's a fact. All the personal "feelings", gripes, opinions and attitudes will never change that. It just is what it is.

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