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Jay Kirk

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Posts posted by Jay Kirk

  1. I want to say thank you for giving everything he had throughout his career.  There is not many guys out there that exudes his professionalism off of the field.  Retire a Colt Reggie.  This is where YOU belong with the fans and Teammates LOVE you!!!  


    This is the worst I have felt since Peyton Manning....sick almost.   :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :colts:  :colts:  :fb:  :fb:  :fb: !!!

    IMO a HOF pro both on the field and off as you said , hes got nothing left to prove. Will always be loved here.

  2. [qute name=Jay Kirk" post="1047676" timestamp="1425058207]

    Wasn't to spread out when the QB went down with lets say 5 games left, and they didn't have one left to throw the ball. By the way that includes the OSU game when they knew they were going to run the ball. We don't have to agree and wont on this matter that's ok.As far as IU football I could care less that's where he played. Evidently the Colts feel the same , they talked to him twice and guarantee if hes there in the right position in the draft they take him. Not in the 1rst round IMO there is never a RB worth taking in the 1rst anymore.I still yet to see where you see nothing but gaping holes, Seen him use both arms stiff arms break tackles and just flat run over people. I know talent when I see it this kid has it flat out. :thmup:

    Of course he does, that's easy to see. I'd only take him in the 2nd tho and I wouldn't trade up for him. He has potential to be really good, I've said that. Just has a couple things to work on..as of now he's nothing special in my eyes..I wouldn't get too hyped up if we got him. Would you take Green-Beckham if he was available to us in this 1st?

  3. So I'm blind now because I disagree with you? Gotcha. Great way of getting your point across. And you're gonna compare Coleman to one of the greatest RBs of all time? Lol foolish. Coleman is not that good people, yall just obsessed with him because he went to IU. Go watch some tapes on him, constant gaping holes to run through due to the spread offense IU ran. I said he's a good player if he fixes a couple issues, like only carrying the ball with his left hand. In no way is he our savior tho. Nor do I see Walter Payton like potential.

    Wasn't to spread out when the QB went down with lets say 5 games left, and they didn't have one left to throw the ball. By the way that includes the OSU game when they knew they were going to run the ball. We don't have to agree and wont on this matter that's ok.As far as IU  football I could care less that's where he played. Evidently the Colts feel the same , they talked to him twice and guarantee if hes there in the right position in the draft they take him. Not in the 1rst round IMO there is never a RB worth taking in the 1rst anymore.I still yet to see where you see nothing but gaping holes, Seen him use both arms stiff arms break tackles and just flat run over people. I know talent when I see it this kid has it flat out. :thmup:

  4. Lol NFL is different tho, players will attack that weakness. He never stiff arms either because of that, he just runs into them shoulder first. If he fixes that problem then he just might be really good. Me personally, I'd rather wait till next year to get our star RB...Ezekiel Elliot. Dude is gonna be way better than any RB in the draft this year.

    Runs into them with his shoulder ? Hmmm kinda like Walter Peyton ? With a lot more speed ? Ive come to the realization some folks are blind ,both figurative and literal and I sure did not see many gaping hole opened by IUs line.However did see Coleman shred the National Championship D for what was it ? Oh yes 228 yards .This kids the real deal reguardless of who he plays for and has great vision and doesn't leave the ball on the field.Elliot ?Ok will say hes good but we don't have a year to wait.Not to mention Tevin has around 4.3 speed just a good all around RB.

  5. Exactly Jay, get drafted & master your NFL playbook 1st before you verbally express your confidence as a newly minted QB in this league. Usually, if a QB is a step above their contemporaries, everyone can clearly see it, feel it, & know it without a word being spoken. 

    In other words do your talking by your actions on the field. Confidence is a must ,but I love the humble kind . :thmup:

  6. And if he was as bad as you say he is he'd go in the 4th round.....


    And you seem to be the lone wolf on that one.


    It's no surprise that people in Indiana would love a local kid from I-U. 


    But the people who scout him also love him.    Maybe not as much as Indiana fans,  but far more than you....   that's why most everything I can find says 2nd or 3rd round.

    Im hoping he slides that low , he would be a bargain to us there.

  7. Here's the thing...90% of the board doesn't want to use a high pick on a RB and that's fine. A larger % of the board wants to draft a guy in the later rounds, which could be a home run or a crapshoot. Some posters seem to love the kid out of Indiana, who I know nothing about because I don't watch Big 10 sports (I live in VA). People don't want the team to bring in a vet because "runningbacks are a dime a dozen". The Colts have spent more dimes than the state of Colorado has smoked yet they have nothing to show for it.


    I would love a young guy that would play for very little money and would tear it up. He's just not on the team yet. If they sign Gore they could still draft the young stud.

    As reffering to the kid from IU , hes the real deal whoever gets him gets a stud. Have watched and hes not the only one they say deepest draft on RB in over a decade. If Gore came for right money I would not be upset , just no long term contract please.

  8. Not that deadspin is an actual legitimate source of info, but..........



    Anyone in their right mind would call their employer and say "Hey, I'm on the way to the hospital, I'm not coming in to work" 


    No call / no shows will get you fired in almost all places of employment. 

    That's a fact.

  9. He's better than Tipton, and there's no guarantee Ballard can come back and play well.Richardson is going to get cut.Who do you think the Colts have under contract that is a better runningback than Gore?

    Just wondering how long does everyone want to continue the revolving door of RBs ? Or due we want a young stud to c arry the load for 4 or5 years ?

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