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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. Every system has plays designed for quick releases. They just need to be called more often and Andrew needs to get better at not holding onto the ball so long.


    Oh I see what you're saying. Yeah I guess. I'd love to see the 95 Colts' screens, delayed draws and slants. We'll see. ;)

  2. It really is a library in comparison to a lot of NFL stadiums. I'll be at the game in Cincy, it'll be waaaay louder, the whole time (despite not having a roof to close). The no-tailgaiting thing at LOS really grinds my gears as well. Actually, is it still that way, or did that change (haven't been in a couple years)?


    Going to a game at LOS just isn't the rowdy experience I pay for and expect when I go to an NFL game. That Denver game was rockin' though, I can give credit when credit's due.


    Ehhh. Who the hell wants to be like Cincinnati or deal with a rowdy experience?


    I love our fans and if we're a bit more sedate, that's fine. So be it. If you can't enjoy yourself at the Luke, something is wrong with you. As it stands, we don't have a grip of jackwagons to endure, restrain or knockout.


    No....stay classy Indianapolis.

  3. I have no idea where those places are or their apparent affluence but how much I or anyone else makes does not determine their fan level. Just ludicrous.

    I can't be a fan because I have made a good living for myself? I don't scream and yell as much as you do because I am a white collar worker?

    Wow, just W.O.W.


    Calm down Nancy. Her point is valid.

  4. I think there's a comparison. You have to change your play calling scheme to match your personnel if you don't have the right personnel to run your plays.


    Unfortunately, it's not that easy. Especially on the Oline. They've been running Pep's system all season. Trying to install a new Offense would be next to impossible at this point. It would be easier to go ahead and put the two rookies in there.

  5. Y'all are some of the most negative Nancys. Relax. Let this thing unfold. A million things can happen between now and then. You're on step 23 and we're only on step 7. Chill.

    The ONLY sure thing to worry about is our Oline. And if that doesn't get fixed, nothing else much matters.

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