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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. Spygate was about taping defensive signals...


    What we officially know about Spygate is that it concerned the taping of defensive signals.

    However, what we also know is that members of the St. Louis Rams have said the Patriots* defense knew the Rams' offense's first 15 plays during their Super Bowl game.

    We know that the Colts continually had to vet and approve every Patriots* employee above and beyond the normal procedures, entering the RCA dome because the belief was that Patriots* employees were operating outside of their stated job descriptions.

    I'll grant you, what little we found out through spygate concerned defensive signals. But the notion that defensive signals were the only thing the Patriots* were stealing doesn't pass the commonsense test and has to be considered less than serious coming from a Patriots* apologist.


  2. I'm not going to do it. Some of our resident Pats fans are sticking up for our owner when they could've jumped on the assumptions bandwagon. I'm not 100% sure he's actually talking about the Patriots, I think it's just as likely he was saying " we did it our way , we stuck to our plan and it worked "


    I always find these kind of comments amusing.


    If he had wanted to say "we did it our way, we stuck to our plan and it worked". He would've said "we did it our way, we stuck to our plan and it worked".


    Instead he said "we did it....the right way, honestly, fairly and squarely"


    One statement (yours) doesn't fit a narrative speaking directly to the cheating of other NFL teams during the Manning era (chief amongst them the *). The other statement (Bill Polian's) does.


    The fact that you indicated an aversion to supporting the 1st (based on criteria that has nothing to do with the subject itself), undermines/discredits your implication of the 2nd.

  3. Someone (Doug Farrar) in the mainstream Sports press gets it...

    (And this is a further indictment on Bob Krapitz because he more than any other member of the media hated Bill Polian. His unwillingness to rightly point out what Irsay meant shows that Krapitz is nothing more than a muckraker. He KNOWS Irsay was referencing Polian and yet he has not been out front saying so)


    ...in the end, Irsay was right — he had to hire people who could create a more well-rounded team. Because in his last five years with the Colts organization (2007-11), team president Bill Polian gave the franchise little to work with. None of his first-round picks (receiver Anthony Gonzalez, running back Donald Brown, defensive end Jerry Hughes, and offensive tackle Anthony Castonzo) have played to that level, or anywhere near it. And from a depth perspective, only receiver Austin Collie (fourth round, 2009), defensive tackle Fili Moala (second round, 2009) and linebacker Pat Angerer (second round, 2010) have made the kinds of strides one must expect from players taken deeper in the draft. There is no other way to succeed consistently in the NFL. If you start blowing your drafts, you will fall to earth with a massive “thud,” and it doesn’t really matter how good you are — even at the game’s most important position.

    Irsay hired general manager Ryan Grigson to replace Polian and head coach Chuck Pagano to replace Jim Caldwell, and Grigson’s first draft provided more immediately valuable players for the Colts than Polian’s had in five years.  Luck lived up to his promise by redefining the franchise, but the new brain trust also made wise decisions in tight ends Coby Fleener and Dwayne Allen, running back Vick Ballard and receiver T.Y. Hilton. The Colts went from 2-14 to 11-5 in one season with the balance Irsay desired, and they’re one of the AFC’s top contenders at 4-2 right now.

  4. Definitely one of the things I appreciated about Polian, he did not play around when it came to the Patriots*.



    Polian paused before adding, "And here's the most important thing of all — and it goes unfortunately unspoken because of the focus on the Super Bowl and the failure to win more than one Super Bowl: We did it — and Peyton did it — the right way, honestly, fairly and squarely"

  5. Per PFT & Bob Krapitz...

    When meeting with reporters on Wednesday, Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning had nothing to say about what Colts owner Jim Irsay had to say about Peyton.

    After his media session, Manning talked privately with Bob Kravitz of the Indianapolis Star.

    The question was simple and direct: “Do you bear any ill will or resentment toward the Colts?”

    Per Kravitz, Manning paused, looked down at the floor, and then shook his head.

    “To answer a question like that doesn’t serve me well,” Manning said. “I feel like the question is based on the [irsay] comments, so it’s just easier not to answer anything along those lines.”

    As Kravitz points out, any response other than “no” means that the truth may be “yes.” And Manning’s reference to the Irsay comments in answering the question from Kravitz provides a glimpse into how Manning interpreted the remarks.

    So it’s not just a media creation, even though some in the media have rushed to Irsay’s defense, describing the interpretation of Irsay’s remarks as a shot at Peyton as foolish or asinine. Under that standard, Peyton Manning apparently is being foolish and asinine, too.

    When the clock strikes zero on Sunday night, there likely will be only one person viewed and foolish and asinine. And that person will seem even more foolish and asinine if Manning and the Broncos win a Super Bowl or two over the next few years.

  6. I'm sorry for this of topic but I'm so excited right now I just have to write it. Today is my 30th birthday and my family made me an unbelievable present. I'm travelling with my brother to Indianapolis to watch the Colts in Lucas Oil against the Jaguars on December 29!!! Seeing the Colts live in Lucas Oil means a lot to me and a dream really come true. We are travelling more than 15 hours all the way from Austria via Amsterdam and Detroit to Indy I still can't believe it. So if you have any good advice or tip for our stay please let me know!


  7. Polian was just on NFL Live on ESPN. And he said...

    I think he's disappointed we didn't win more Super Bowls....I know this, the franchise was a lot better off when we left than when we got there....we're proud of what we accomplished...Baltimore won their 2nd Super Bowl with Jim Caldwell....what we accomplished is in the record books. And if that wasn't enough, that's fine...its a shame this all detracts from Peyton's return to Indianapolis....I also think the fans in Indianapolis don't need any contrived celebration for his return..."

  8. Was just on ESPN's NFL Insiders:

    "It's hard to predict how I'll feel. All I can do is prepare to play a good football team. Too hard to predict how I'll feel coming into the stadium. But when you see a Robert Mathis.....there is a bond there. We're beat up on the offensive line so we have to prepare for their pass rush."

    Manning is cool. So apparently the whole Irsay thing is much ado about nothing. However I doubt it'll slow down the disciples of Skip Brainless.

  9. If bill wants to be a gm again, there would be plenty of teams wanting him.

    Time will tell.

    However, if he misrepresented the state of the franchise either personnel wise or worse financially...that pool of teams might be quite shallow.

  10. Polian's comments in response to Irsay were clearly made in defense of his record as the Colts GM. He obviously took them as a shot toward the way he built the team, and I think that's way more on the mark than taking them as a shot against Peyton Manning.

    Yep. Polian would be wise to mend this fence if he's looking for future employment. These owners talk to one another. And have conversations we'll never be privy to.

    I get the distinct impression that Jim Irsay has a personal problem with something(s) Bill and/or Chris did.

    I wonder how willing another owner would be to hand over the reigns to Polian if that is the case.

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