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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. Ugh...


    I take Coach at his word...


    “There really just hasn’t been an opportunity,” Pagano said. “It’s nothing against Khaled, that he’s not ready and set back, anything like that. We just really haven’t had a need at this point. He’s more than capable if we do have an injury and we need to bring him up. He’s more than capable and smart enough and understands the offense and knows the calls and those types of things to where if called to duty or called to action, he’s more than capable of going in and being productive.”
  2. Yeah, the oline is getting shoved around.. so we shouldn't acknowledge the Rogers move? Half the posts in this thread are negative towards some guy we have never seen take a snap for us. What do you care if some fans get excited about a new WR?


    I'm here everyday; scrolling through threads.  You dudes with the big post counts are mostly just bullies around here.  Doing 1 sentence sarcastic replies so much its hard to tell if some of you like the team or just like pointing out all the flaws so you can say "told ya so" after something bad happens.  I love this team.  I hate the know-it-all "fans" who talk down to other fans.


    You're not a real poster per se. You're another one of our already established posters. I don't know why but I see it on this forum all of the time. I will now refer to this behavior as being an "Incognito".

  3. I don't understand the hiring of Pep Hamilton to begin with, he appears hesitant in calling the right plays.  He looks lost, i don't know if you can attributed to adjusting to the NFL culture, but from what I see he doesn't cut it.  Mr Irsay, you need to cut your losses now and cut him, get a new OC and also look at your DC, he doesn't seem to cut it either....



  4. That guy is such a weasel

    One time he printed that the colts had told fans that there were not allowed to talk about resting the starters anymore


    That wasn't true and I tweeted at him about it.


    Turns out, it was a volunteer moderator who told folks that the venting had gone on long enough.........all over the board and the mods were going to start merging and removing duplicates


    He explained to me that since that volunteer was on a colts board.........that's the same as an employee.........which he explained was equal to the colts announcing a policy


    Have not trusted a word out of his mouth since


    Just wow. He really is a *********************. What's worse, he knows it.


    What's assuring though is that everyone else at NBC knows he is a phony. And he knows that too.

  5.  YPC is a GREAT indicator as to who wins in the NFL. I Guarantee he knows the how and why that is, so it does contribute a great deal to why he is doing this.


    Ehhhh nonsense. He has a progression for each play and a finite amount of time to get through it, the line does not give him the time to go through it. That is all that is happening there. A Wide Receiver coming open after he should've in the progression is out of the O-O-D-A loop. Luck has moved on to the next Wide Receiver.


    You don't have to be a hawk to know this. :)

  6. Per PFT:


    According to Omar Kelly of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Dolphins coaches asked Incognito “to toughen up” Martin after he missed a voluntary workout during the 2013 offseason.  Kelly cites “at least two” unnamed sources. Per the unnamed sources, Incognito may have taken his orders too far.  Specifically, the sources tell Kelly that the racially-charged voice message from Incognito to Martin came after skipped two days of the team’s voluntary OTA program. “Incognito was encouraged by his coaches to make a call that would ‘get [Martin] into the fold,’” Kelly reports.


    If this is true....if Incognito (a guy with a staunch and unblemished record of extreme turditude) was given the task to somehow motivate/encourage Martin (a Stanford Alumnus & son of two Harvard graduates) by both/either/or Joe Philbin or Jeff Ireland....they must be fired for sheer incompetence and an obvious inability to judge character (or more than likely they just don't care about character).


    What a bunch of *s.

  7. Read the thread next time.


    Fine, there's something somewhere close to a snowballs chance in hell that the Colts would ever consider signing Collie.


    That work for you?


    Austin Collie's professional status never will be Colts related again. Let it go.


    "He's dead Jim!"

  8. didnt read the thread did you? I was talking about the colts maybe looking at him so not wrong forum.

    Collie being cut isn't Colts related. And the Colts do not need a slow guy in the slot. Therefore NOTHING about Collie is Colts related. Try as you might.

  9. It's pretty simple. The FO has to be whatever they can to get a good or great O-line. The rest of the team will fall into place after that. Luck's numbers and the flow of offense when the O-line gives him any protection has been incredible. There has to be a consistency there. This team with a great offensive line would hardly lose. 


    Was being said in the offseason when all the cornerbackites swore DBs would lead us to the promised land.


    This Oline is marginally better then it was last season. It MUST be our offseason focus.

  10. I agree with that one.... :)


    we need some help some way somehow....I am not totally against TY outside.....inside....all over the place.


    Pep needs to be creative with our playmakers for sure in Reggie's absence. (Blocking would help too)   :)


    Collie would bring nothing to us. Not sure how this notion even passes the initial impression filter.

  11. I can only say that he has always run superb routes, and I will have to disagree that he sucks BC. 


    We all know he is not what he once was, but we are very thin.  Can we do it by committee?  Only if everyone shows up and has their A-Game.  For one night....it was not even close to an A Game by committee.


    We already have a slot who runs superb routes.

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