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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. No way Donald Brown returns - we already brought in 2 guys this season alone (Bradshaw, Richardson, Herron) just to replace him. I see us going with Richardson, Ballard next season, with another power back.

    Satele gone.

    McGlynn maybe back as backup C on 1-2 year contract.

    Connor gone.

    Angerer depends.

    Matthews gone, Moala stays.

    Another MLB drafted to replace Angerer, and more retooling along the OL and DL.

    I wish we could've traded Kavel & Pat to Dallas. But maybe Grigs didn't see any spun off 3/4 talent there to be had.

  2.  I love his attitude toward coaching...Wish he was our coach still!


    I love his attitude as well. He did a terrific job filling in for Pagano. But I didn't then and don't now want him as our coach.

  3. I remember that morning waking up to learn of that "Great Escape". It was like coming home to find everything in your home has been stolen.


    How ironic considering "stolen" by Baltimore/Maryland politicians was precisely what the franchise would've been had it not moved immediately.


    Great escape indeed. ;)


    How dare Robert Irsay not bow to the tyranny of the state!!! ;)

  4. Baltimore needs to really let this one go. 


    We need another good 10 years for all of Baltimore's apologists/revisionists to die off.


    Then it'll be forgotten with a whimper. Buried with the last bitter clown who subscribed to the manufactured offense (smokescreen for political incompetence).

  5. They might have also moved him to the active roster because Buffalo had some WR injuries and maybe they were concerned the Bills would take him off their PS.


    That makes way too much sense for this thread or subject in general.

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