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Jay Kirk

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Posts posted by Jay Kirk

  1. Agree 100%. Walden is one of our best front 7 defenders. Granted it's not hard to be one of our best on our team but he played well. Toler also gets a bad rap. If he got away with what Revis gets away with as far as holding he'd be a Pro Bowler.

    That's a fact ! :thmup:

  2. He and Redding played their hearts out.  I know I have been a Walden supporter from Day 1 while not-so-many-others were, it is like night and day as he sets the edge and the youngsters and Shaun Phillips did not.


    Those against Toler must just be worried about his next injury.  He and Vontae were very good this year.  I really believe that Toler got some of the 'touchiest' holding penalties that I saw all year long.


    You guys that want Toler and Walden gone must not have watched them play.  You missed some good football. :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:

    Couldn't have said it any better Brother :thmup:  Anton must have been watching as well ,some cuts people in here want to make well they just leave me :scratch:  :slaphead:  :hmm:

  3. I haven't read where many people had high expectations for him.   25-35 receptions as a 3rd or 4th WR would be good.  I think it would be a great signing.   Low risk/high reward.   Couple good seasons in the CFL.  Still young.   Great size.   I'd take him over Nicks right now just based on the size that the Colts need.    I wouldn't mind seeing Nicks back though.

    I like this mostly because it may save a draft pick.   Colts may decide to draft a WR in a later round now. 

    Is Nicks gonna show up all season or just in playoffs ? That is his Mo and its lived out here as well.

  4. Bingo! I'm getting upset over some Patriots supporters, not my friends on here, making the argument that because the game was so lopsided the rule infraction is irrelevant in this case. It is possible to win a game convincingly & still break a known rule. In addition, if Jackson who intercepted the ball from Brady & detected no deflated ball handing it over to the zebra, it's not INDY's responsibility to prove or disprove a psi air pressure problem. That's responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of the crew officiating that game. Meaning that no Colts player is accountable for a NE football that was not filled up properly air pressure wise. 


    I don't blame Bill Belichick, but you can't tell me that Tom Brady doesn't know who deflated his footballs to his preferred specifications i.e. the equipment manager inside Foxboro's own stadium. It is a lie of omission as in not telling the whole truth. Brady knows who did this & why. Just admit it & this story fades into the sunset. Play dumb & he will never live this dark cloud down the rest of his NFL career.  


    Off to see Bill Belichick's Saturday press conference that I haven't seen yet...

    Agreed Brady did know ,cant say BB did for sure , but absolutely Golden Boy did and I understand why . Smart by practical standards ,but wrong on so many levels. Probably a little smack on the hand and a Kraft bail out! 

  5. Another 1 post wonder.  I hope you enjoyed your stay at hotel Luck.  Fly Air Belichick back home......OOOOPs there is not air to fly in.....Thanks for your one hit there.  I would change my avatar to Milli Vanilli.


    :atroll:  :atroll:  :atroll:  :atroll:


    Might be safer to walk :)

    :thmup: outta likes just don't get where they think the Colts are behind this , doesn't matter cheating is cheating 3rd times charm hope they get hammered for the integrity of the game. 

  6. I'm sure the other owners care.  But, what can they do?  Bad press for the NFL is bad press for them in a roundabout way.  It's all about the money, money, money.  If advertisers want people to buy their products and care about their brand and image...they may think twice about spending so much change on a sport that has so much bad press.

    If the NFL doesn't address this issue in a ligit meaningful way they can hang it up , popularity will decline , who wants to buy or support a tainted product ?

  7. People laugh because of how ridiculous it sounds ("herr deflated balls"), but the team allegedly tampered with on field equipment to gain a competitive advantage. IF they found out they did it intentionally one of (or a combination of) these 3 should take place


    1. Replay the game (which will never happen; nor would I wish it to)


    2. Strip them of a high draft pick.


    3. Ban Bill Billicheck from the NFL. This would be the 2nd time he was caught of institutionalized cheating. 

    If hes guilty I choose door #3 please . :thmup:  

  8. The NFL is taking this issue very seriously.




    TL;DR: There will be a thorough investigation with punishment (if necessary) coming in the off-season. If found at fault, the Patriots will be made an example of. Meaning they would probably lose a draft pick. 

    Lol that will kill them , just spend alittle more on a FA . Do you get where im coming from ? If they are gonna punish , lets make it real and send a message. :thmup:

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