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Jay Kirk

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Posts posted by Jay Kirk

  1. He's better than Tipton, and there's no guarantee Ballard can come back and play well.Richardson is going to get cut.Who do you think the Colts have under contract that is a better runningback than Gore?

    Bradshaw although not under contract is not gone yet , and Frank although good is over 30 not a good choice . When you look at a RB you must always look at the OL .Is SFs better than ours as it sets ? Probably so is he really that good does he really fit ? This draft has some very good looking RBs with young legs and you don't actually need to blow a first round or possibly 2nd round to get them. Some will be there in the third.

  2. My only beef with TY, and the only reason I don't think he's a true #1 WR, is that he doesn't score enough TDs. Just 7 last year. And they tend to come in bunches. He scored 5 TDs in 2013, and they were all in 2 games. Out of 46 regular season games, he's been held scoreless in 32 of them, almost 70%. He's explosive, but he's also sort of streaky, and his skill-set isn't well suited for red zone production.


    That's admittedly a nitpick; there have been other long time #1 options who didn't score a lot of TDs. But that would be my primary angle if I were negotiating for the Colts.

    I agree with this argument , although im a fan.
  3. I don't understand how the bolded is relevant. This is not a zero-sum, "if we pay Hilton, we can't upgrade the offensive line or the defense" kind of proposition.

    Its called living within the Cap no WR IMO is worth a 10 mil hit , name one that actually got a team where it needs to be the SB .10 might be livable but long term ? Don't think id do it. Everyone has an opinion this is mine. I love TY but not gonna downgrade team growth to keep him.
  4. With thinking like that, Indy will be taken and not be able to compete for the SB.  


    Calvin Johnson, Larry Fitzgerald, Percy Harvin, Mike Wallace, Dwayne Bowe, Vincent Jackson, and Brandon Marshall are not delivering Championships for their team.  


    Jordy Nelson at 9.76 mil per year was the highest paid WR in either conference championship game.  


    I really think 10 mil is where we should max out with TY.  If we get into the mindset that we HAVE to have him back then we will overpay and lose.


    Only 2 of the 7 WR's at 10 mil or more APY managed to collect 1000 yards.  One was Calvin Johnson who's getting quarterback money and the other was Vincent Jackson who just barely edged out over 1000 yards.

    Got to agree Valpo , cant sell the farm for one WR , this OL has to be upgraded a bit to protect Luck and open holes for RBs not to mention the D . 8 mil will work but 10 most definitely will not and 7 would be great.
  5. You guys are relentless in your accusations, it's impressive.

    I'm pretty sure the Ravens have stated that there were no ball issues in that game.

    Here's a question for you, when the report comes out and clears the Pats of any wrongdoing, are you going to apologize or at least retract all of these wild accusations you're throwing around?

    Wouldn't be looking for that finding , the guy that did this just didn't take it upon his self to do it. Do I get an apology for all the other times they have been caught ? I don't want apologies I want real meaningful action from the Comisch. although not likely when him and Kraft are BUDS .  rotflmao

  6. Rice beat his wife unconscious!  Any God loving/God fearing man simply does not do that.  


    I would love to be in that little elevator with the saintly Ray Rice.  I guarantee I would not be the one dragged out. :rawr:

    Would take A.P. right now , on this team. Rice maybe on the second Tuesday of next week. When does that second Tuesday of next week roll around ?

  7. Absolutely not accurate.  Fortifying their pass rush will absolutely be something the Colts address this off season.  Counting on Mathis in 2015 without the injury is foolish at his age.  Add the injury on top of that and you have an extreme unknown situation.  Walden was a pleasant surprise this year but he is not a player that you want to build a pass rush around.  

    And neither are your LBs lol get real. If you need rely on them to do it all your in trouble from the start.

  8.  The game we started him at RT he looked like a guy who had just been converted from defense.  lol

     Thanks Grigs for getting Landry off the roster sooner rather than later. Tired of him and all the talk.

     Andrew Jackson was likely to slow to be an every down player anyway.


  9. omg


    We cannot change the past, we can only make changes moving forward.  Are we going to spend the whole off season reviewing all the cheating that's gone on in the nfl?  Are we looking for a way to allow cheating moving forward?

    I do think some think its just fine if you don't get caught , Im not one of those , I have 0 respect for those that do.

  10. Not to be disagreable but I'm going to disagree lol. I agree about your premise of hitting over the middle etc but having a safety that can come down and play big in the run game is a huge plus. Guys like Chancellor and Ward that can in essence play as a smaller lb are still very important. That said a cover safety is a huge importance. IMO Landry's lack of tackling and suspension etc has made him expendable. Much easier to find a safety that can tackle and support in the run game than a cover safety. I don't love our safeties but I thought Adams and the others played suprisingly well considering we thought it was going to be our big weakness this year. I didn't like the Landry signing to begin with and I wish he would have played up to the potential Grigson saw in him but I'm not shocked he is gone.

    All steroid nothing more.

  11. I'd like to see Cecil Shorts take over the Nicks/DHB/Avery revolving door FA slot. 


    I also think a healthy Wayne will return for one more season. 





    Whalen (who I'm a fan of) 

    I also think we'll bring in a UDFA or two. I really don't want to use a draft pick on a WR this year. 

    Agreed totally unescessary to use a pick.

  12. So did he get the parking spot? Lol



    Since our LB core is a bunch of knuckleheads, what are Freeman and Muamba going to do now? 

    Don't think Waldens been arrested either . :funny: Will we sign Suh to compliment our linebackers ?   :lol: After all he could teach them a thing or 2 even if he is from the DL.

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