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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. Brian, I found a copy of the findings of the Mayor and City council of Baltimore versus the Baltimore Football Club, ie Indianapolis colts. It was on www.leagle.com/decision/1985902624FSupp278_1839. As you probably know , prior to the Raiders case it took 3/4 of the owners to approve a franchise moving from one city to another one. After the NFL lost the case to the Raiders , the NFL and it's owners didn't really even need to vote, because at that point Irsay could move when he wanted.


    Ehhh the document is vague regarding what you are attempting to assert as fact i.e. that the NFL owners did NOT vote to give Robert Irsay permission. But I will give ground on this because it getting real legalesish. The document asserts that the owners did vote to neither approve nor disapprove of the move and that the understood "effect of that vote was that Robert Irsay could move the Colts to whatever city he chose". So, they went around their elbow in order to get to their nose.


    Regardless, as I wrote earlier, you were attempting to use background details regarding one of 'many' factors that influenced the owners as a canard implying they really technically had no decision to make at all and therfore by some manner of osmosis probably didn't really "approve" of the move. You cannot assert that. They knew their lukewarm position was allowing Robert Irsay to move the franchise out of Baltimore. And if they did not approve of the move, they could've said so easily in a way that was not legally binding. They chose not to.


    However, what would help to clarify would be the actual minutes of the Privileged Executive Session of the Special Meeting of the National Football League, dated March 2, 1984.


    Nevertheless, that was a great find. I had not seen that document. I took you for nothing more than a lazy, bitter whiner. But that took some digging. Kudos. :)

  2. Brian, I found a copy of the findings of the Mayor and City council of Baltimore versus the Baltimore Football Club, ie Indianapolis colts. It was on www.leagle.com/decision/1985902624FSupp278_1839


    Wow. What an amazing document. Let me look at it and I'll come back.

  3. For the life of me I don't understand why people keep saying Angerer doesn't fit our defense...can someone please explain this to me.


    He is more suited to being a 4/3 Linebacker...and even then he couldn't stay healthy.


    Now he has bulked up and can't stay healthy. I like him. I'm pulling for him. But I personally would've traded him to the Cowboys in the offseason for a pick. JMO

  4. BP would still be here if...


    ...he had not misled the owner regarding our cap management and just how behind the curve we had gotten.

    ...he had not lumped the fans of the Indianapolis Colts in with journalists who simply cover the Indianapolis Colts when the backlash came regarding HIS decision to forgo the perfect season.


    He screwed up the management of the money...and he offended the source of the money.


    You gotta go.

  5. Just adding on some detail to your research and providing a more detailed explanation.


    No you weren't.


    You were attempting to use background details regarding one of many factors that influenced the owners as a canard implying they really technically had no decision to make at all and therfore by some manner of osmosis probably didn't really "approve" of the move.


    They chose to vote...and they voted to give Irsay permission to move his franchise out of Baltimore.

  6. Per PFT:


    "Colts owner Jim Irsay knows the importance of a franchise quarterback, and he knows he was fortunate to follow Peyton Manning with Andrew Luck. But Irsay believes it takes more than a good passing game to win a title.


    Irsay says the way the Colts played on Sunday against the 49ers — with physical defense and a tough running game — is the way he believes the Colts need to play to win another Super Bowl.


    “We know we have the rare talent with Andrew,” Irsay told the Indianapolis Star. ‘[We had] just some incredible dynasty years; no one in the history of the National Football League won more than games [in a decade] than we did from 2000 to 2009. But, at the same time, when it comes to world championships, we’re trying to make a little adjustment in terms of building this thing with a physical team on defense and a running game that can really be depended on.”


    It may be asking too much of Luck to expect him to become as good as Peyton Manning. But the Colts may be getting the pieces in place around Luck to be a tougher team, and a better team, than they had in the Manning years."

  7. The Jaguars always give Indy a fight, but Blaine Gabbert is literally on par with Curtis Painter. Colts by 10 isn't hard to envision.


    I havent looked into what the Jaguars are or are not doing this season. But just based off of what I have seen from the Colts, I expect a beatdown this Sunday.


    If we can toss the 49ers by 20, I expect that and some for the Jaguars.

