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Jay Kirk

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Posts posted by Jay Kirk

  1. You can tell they wanted Florida State out most of the season just by their rankings, hoping they would lose to knock them out of the top four.  But they were the only undefeated team in a major conference, so they had to go.  


    As far as an 8-team playoff stopping any lingering arguments, no way, people will still argue that other teams should get in.  People would argue certain conferences are being preferred and so on.  But I would still like to see an 8-team playoff some day.  For now, I am not complaining about the current set up.  Heck, it got us a completely different championship than it would have been, probably Alabama vs FSU.

    True , I knew FSU was going down and was fairly confident Alabama would all though they did belong. IMO TCU belonged as well.

  2. Talent level on Dallas is not significantly greater as a whole than Indy. You can't tell me that in a do or die dogfight, playoff level scenario that Dallas takes Indy 42-6. Dallas may very well be a better team collectively than Indianapolis, but forget about what we saw last week. That was garbage. 

    Ive got to agree although Dallas is in sinc right now , but we are not... they do have a considerably better O Line though , L.M didn't rack up 1800 yds on ground without it. :thmup:

  3. I'm sorry......     how do you know this?


    Has there been a story saying this that you can link?


    I think all NFL QB's have the green light to audible....    Certainly Andrew Luck does.


    Why do you think this?

    Im sorry I don't agree with you and how do you know this ?  [ I think all NFL QB's have the green light to audible] :)

  4. 1) Richardson didn't start on Sunday. Boom did, and it was 3rd and long.


    2 and 3) These are connected, IMO. Luck has been checking out of run plays all season long, so I don't put the responsibility on Pep for running into heavy boxes. I think Sunday's game was a-typical. Furthermore, because Luck has been checking out of runs, we haven't been running into 8-man boxes. 


    The slow starts lately have been about dropped passes, fumbles, interceptions, penalties, etc. Not playcalling. 


    Pep isn't excused of all responsibility for some of the offensive issues, but he's also not to blame for the majority of it. Ironically, the very person to whom you want to give all the responsibility has been rather sloppy lately.

    Yes hes been sloppy so has the line protecting him, and part of it is play calling, dropped passes hurt as well ,Im not really referring to Dallas game as I was at work and to disgusted to watch it when I got home.You can have your own opinion right or wrong. Sometimes  this is on Pep but as always its on players for not executing a given play. There are however many times ive watched over the season we should've audibled out of certain plays and didn't. Now who controls this for a fact Luck or Pep ?

  5. Agree, every 1st down should be in shotgun or play action. Also, Luck needs to run more. There have been plenty of times where he could have gained big yards by running but he doesn't, he needs to work on his running from the pocket awareness like Wilson and Rodgers.

    I have seen the same thing at times ,better to take 6 or 7 yards given than worry about throwing in tight coverage or being crushed in the pocket .

  6. It has been known for a while now that Luck has the ability to audible out of whatever play.  If he didn't he had his reasons, so I don't think the whole thing rides on Pep although I don't say that there aren't some improvements that Pep needs to make as well.

    One things for sure we cant keep stalling or 3 and outs for 3 or 4 series in a row and expect our D to be able to perform at a high level. This has been a real problem.

  7. IMO the reason for the slow starts on offense is squarely on the shoulders of Pep. #1 Richardson starts # He calls runs with 8 stacked in the box. #3 Luck does not have Green light to read Ds and audible . This very often leaves us in an early hole. This hurts the Offense as well as the D. I think its high time we put this team in our Franchise QBs hands and let chips fall where they may , maybe he knows when and how to utilize our weapons ! Thoughts ?

  8. I agree.  Trent is one of my favorite players, but the only time he should be on the field the first two drives is to pass block.  Get Boom going early, then have Trent continue to wear down the defense.  After the first quarter, bounce back and forth the runs.  In the 3rd Trent should get the majority of the carries, and let Herron finish the game off strong.  This is an ideal situation to keep both of them fresh and play their best.  Unless one of them are playing undeniable great, and cant be stopped, then you keep riding that player.

    Ride the hot hand and it allows your other assets to be utilized more freely, thus keeping the appositions D off balance.

  9. This. 



    We know Richardson is great at blocking, and he's great at catching passes out of the backfield. Throw him the dang ball!!!! 

    If we quit running against stacked boxes that would help both RB's as well. 


    I think Boom is getting better at blocking (still not A+ like Trent and Bradshaw) but he's playing a little better every week. Just keep a tight grip on that ball, and he's good at catch and runs too. 


    Please throw more passes to our RB's!! 

    Like !!!! outta those critters but great point Lolly, sure goes a long way in slowing a pass rush !

  10. Its a good thing we have a 2 back system.  If Boom has the hot hand we can always keep riding him like we did at the end of the Texans game.  If somebody gets injured, then next man up!  Just as Boom has.  I think it's foolish to try having a primary back in this day and age, mainly because it's easy to be injured as a RB and carrying that type of load is a lot of work.  Players just cant do it all season long (unless you have an extremely good back).  Let alone their whole career.  The NFL has changed from a decade ago.  It's not uncommon, and it seems to be working for a lot of teams!

    We have to play to the backs strengths not weakness and it seems we do this at times and leaves us in a funk.

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