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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. It's hard to argue with.


    But I will...


    This is what Chadiha said of the Browns selecting Richardson immediately after the 2012 draft...


    The Browns also have a lousy passing game, which means Richardson will find more defenders focused on him every time he lines up. That doesn't mean he won't be productive at all. It just means he isn't as likely to live up to the status of being the third overall pick in the draft.


    Chadiha says Richardson now has better talent around him on offense. But he does not have a better offensive line. And it doesn't matter who is or isn't in the box. If you try to run this guy between our tackles, you're gonna get him killed.


    RBs are more often than not successful because of their Offensive line and Offensive coaching. We do not have an Offensive line and our Offensive coaching/play calling has been too predictable when Richardson is in the backfield.


    He's the best RB on our roster. And if we give him the blocking all RBs require and use him effectively, he'll be just fine.

  2. haha all the people who wailed and moaned that Bill Polian never made a trade are now going overboard in the opposite direction. Watch if we don't make a move today by the deadline how many folks are ready to string up Grigson.


    Our own little French revolution.

  3. Personally, I believe it bolsters the intranegative perspective.


    Unfortunately you've misapplied the word intranegative.


    Unless you meant to say a low-contrast color image is used as a positive...and somehow that has anything to do with this conversation.


    Perhaps you meant interrogative? But that doesn't really apply either.

  4. I would argue that they were meant more to aid his production, not replace it.


    You can argue that. But the fact that we did not trade/make a move to add anyone else in Reggie's place would bolster the contrapositive perspective.

  5. Heward Bey and Fleener will not be in Colts uniforms next year.


    Ehhh that's a mighty big stretch.


    Heyward-Bey specifically signed with us because he and his agent knew we were going to have a lot of cap space next year. Now there may be a GM out there that thinks his QB can take advantage of DHB's skill set but I'd be willing to wager that most GMs will (incorrectly) attribute DHBs production to Andrew Luck being his QB and therefore will not be willing to drop but so much coin on him next off-season, thinking they cannot get the same kind of production out of him that we have/will.


    And Fleener isn't going anywhere.

  6. I just think we need to do something to replace Reggie's production.


    That is obvious.


    But it would appear that we did do something to replace Reggie's production when we drafted Eugene Hilton with the 92nd pick in the 2012 NFL Draft, Lavon Brazill with the 206th pick and signed Griff Whalen as an undrafted Free Agent.

  7. Why are you so against a trade?


    I'm not for or against a trade. If we make a trade, cool. If we don't, cool.


    The problem for some is that they're so bent on a trade, they refuse to acknowledge anything West 56th Street says that doesn't line up with their desire.

  8. Well the fat lazy writer by the name of Kravitz ( Indy Star )


    The Opinion writer/muckracker who provides little to no insight past what we here know ourselves?


    I think everyone is getting a little paranoid...


    I think it isn't important enough to rate a condition like paranoia. Probably more like an obvious situation that someone created a thread about.


    Chill people it's a bye week and not really much to report when all the players are off this week.


    It's a bye week?


    ...Calling the writers fat and lazy will get you no where ask Polian.


    And apparently giving them access'll get you the same.

  9. What I meant by demanding wasn't on the staff, I'm talking about trying to come up with new material twice a day. Let's take this week for example, outside of the first couple of days, there's little to report on as there's nothing going on. We don't want our players harassed by reporters trying to come up with the slightest tid bit to try to spin an article on.


    I get what you're saying but you're uninformed. The bye isn't an excuse and they can do their job without "harassing" players and staff. It's called building relationships.


    Firstly, if the Boston Globe can pump out piece after piece on the Patriots* on a daily basis in a city with a population smaller than Indianapolis', then the Star can as well.


    Secondly, any reporter worth his or her salt has pieces/articles/blurbs in reserve for down times, bye weeks etc, etc.


    In the off-season fine. But in the thick of the NFL season, there is NO excuse for their lack of coverage....much less insightful coverage.