  8. I believe the NFL brass made Model give up the team name and colors before they would allow the team to move. Modell did not have a choice if he wanted to move. The Raiders moved to LA and kept the colors and name but the NFL eventually forced them to move back to Oakland. The Rams are the only team I can remember the NFL gave their blessings to move without interference. The Colts shocked the NFL but were allowed to keep everything. The Owner owns the team but must abide by the guidelines of the NFL governing body.


    The NFL owners gave permission to Robert Irsay to move his team out of Baltimore (without any conditions) well before they gave Georgia Frontiere (Wife of former Colts owner Carol Rosenbloom) permission to move the Rams (the team Irsay originally purchased and then traded to Rosenbloom) out of Los Angeles.

  9. if u r serious


    haha no, I wasn't serious. I'm well aware of who he is and his impact on this franchise and NFL in general. And have a tremendous amount of respect for what he and other Colts from bygone years accomplished.


    I just wanted to needle a couple of the folks who are FURIOUS that I brought out the real background behind the Colts franchise's departure from Baltimore.


    And it appears I was wildly successful. :)

  10. Considering the team has moved on from the last opponent and is focused on the upcoming one, I speckon I oughta do the same.


    We should roll these clowns in short order. But...we shoulda done the same to the Raiders too.


    Hopefully Luck stays ticked off....Richardson has a great week of preparation...and this turns into a glorified scrimmage where we can work on everything Pep Hamilton wants to.

  11. Speaks volumes about one of the principles behind the departure of Trent Richardson from Cleveland. Couple that with Norv Turner being another and Mike Lombardi another...and I've heard all I need to know:




    Via PFT:


    "Through the first three weeks of the season, Carolina Panthers running back DeAngelo Williams is the league’s third leading rusher with 291 yards. Only LeSean McCoy of the Philadelphia Eagles (395) and Doug Martin of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (297) have rushed for more yards so far this season.


    For Williams, he believes the fact that Rob Chudzinski is no longer the Panthers’ offensive coordinator has a lot to do with that.


    According to David Newton of ESPN.com, Williams took some not-so-subtle shots directed at the departed Chudzinski.


    I’m not going to start anything or push anything out there,” Williams said. “I can say this, though — a different offensive coordinator. I can definitely say that. The last offensive coordinator got rid of his starting running back.”


    Williams was speaking to Chudzinski – now the head coach of the Cleveland Browns – being a pivotal piece in the decision by the Browns to trade Trent Richardson to the Indianapolis Colts last week. Williams implied that Chudzinski wasn’t interested in cultivating an effective rushing game.

    “You tell me what the difference is in 2013 versus 2012,” Williams said.


    Williams isn’t the first Carolina player to take a shot at Chudzinski this season. Wide receiver Steve Smith also threw Chudzinski under the bus about how he ran the team’s offense last year in a conference call with Seattle reporters prior to their season opening game against the Seahawks.

    “The prior offensive coordinator [Chudzinski] really was positioning himself to just apply for that head coaching job. I think our offense suffered a little bit because of that,” Smith said.

    “At times, we got cute. We did things that weren’t necessarily us, like the under-utilizing of Mike Tolbert. But we’re out of that. The past is the past,” he added.


    Outside of Cam Newton, Williams and Smith and the two biggest pieces of the Panthers offense and both can’t seem to find anything good to say about their former offensive coordinator. Whether Mike Shula can be an improvement remains to be seen but Williams and Smith both seem to feel better about the Panthers’ offense with Chudzinski no longer at the helm."

  12. Not exactly sure what his learning curve is or should be. But I'll judge his performance at the end of the season. He didn't have an off-season or pre-season with us and jumped in cold-turkey. I'm going to give him a lot of latitude and COMPLETELY disregard any criticism born from his time in Cleveland...the same way I disregard any criticism of DHB from his time in Oakland.

  13. Here are the details of what happened. rec yards-Colts-164 ./ 49ers-150---rush.yards-Colts 179 / 49ers 115---turnovers-Colts 0 / 49ers-2---sacks-Colts 1 / 49ers 3---penalties-Colts 1 / 49ers 6--- time of possession Colts 36.25 / 49ers 23.35.--- Yards per play Colts 5 / 49ers 4.8---1st downs Colts 23 / 49ers 14---Total yards Colts 336 / 49ers 254. The Colts called the plays that were working according to how the 49ers were playing defense.  Just because the Colts didn't put up big numbers does not mean it was lackluster. It is called ball control. Now that is reality in numbers and facts.


    Sounds you like you've got it all figured out. Run with that. :)

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