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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. Okay. I agree it was a mistake on Luck's part. But that isn't "hubris." Had Luck said he thought he could complete the pass because he believed he was the greatest QB in the history of the game and believed no defender was capable of picking off one of HIS godly passes then I might agree with you. No, it was just a dumb pass.

    Now if you'd like to parse words for some vain stupid loop reason, feel free.

  2. I just don't want anyone here thinking you actually believe that everything we see and hear in the media is actually what these guys think/believe 100%.

    Stop projecting. Just because you're intellectually dishonest doesn't mean everyone else...including Chuck Pagano & Andrew Luck are.

    Forgive me if I rely on their word, judgement & character instead of yours.

  3. Mistakes of "hubris?" Huh? Luck made a dumb decision on the INT. Plain and simple. He also had a few other throws that were off. All QBs have these things happen. I don't think hubris had anything to do with it.

    Ugh. Apparently you're not paying attention either. Luck said on one of his passes instead of taking the checkdown and five yards, he intentionally tried to force a pass to a covered receiver. He acknowledged it as a mistake.

    Now if you'd like to parse words for some vain stupid loop reason, feel free. But that mistake was the definition of hubris.

  4. That's just who Andrew Luck is. He always takes the blame. Defense could allow 450 yards and 6 touchdowns and he'll take blame for it.

    I personally don't like it cause I feel he's putting more stress and pressure on himself by taking blame for other's mistakes. But its who he is and we as fans just have to accept it

    Then you're not paying attention. Andrew made some serious mistakes in that game. Almost like rookie mistakes. IMO mistakes of hubris. Regardless, he's correct to own up to it and to feel a sense of responsibility. That doesn't let anyone else off the hook...it just is what it is.

  5. I think Luck was more mad at himself. He made mistakes also. He threw an interception into the endzone when a FG would have cut the Dolphins lead to 1. If he had done that then the final drive we could have kicked another FG for the game winner. He missed Hilton, Fleener, and DHB on key passes. Bradshaw was open short once when Luck threw deep incomplete. Luck could have run instead of letting Wheeler jump into the air and bat his pass down on one drive.

    Yeah. He said immediately after that he felt the burden for the loss was on him and that he made some mistakes.

    I hope it ends up being a kick in the pants for him. The offseason is over. These games count and its time to focus and not make mistakes.

    Mathis & Bethea both said the defense started off sluggish. Hopefully they're sufficiently embarrassed and they tighten up as well.

    The honeymoon is over gentlemen.

  6. If you're watching the press conferences/Q&A sessions, it is apparent that Andrew Luck is * off/uncomfortable with his week 2 performance.

    Between him & Pagano talking, its clear that they feel too many player's mistakes cost us the game.

    Here's to hoping for a solid week of disciplined preparation on both sides of the ball. I'm conceding SF a grip of yards & points. So its going to be up to Andrew & the offense to make it a shootout.

    GO COLTS!!

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