    The Star's staff is fat, lazy and incompetent.

  10. An article or two a day I think may be a little demanding.




    The Star has 17 Sports writers. By far their biggest department. The thought that 1 article a day about a franchise that has had the success the Colts have had is laughable.


    They're fat, lazy and incompetent.

  11. I realize Colts football isn't the only sports news in Indy and also realize the Indy Star isn't the largest newspaper on the planet, but is it unreasonable to think they'd have at least a couple Colts stories each day during the season -- especially a mere five days after the huge Broncos win. And yet I looked this morning and there was zip.


    They're excuse before was that Polian did not give them access. So they couldn't really get to real stories. But now that Polian is gone, the truth comes to the foreground; the Star is filled with lazy reporters. And is run by dishonest editors. Therefore they don't operate with any real standards, reserve of commonsense or insight. Most of their Colts pieces end up being nothing more than public domain, fluff-filled, word count, non-stories.


    If you're looking for Colts information/insight, you're (we're) going to get more from this web forum (after weeding through the users who qualify as above) and http://sportspyder.com/teams/indianapolis-colts/news.

  12. We might promote Whalen or Rodgers, but I don't think we'll be trading for a WR.  


    My reason is that Irsay usually drops hints about this stuff via twitter before they happen and that has not happened yet.  


    Also I think I would want to get on the stick quickly to give the new player the most time to learn the playbook.  


    And our cap space is pretty limited right now.


    I could be wrong but I'm taking the lack of anything on Irsay's twitter and the lack of action to mean that we're just going forward with DHB, TY Hilton, Brazil, Reed, and either Whalen or Rodgers.


    No, you're right.

  13. Now...all the negadits can put down their stones....it doesn't really "suck" vis-a-vis the Jacksonville Jaguars. And I know a lot of 'fans' look at the win and see a win. But I look at this win and see points left on the field....mostly through some lame officiating...but also through a lack of execution. Regardless, I was pleased with the win. But there are always things to address.


    Granted, Andrew made some great plays and our defense really showed up. Also our offensive line is ultimately the source of many of our offensive problems. And as a Colts' fan my perspective may be skewed a bit being used to offensive execution.




    Andrew makes great plays when he has to....but....if he'd just make plays when he's supposed to he'd "have to" a lot less. Bad plays, bad decisions, bad passes etc, etc. and I need him to stop throwing mach 4 bullets at receivers who are 3 feet away from him. Maybe some new Olinemen'll give him some more breathing room.


    Trent Richardson is going to have to dig down and find it. I understand that this line is less than impressive. I understand that defenses are keying on him way more than Donald Brown. But c'mon man....almost all of his runs looks the same. I haven't dug down into his game anywhere near enough to know what his problem is but I'm not seeing #3 overall pick. Ehhh we'll see.


    I'm not ready to start swinging at our new O.C. We're only 7 games into a new system....and we may not have all of the part required (subpar Oline). But I'd like to see some of the correctable things get corrected.


    Okay, contrarians (and jokers that didn't even read the post) first. Then I'll weed through to find the salient responses.

  14. The fact that he's looked awesome the past couple games helps a lot too I'm sure. He's making an excellent case for himself to get resigned next year, something that would have sounded crazy a month ago.

    Ehhh I'm Leary. This is an odd situation in that is DB's performance the result of a new system (he looks Roger Craigish in this West Coast offense) or is it the result of this being a contract year (something you see all the time from underperforming NFL players)?

  15. The media has been reading WAY too much into what all has been said in the past week, but given Polian's history of taking every opportunity to take shots at the Patriots is completely reasonable to assume he's doing the same here. I agree he's probably talking about the Saints too, but the man has never missed an opportunity to slam the Pats so why would he start now? One of my favorite things about Polian to be honest.

    And something interesting...Polian just explained to Colin Cowherd that Irsay disagreed with Polian regarding his handling of relations with the Indy Star. And that disagreement was more than a simple, polite conversation.

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