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Status Updates posted by BrentMc11

  1. RG and I would like to say a very Merry Christmas to all of our Colts friends and family!!!  2016 is soon over.


    If 2016 was a great year, make 2017 even better!!  If 2016 was tough, learn from any mistakes make and make 2017 the best year ever!!!  :wag:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. BrentMc11


      I am feeling pretty good.  Compared to pain of the past I feel great.  Thank you!!


      We hope that you have a super day today and a happy New Year!!!!!

    3. southwest1


      I'm glad you & your wife got some quality down time alone Brent. We all need that from time to time. I will extend warm wishes to my mother from you & RG as well. 


      Radio Girl, I want to apologize for the difference of opinion we had over QB Cam Newton & his poor reaction to losing the SB to the Broncos last February. SW1 can be pretty stubborn when I dig my feet in on an issue & refuse to budge. 


      I said things publicly to you that I regret & if you wanna claim I was a colossal jerk to you, I was & I apologize and I deserve that classification based solely off the incident & how poorly I treated you. 


      I just wanted to clear the air & throw it all on the table. I will own my part in this situation & hopefully, we can let bygones be bygones. Happy New Yr RG! I hope you had a profitably yr at the radio station you work at as well. 

    4. radiogirl


      Brent's status probably isn't the best forum for this.  But, no worries on anything.  We didn't see eye to eye.  Happens from time to time here.  But, that was long ago and everything's fine.  Enjoy your holidays SW!

  2. I have not been on much, but I've been reading some of the truly inept comments about the Colts.  We have a good shot at the division.  Not gonna stick around for more.


    So many people 'HAPPY' about DQ.  Makes no sense when we have to stop the run.  GO Colts!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BrentMc11


      100GFB:  Not as much anymore.  RG and I miss you!!! :)  


    3. 2006Coltsbestever


      Brent: Yeah I pretty much get along with everyone in here but there a few posters on here that can really be irritating with negativity. It drives people away so I get your point.

    4. southwest1


      Always great to see Brent back in action again. Heal well my brother. 


      Yeah, I get disappointed by some of our losses this yr, but the Jets game was a quality win, & I gotta give props to Grigs & Pags when our club wins convincingly. 

  3. We have not been on much lately, but I know two special veterans that we are proud to call our friends here.  


    @100GFB and @Jay Kirk  we are thankful for your service and friendship as well as any other military personnel on the Colts Forum. Past and Present

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 2006Coltsbestever


      Thanks for your service guys!

    3. alawai


      A shot back to you JK!  Thank you for serving.

    4. BrentMc11


      2 of the best people I know!!!  Thank you everyone!!  

  4. This is from my home page to status.  Create should also be on the status update page???

    1. BrentMc11


      OOOPS!  It already is....HAHA!

    2. southwest1


      Just thought I'd contribute to Brent's 1st status update. Hey, I never said it was going be a visionary statement or anything like that. :)

  5. I just followed you.  I hope it i OK. :)

    1. alawai


      The only thing I ask is don't step on my shadow!  Lol!  Son went shopping and found that replica leather helmet!   Yes Santa I believe in Christmas!

    2. BrentMc11


      I am starting to get used to this a little bit more.  If you want to follow me, go to my page and hit the old follow me button....now about that helmet!!! :)  

    3. southwest1


      Congrats 100GFB on the leather helmet discovery BTW. But where's the magic, mystery, & surprize of opening that present on Christmas morning though? If you play football with Lucy from the Peanuts, be warned: She likes to remove the ball just before you kick the field goal man.

      Just looking out for my homie man. haha

  6. Thanks Nadine.  

    Not sure what happened to RG Jay.  All I know is she showed on your page last evening.


    I would like to know how to delete notifications...no delete all.

    1. Jay Kirk

      Jay Kirk

      Shes on there Brother

  7. Gonna sign off...have a moon sized headache...HA HA!  Will dig in on this tomorrow.

  8. Follow me please. :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jay Kirk

      Jay Kirk

      Only 2 following me are Brent and HGF

    3. Jay Kirk

      Jay Kirk

      Radiogirl was but not now lol

    4. southwest1


      I think we are all in a state of confusion right now. You didn't lose me brother & I'm sure RG will be back once the fog of this new layout subsides. Hang in there buddy! We will all drown together. Or is that swim? Same difference. Ha! Ha!

  9. Fun day on Colts....a lot of great opinions today without getting mad and personal. Good job everyone!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. alawai


      Didn't know Barry was on, How you doing Barry?

    3. southwest1


      Barry is back & posting again. Nice! You're a good man Brent & yes, fans need to called out & flagged for their civility, humor, & good behavior. I couldn't agree more Brent. Very well said bro!

    4. BrentMc11


      Thank you buddy!!

  10. Going to play wait and see as to the roster. More to come. DL will be addressed.

  11. Shock in the IndyCar series.. Justin Wilson passed away from major head injuries in a race at Pocono Speedway. He was only 37. He was a super guy and a wonderful Road Racer. RIP Justin.

    1. radiogirl
    2. JPPT1974


      He also was an organ donor and that six people are saved by him. Really sad as he left behind a wife and two children.

