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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. You guys wont believe this, on the NFL network they just said the Colts need to aggressively shop for a T in FA, and they said we should target Brandon Albert. What?


    Probably going to be a cap casualty. Might be an option. Teams with awful Olines are looking at him....so why shouldn't we? ;)


    I'm not sure why people find Castanzo's play to be acceptable. His pass blocking is shoddy at best. I appreciate that he can run block adequately but he is not all World....not even close. I was ready top move on last year. 

  2. I wouldn't say or S are fine they are both SS and are really bad together

    Finally someone thinks were good at WR!!


    Ehhh, once we get the Dline straight, our Safeties should be just fine.


    And I think our WRs are good enough to not address them in Free Agency. Dwayne Allen's return'll help alleviate any issues as far as not having enough targets for Andrew. But I'd definitely try to draft a WR if the talent is available. ;)

  3. And just for fun, here is my NOT want list...


    WR Eric Decker (Will cost too much, and is not a #1 WR, nuff said. Would rather give this money to Byrd.)

    WR Julian Edelman (We don't really have a need for another slot WR. Both Hilton and Wayne play that very well.)





    I don't think we need any Wide Receivers. Ours are just fine.

    I don't think we need Byrd or any other Safety. Ours are just fine.

    I wouldn't mind Dansby.

    Dietrich-Smith or 49ers Center Jonathan Goodwin will do fine.

    How come nobody is talking about Texans Defensive End Antonio Smith....isn't he a Free Agent....doesn't he fit what we do?


    IMO we need someone to replace Castanzo. His pass blocking is not good enough.

  4. Wow yes he is and it's not even close he's not a run stopper or a coverage linebacker in the least the only thing he does well is rush the passer and he happens to be good enough at it that he fits our scheme just fine.


    No, he isn't.


    And repeatedly typing something different isn't going to change that.


    There is a difference between being a primary pass rusher in a 3/4 and a pure pass rusher in a 4/3. You do not know the difference(s).


    Pure pass rushers do not play in 3/4 schemes. Because they cannot drop into coverage. Mathis on the other hand does. And more importantly CAN drop into coverage. And he has shown that he can play very well in space. 29 snaps (that I know of) spent in pass coverage since transitioning to a 3/4. Compared to only 16 in his last four 4/3 scheme years combined. He's also amassed positive run defense grades via PFF.


    Sam on the other hand cannot drop into coverage AT ALL.


    Comparing the two players.....especially erroneously....is either disingenuous or ignorant.

  5. i see you forgot to add to martins resume that hes a drug user DURING THE SEASON he displayed the same type of behavior as richie but gets a pass for some reason (ever hear the whole would you jump off a bridge if they did thing? well obviously not) and he followed incognito around like a puppet or a dog to strip clubs and everything else the guy isnt smart, doesnt play well, cant stick up for himself, and gets high during the season (it didnt sound like just weed either) why you continue to stick up for this guy like he is some persectued martyr monk is beyond me. It wouldve been different if he didnt follow incognito around and act like everything was cool VOLUNTARILY OUTSIDE OF WORK   and still hasnt had ONE teammate go out on public record and say hey incognito was wrong, martin was right. maybe you should include these FACTS in your next propaganda piece


    Oh relax.

  6. In an e-mail...center Jonathan Goodwin, a pending free agent, said the 49ers have yet to reach out to his agent to broach contract talks. Goodwin, 35, has started all 56 games, including playoffs, since he signed with the 49ers in 2011...Based partly on family considerations, Goodwin is expected to be selective in free agency and hinted in December that retirement is an option. To spend more time with his family, Goodwin skipped OTAs last year and stayed in Irmo, S.C., to work out. Goodwin and his wife, Alnessa, have three sons under 10. The two oldest are home schooled during the NFL season before attending school in South Carolina in the offseason. Goodwin has served as a highly respected elder statesman on an offensive line that’s regarded among the NFL’s best. In 2013, he won the team’s Ed Block Courage Award, which is given to the player that exemplifies a commitment to sportsmanship and courage.


    I'm not sure how much he does or does not have left in the tank but there's no way this guy isn't (right now) light years ahead of Satele or anyone else we currently have on the roster.


    Wonder if we'll end up bringing him in. Knows all our calls/assignments because they run basically the exact same offense. 

  7. But how could Philbin know if no one acted like that around him and no one told him about it?


    There was a roundtable discussion on NFL Insiders and to the Man they said that usually the first Man the Head Coach talks to when he walks into the building is the Head Trainer. The Dolphins Head Trainer (who was fired) has claimed that he was communicating what he was seeing to Philbin and others in Management (implied Jeff Ireland).

  8. The worrying thing was Philbin's ignorance of his locker room's mentality.


    I kid you not, two weeks before the whole thing hit, I was sitting next to the ball & chain watching SportsCenter (she's a bigger sports fan than I am) and Philbin was on there for something. And I turned to her and said "something isn't right with this dude! I don't know what it is but watch and see if this clown isn't on a Fox 'Breaking News Alert' sometime in the future."


    BipBamBoom all this fit hits the shan and she's like "Hahaha whatever!" (they hate it when you're right) ;)

  9. Without knowing him in a personal level, the opposite of what you say is also true.


    I know, I was making just that point. Nobody knows either for a certainty....but some are positing as if they do. ;)




    To believe that everyone on the Colts locker room will welcome him with open arms and that defenders won't be able to use this weakness against him or that he is mentally strong enough to not let it get to him is naive.



  10. I'm not defending Martin's personality, but the assertion that what happened to him in the locker room by his 'mates is somehow the same situation as what he would face during a game is absurd.


    And still it is being put forward as a legitimate way of looking at this situation and therefore a reason to suspect his ability to play the game. Some of the dumbest stuff I've ever seen on the forums.



  11. Where might Jonathan Martin end up?

    If his former teammate at Stanford, Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck, has a say, he would want him in Indy. Pro Football Talk asked Luck if he would want the Colts to acquire the Miami Dolphins offensive tackle. The quarterback’s response, simply, was “Yes.”

    Luck was asked what he would say if the Colts’ front office asked his opinion about Martin.

    “I’d say I love Jon, we had a great time at Stanford together, still stay in touch with him regularly and I think he’s a great man,” Luck said.

    Luck added that he last spoke to Martin “probably a couple of days ago.”

    Another reason why Martin may be a fit in Indianapolis? The Colts’ offensive coordinator, Pep Hamilton, held the same title at Stanford while Martin played there.

    It may be tampering for NFL coaches and front office people to talk about players under contract with other teams, but players can talk about them all they want. Martin is still under contract with the Miami Dolphins, so if the franchise wants to part with him, it can either make a trade to another team, or cut him


    . - Lorenzo Reyes USA Todayhttp://q.usatoday.com/2014/02/27/jonathan-martin-indianapolis-colts-andrew-luck-san-francisco-49ers-seattle-seahawks/



  12. Nope. Until Satele is gone, I won't believe they're trying hard enough to protect Andrew. AQ Shipley & McGlynn both proved to be better at center than Satele yet he's still on the roster. Until he is released or benched, I'll never believe they want to protect Andrew



    Yeah, that's ridiculous, but don't let me stop you.


    Hahaha that was a bit of hyperbole. :)

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