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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. YES!!! This is an awesome thread for identifying so many of the clown posters at Colts.com forums.


    Mayock has forgotten more football in one off-season than this entire board knows collectively.


    So he said something incorrect.....welcome to the human race.


    ANYONE having a problem with him, his insight and talent evaluation is clueless. And it is very helpful when those people gather together in one place and expose themselves.


    Gonna burn that ignore button up over the next 10 minutes. :yahoo:


    "Clown-Car Thread"

  2. Just a lost season for the guy. I think he'll be much better in 2014.



    It's a fumble it happens. The lashing he got on this board after the fumble was ridiculous



    Trent just needs to get this year under his belt.



    So many people just jump all over the guy for having a tough season.  Donald Brown has had so

    many rough seasons as a Colt but this year put it all together.  How many are eating crow on him now?

    How many will be eating crow if Trent turns out to be a really good runner next season.


    Just calm down everyone.  Trent was picked up to run behind a OL that is not even fully here right now - some

    of them are on IR at the moment.  Give him a full season before you pass judgement on his career.  Geez...



    He's had 2 fumbles in almost 200 touches.  Relax.  Yeah it was untimely, but it's not like all hope is lost.



    You would think it was the end of the world earlier. The comments when it happened were ludicrous



    Wow...you guys are really over reacting.  Chill-out, give the guys a full training camp and a better run blocking line.  He is not the same type of runner as Donald Brown...Trent is a power-back, that's why they traded for him.  Once we get a better o-line and he gets a full training camp, he will be ok.  Just relax.


    All of that! ;)

  3. Beilichick is great at...


    ...game day half by half, quarter by quarter, possession by possession adjustments. Whereas we only seem willing to adjust at halftime.


    Regardless, I believe if our players are disciplined. If they all execute and handle their responsibilities, we will win against this New England team that is less talented than we are.

  4. I think it would have been foolhardy to imagine there would be much profit in buying these playoff tickets and trying to resell them, so I really doubt too many people bought to sell. It is far more realistic to imagine many more made the same choice I did.


    Ehh that assumes a lot of Season Ticket holders sold theirs. I don't assume that. Especially when there were so many tickets available. I think the fact that we didn't sell out had the most to do with any of this.


    I think your example, Season Ticket holder/brokers and the notion of Season Ticket holders selling out directly to opponent fans are all three taken together a small percentage of K.C. fans who were there last night. ;)

  5. I don't know who is responsible for the conservative play calling this season. Some seem to be implying that Hamilton is some Grudenesque killer being held back by the Head Coach. But I have to assume the entire staff from ownership, management and coaching was on one accord. Especially considering that it was Hamilton's forte at Stanford. And that Irsay himself wanted to go this direction. Regardless, I was VERY pleased they had appeared to adjust to our lack of Oline talent and injuries coming down the stretch.


    And the first possession last night was absolutely beautiful!!!


    But the 2nd possession leading all the way through to halftime was horrible. I literally had a conniption fit (think Ramsey from the Bud lite commercials) . When I came to...I called for Hamilton's head.....something I have never done (called for one of our coaches to be fired) in the history of history.


    We battled back in the 2nd half. But there is no way I am prepared to give Hamilton anything but kudos for doing the obvious in the 2nd half.


    Glad I have a week to calm back down.

  6. This was the first time I got to see this guy play this season since I live in PA.. And all I can say is wow.. Just wow.

    #57 was just all over the field on defense and social teams.


    My understanding is that he serves a killer hors d'oeuvre when interacting with opposing Runningbacks. ;)

  7. As a season ticket holder, I know when I see the same people in the same seat every game.  You can determine who you sell your tickets if you choose too. 


    Though I think most of the KC fans gobbled up regular tickets, some season ticket holders did sell. And they were not forced to sell them to K.C. fans. I know money is tight...especially just coming off of Christmas. But there are work arounds. I had a season ticket hold find me on an internal Colts List Serve (I'm assuming it was a season ticket holder wait list but I do not know) to offer me their tickets.


    Dumping them on the internet is a disloyal move. Especially during the playoffs. And there aren't that many broker/season ticket holders. So that doesn't hold water.


    I think we all understand what happened. But I'm NOT for the sake of being P.C. gonna try and pretend like selling your Season Tickets to opposing fans is intrinsically acceptable.


    It isn't. And we can say so.

  8. We do not need to vilify them in the forums.


    Oh please. I don't think it was season ticket holders per se who were responsible for so many Chiefs fans being at the game. Nobody can say that because we had so many tickets left. And a lot of times, especially if times are tough, you don't really know who you're selling your tickets to if you unload them online.




    ANY Colts season ticket holder who knowingly sold their playoff game ticket(s) to a Chiefs fan SHOULD have their card pulled and SHOULD be vilified. Any season ticket holder who does not have at least a couple of backup Colts fans to dump their tickets on....or at a bare minimum a Colts fan/Military Family to GIVE them to (you can walk into ANY Reserve Center, MEPS station or Recruiting office to find many) is IMO doing a tremendous disservice to the City, State and Franchise.


    You don't knowingly sell tickets to opposing fans. Period. That's just commonsense.

  9. I agree.  Successful season. 



    I agree completely. No matter what happens next week we went to the playoffs and won a game 2 years after going 2-14. 



    I'm sure they'll find other faults to complain about. I think we all know this team has issues, but some people seem to regale them.

    After losing Reggie, Allen, Thomas, and Bradshaw no one should be complaining about underachieving.



    I agree. Definitely a success, even if we lose to DEN/NE next week.



    I agree.


    However, I sense this ride is not over just yet. ;)



    The season is definitely successful but I hope the team stays hungry and doesn't get too emotional after this huge win!


    I agree with all of these. :)

  10. I said before the season started my expectations were an AFC South Title and a playoff win this year.  From here on out it's house money to me. 


    Yep. Still tracking upward. We'll all be able to rest easy this off-season.


    "Build The Monster"

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