    3. southwest1


      My deepest sympathies to the loved ones that Mr. Wilson left behind.

  12. Happy birthday to my gorgeous wife radiogirl!!! I cannot believe you are getting younger and I am getting older!! I love you soooo much!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. radiogirl


      Thanks teganslaw!

    3. JPPT1974


      Did not know you both were husband and wife. Have a blessed Birthday with lots of presents and cake!

    4. radiogirl


      Thanks JPPT1974!

  13. Happy Birthday to one of the best friends a guy could have. Enjoy this day Brother. We love ya!

    1. Jay Kirk

      Jay Kirk

      Thanks Brother , Feel a day older than I did yesterday . Love you"all too.

    2. BrentMc11


      So awesome!!! MY Brother! :)

  14. Sparse crowd on today. Track? Work? Getting read to lay out by a pool? Going to be 74 later today in Indy. Lovin it.

    1. alawai


      I quit swimming as it got boring but hopefully I'll start up again by the end of summer! Actually it wasn't boring just needed a break.

  15. Boy, I sure missed some BONE headed threads last night :) Someone is a nut...:Barney Fife: "He's a nut" :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrentMc11


      I call that fiction...and delusional. :)

    3. alawai


      I can thread a needle!

    4. BrentMc11


      :) I can't 100GFB. I got kicked out of Home economics in HS. HA HA! They did like my cooking :)
  16. How about one thread everything Brady? How many angles can you discuss this. They cheated. Brady cheated.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. southwest1


      It's like the news obsession with AM Track right now. All news stories run their 2-3 month course until something new occupies the nation's interest. Just hang in there & be patient Brent. This too shall pass I promise you my friend. :)

    3. BrentMc11


      Not really. Too many topics started. Mods have actually done a great job of merging and/or locking new threads. That was my point. Our NFL General Is Patriot General. I would like to see it by itself. Those of us who do not like the *s can stay out of it. OK...ready for my nap....:)

    4. southwest1


      It's cool. You have a right to vent. I know I always feel better after that. Enjoy your power nap; the world will look better after some R&R that's rest & relaxation just in case you were wondering.

  17. I sure like new threads, but some posters are making one sentence posts....lets put some thought into it guys and girls.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. radiogirl


      I am laughing so hard right now...

    3. BrentMc11


      I loved your status updates...Priceless.

    4. southwest1


      Well, "one" is the loneliest number you know. It probably applies to a single word too I would imagine. Besides one lines usually make the best jokes too. Just joking around Brent!

  18. See my PM to you.....thanks...:)

    1. southwest1


      Be right Back buddy...

  19. Looks like some folks got a little snippy last night. Glad to avoid it. :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. The Peytonator

      The Peytonator

      Man, I miss everything.

    3. radiogirl


      I missed this one. But I found a good one yesterday......HA!

    4. Gramz


      haha Time to take the blindfold off and show the Pinata' who's Boss. :)
  20. Finally back from vacation...We missed our Colts friends. Looks like a pretty nice FA so far. Draft around the corner. Go Colts.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. BrentMc11


      We can if our Hoosiers and Badgers are not playing :)

    3. radiogirl


      Thanks SW! I would say it's good to be back. But, I'm at work. So, I would be lying!

    4. BrentMc11
  21. I just realized....When FA starts I will be gone, without any internet or phone. :( Going cruising with radiogirl and my two oldest daughters!! :) Gonna be a great time!!!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. alawai
    3. southwest1


      Enjoy your holiday in the Bahamas Brent, RG, & family.

    4. radiogirl


      Thanks SW! Now we just have to do everything to get ready to go!

  22. Six inches of snow...kids playing. Snow still falling. Loving this beautiful Saturday!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. alawai


      Great day for me! Did my morning walk and now a little rest then off to do a little grocery shopping with the wife.

    3. COLTS449


      We had about 12 last week here in KY. Most of its still on the ground, but the roads are clear finally.

    4. BrentMc11


      Colts449: Did you get rain or a mix on this last one?

  23. I know we have NFL General, but I propose a Patriots General Thread since there are so many Patriots fans here. That means you enter at your own risk of getting into arguments, and you only have yourself to blame for going there. This would help Moderators keep up on Everything Patriots. I was going to make this a thread, and still may depending on responses here. Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. BrentMc11


      Thanks guys and gals...all good points. Bogie, you don't HAVE to miss it. You can jump right in. Like the Everything Trent, I just decided to stay away...it helped. Patriots General would do it too.

    3. Gramz


      Agree, Brent. Those who like to argue can feel free to jump right in. Those who don't will know to steer clear.

    4. Synthetic


      Imagine if we did this with the Broncos last year. Total isolation of conversations is a bad idea. NFL General is ALL NFL. Giving one team their specific subforum is a bad idea. If you did it for NE, you'd have to do it for all teams.

  24. Comcast: HMMMMM new higher speed modem..check....TV.....check....We did not check the phone? Do not call. We have no line :) GRRRR

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. radiogirl


      A couple of them are actually pretty good at cleaning.....

    3. radiogirl


      Not a problem anymore.....

    4. radiogirl


      You need to change your status. We are so set, it's like living in George Jetson's house of the future.....

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