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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. Lol nice, Phil with the Colts hat! Love it. Pretty cool that he played college ball and Bradshaw was his back up. Dude could of been a pro qb but he said screw that!


    Apparently football distracted from hunting. Awesome!

  2. i think all those guys for us are FA next season with exception of Vaughn and I want him gone at all costs. Revis won't get traded for any of those guys. Bethea, if he were under contract, MIGHT be a best case scenario trade but even then, I can't see it.


    Ehhh I'm not talking about what anyone can see. I don't see us trading for Revis either. But none of us saw us trading for Vontae or Trent. You said that you weren't sure we have enough in the cupboard. But we do for a squad transitioning BACK to a Tampa 2. :)

  3. The reason our o-line has been serviceable over the past three games is because we gave up on the power running game and ran more hurry-up, shotgun and spread the field a bit more.


    If we stay that way, we do not need to invest heavily in our o-line, if we go back to the power running system next year, then it is top priority.


    Yep. But I do not think we're at the place where from a doctrine standpoint, Pagano has decided to give up on the power running game. I'm more inclined to say they humbled up and decided to change things a bit for the rest of the season. But will return to the power running game in the off-season, draft and free agency. :)

  4. He's definitely shown the willingness. So anything is possible. I would not mind an Olineman but rarely are teams willing to part with them.


    I'm not sure we have enough in the cupboard to swing a big trade. At some point, you have to develop from the draft or the cap catches you way too fast


    Ehhh yes and no. We have some pieces in the cupboard if you look at it from the standpoint of transition.


    Tampa Bay will more than likely be transitioning back to the Tampa 2. Schiano put some pieces in that Defensive backfield that are not Tampa 2 pieces....like say Darrell Revis. We on the other hand have Antoine Bethea, Cassius Vaughn, Darius Butler, Kavell Conner and Pat Angerer who are all quintessential 4/3 Tampa 2 players. You could trade any one or combination of those guys for Revis and not really skip a beat from a personnel standpoint with maybe the exception of Bethea. 

  5. I think it will be the Rams. Jeff Fisher loves to run the ball, has seen MJD up close in the AFC South division for years and would love to have him backing up Zac Stacy.


    Hmmmm...a one two punch with MJD & Zac Stacy would be nice.

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